Author Topic: FFVII music file names  (Read 9250 times)


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FFVII music file names
« on: 2018-09-06 20:33:59 »
Hi I'm currently trying to work out the titles of the tracks on the game, I've managed to place most of them but there's a few I'm struggling to place where they are in the game.
Here's the list so far:
Pre = The Prelude
Oa = Opening
Ob = Bombing Mission
markoro = Mako Reactor
kurai = Heart of Anxiety
tifa = Tifa's Theme
Barret = Barret's Theme
aseri = Hurry !
ayasi = Lurking in the Darkness
sinra = Shinra Company
bat = Those who Fight
fan2 = Fanfare
eairslo = Flowers Blooming in the Church
rhythm = Turk's Theme
dokubo = Under the Rotting Pizza
rocket = The Oppressed
bee = Honeybee Inn
yume = Who... Are You
corneo = Don of the Slums
sinraslo = Infiltrating Shinra
chu = Those who Fight Further
red = Red XIII's Theme
chase = Crazy Motorcycle
tender = Dear to the Heart
ta = Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII
mati = On Our Way
yago = Good Night, Until Tomorrow
tm = On that day, five years ago
bokujo = Farm Boy
walz = Waltz de Chocobo
elec = Electric de Chocobo
cinco = Cinco de Chocobo
dun2 = In Search of the Man in Black
condor = Fort Condor
parade = Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony
sido = It's hard to stand on both feet !
horror = Trail of blood
chu2 = Jenova
over2 = Continue
costa = Costa del Sol
sadbar = Mark of a Traitor
corel = Mining Town
gold1 = Gold Saucer
ketc = Cait Sith's Theme
rukei = Desert Wasteland
canyon = Cosmo Canyon
boo = Lifestream
seto = The Great Warrior
yufi = Descendant of Shinobi
cephiros = Those chosen by the Planet
vincent = The nightmare begins
sid2 = Cid's Theme
jyro = Steal the Tiny Bronco !
utai = Wutai
yufi2 = Stolen Materia
odds = Racing Chocobo's - Place your bets !
fiddle = Fiddle de Chocobo
crwin = Jackpot !
crlost = Tango of Tears
geki = Debut
date = Words drowned by fireworks
jukai = Forested Temple
iseki = Listen to the cries of the Planet
earis = Aerith's Theme
snow = Buried in Snow
kita = The north cave
mekyu = Reunion
hen = Who... Am I
gun = Shinra's Full-Scale Assault
weapon = Attack of the Weapon
mogu = The Highwind Takes to the Skies
sea = Secret of the Deep Sea
mura1 = Provincial Town
junon = From the Edge of Despair
guitar2 = Other Side of the Mountain
aseri2 = Hurry Up !
sadsid = Launching a dream into space
ro = Countdown
siera = Open your heart
cannon = Mako Cannon - The Destruction of Shinra
ld = Judgment Day
pj = Jenova Complete
lb1 = Birth of a God
lb2 = One-Winged Angel
fin = The Planet's Crisis
roll = Staff Roll
fanfare = parade fanfare

I'm missing comical, hiku, riku, si, tb, cintro and nointro.  Anyone know the proper titles of the tracks or where they are in the game?
Thanks in advance.


  • Covarr-Let
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Re: FFVII music file names
« Reply #1 on: 2018-09-06 21:35:23 »
Missing Song Titles:
  • Comical = (unused)
  • hiku = The Highwind Takes to the Skies
  • riku = The Destruction of Shinra (part 1)
  • si = The Destruction of Shinra (part 2)
  • tb = Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII (second half only)
  • cintro = Those Chosen by the Planet (intro only; this plays when Sephiroth burns Nibelheim)
  • nointro = Those Chosen by the Planet (without intro)

  • mogu = The Highwind Takes to the Skies (intro only)
  • cannon = Mako Cannon (without The Destruction of Shinra)
  • oa = Opening ~ Bombing Mission (even though ob is bombing mission alone, it's also included in full in oa)

If you wanna go the extra step to making this a perfect list, double check your grammar and punctuation:
  • There should not be a space between the last letter of a song title and an exclamation point (e.g. "Hurry !" is wrong, "Hurry!" is correct). You have made this mistake with every exclamation point in the whole album.
  • "Racing Chocobo's" should not have an apostrophe.
  • You have several titles improperly capitalized ("Those Who Fight Further", "On That Day, Five Years Ago", "It's Hard to Stand on Both Feet", "Those Chosen by the Planet", "The Nightmare Begins", "Words Drowned by Fireworks", "Listen to the Cries of the Planet", "Launching a Dream into Space", "Parade Fanfare").
« Last Edit: 2018-09-06 21:40:29 by Covarr »


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Re: FFVII music file names
« Reply #2 on: 2018-09-06 22:00:27 »
Thanks for the help, I copied and pasted the title list form a YouTube video just to get the names. This will make it alot easier for me to find replacements.

Now you pointed out the grammar I can't help but see it so it's all corrected I think.

pre = The Prelude
oa = Opening & bombing mission
ob = Bombing Mission
markoro = Mako Reactor
kurai = Heart of Anxiety
tifa = Tifa's Theme
Barret = Barret's Theme
aseri = Hurry!
ayasi = Lurking in the Darkness
sinra = Shinra Company
bat = Those Who Fight
fan2 = Fanfare
eairslo = Flowers Blooming in the Church
rhythm = Turk's Theme
dokubo = Under the Rotting Pizza
rocket = The Oppressed
bee = Honeybee Inn
yume = Who... Are You
corneo = Don of the Slums
sinraslo = Infiltrating Shinra
chu = Those Who Fight Further
red = Red XIII's Theme
chase = Crazy Motorcycle
tender = Dear to the Heart
ta = Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII
mati = On Our Way
yago = Good Night, Until Tomorrow
tm = On That Day, Five Years Ago
bokujo = Farm Boy
walz = Waltz de Chocobo
elec = Electric de Chocobo
cinco = Cinco de Chocobo
dun2 = In Search of the Man in Black
condor = Fort Condor
parade = Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony
sido = It's Hard to Stand on Both Feet!
horror = Trail of Blood
chu2 = Jenova
over2 = Continue
costa = Costa del Sol
sadbar = Mark of a Traitor
corel = Mining Town
gold1 = Gold Saucer
ketc = Cait Sith's Theme
rukei = Desert Wasteland
canyon = Cosmo Canyon
boo = Lifestream
seto = The Great Warrior
yufi = Descendant of Shinobi
cephiros = Those Chosen by the Planet
cintro = Those Chosen by the Planet (intro only; this plays when Sephiroth burns Nibelheim)
nointro = Those Chosen by the Planet (without intro)
vincent = The Nightmare Begins
sid2 = Cid's Theme
jyro = Steal the Tiny Bronco!
utai = Wutai
yufi2 = Stolen Materia
odds = Racing Chocobo's - Place Your Bets
fiddle = Fiddle de Chocobo
crwin = Jackpot!
crlost = Tango of Tears
geki = Debut
date = Words Drowned by Fireworks
jukai = Forested Temple
iseki = Listen to the Cries of the Planet
earis = Aerith's Theme
snow = Buried in Snow
kita = The North Cave
mekyu = Reunion
hen = Who... Am I
gun = Shinra's Full-Scale Assault
weapon = Attack of the Weapon
hiku = The Highwind Takes to the Skies
mogu = The Highwind Takes to the Skies (intro only)
sea = Secret of the Deep Sea
mura1 = Provincial Town
junon = From the Edge of Despair
guitar2 = Other Side of the Mountain
aseri2 = Hurry Up!
sadsid = Launching a Dream into Space
ro = Countdown
siera = Open Your Heart
cannon = Mako Cannon
riku = The Destruction of Shinra (part 1)
si = The Destruction of Shinra (part 2
ld = Judgment Day
pj = Jenova Complete
lb1 = Birth of a God
lb2 = One-Winged Angel
fin = The Planet's Crisis
roll = Staff Roll
tb = Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII (second half only)
fanfare = Parade Fanfare


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Re: FFVII music file names
« Reply #3 on: 2022-12-09 17:17:03 »
Since the first list contains a lot of mistakes, i wanted to upload my handwritten translation list. Maybe somebody has a use for it ;)

001 Opening - Bombing Mission = oa
002 Bombing Mission = ob
003 Pursue the Man in a Black Cloak! = dun2
004 Other Side of the Mountain = guitar2
005 Fanfare (Junon Parade) = fanfare
055 Gold Saucer = gold1
006 Mako Reactor = makoro
007 Those Who Fight = bat
008 Fiddle de Chocobo = fiddle
009 Anxious Heart = kurai
010 Those Who Keep Fighting = chu
011 Cait Sith's Theme = ketc
012 Aerith's Theme = earis
013 Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII = ta
014 Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII (Alternate) = tb
016 Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony = parade
018 Who Are You = yume
019 While Travelling = mati
020 Standing on Two Legs is Difficult! = sido
021 If You Opened Up Your Heart = siera
022 Waltz de Chocobo = walz
023 Don of the Slums = corneo
024 Blood Trail = horror
025 Canyon of the Falling Stars = canyon
026 Red XIII's Theme = red
027 The Great Warrior = seto
028 Lurking in the Darkness = ayasi
029 Shin-Ra Company = sinra
030 Infiltrating the Shin-Ra Building = sinraslo
031 Under the Rotten Pizza = dokubo
032 Farm Boy = bokujo
033 That Day Five Years Ago = tm
034 Tifa's Theme = tifa
035 Coast of the Sun = costa
036 The Oppressed = rocket
037 Flowers Blooming in the Church = earislo
038 Crazy Motorcycle = chase
039 Land of Exile in the Sand = rukei
040 The Planet's Chosen One = cephiros
041 Barrett's Theme = barret
042 Coal Mining Town = corel
043 Flow of Life = boo
044 Electric de Chocobo = elec
045 Turks' Theme = rhythm
046 Fanfare = fan2
047 Highwind of the Skies = hiku
048 The Mako Cannon Fires = cannon
049 Words Drowned Out by Fireworks = date
050 The Planet's Chosen One (Looped) = cintro
051 Cinco de Chocobo = cinco
052 J-e-n-o-v-a = chu2
053 Descendant of Ninjas = yufi
054 Hurry! = aseri
056 Frontier Village = mura1
057 Good Night, Until Tomorrow = yado
058 Continue (Game Over) = over2
059 Jackpot! = crwin
060 Tango of Tears = crlost
061 The Favourite Chocobo = odds
062 Debut = geki
063 From the Depths of Despair = junon
064 Treasured Memories = tender
065 Wind = wind [Sound Effects]
066 Beginning of the Nightmare = vincent
067 Honeybee Manor = bee
068 Temple in the Forest = jukai
069 Mark of a Traitor = sadbar
070 Hurry Up! = aseri2
071 Great Crater of the North = kita
072 Cid's Theme = sid2
073 A Dream of Space = sadsid
074 Hear the Voice of the Planet = iseki
075 Who... Am I = hen
076 Wutai = utai
077 Buried in Snow = snow
078 Stolen Materia = yufi2
079 The Reunion = mekyu
080 Fort Condor = condor
081 One-Winged Angel = lb2
082 Shin-Ra's Full-Scale Offensive = gun
083 Weapon Raid = weapon
084 Jenova Complete = pj
085 A Secret Sleeping in the Deep = sea
086 Judgement Day = ld
087 Birth of a God = lb1
088 sensui = sensui [Sound Effects]
089 The Countdown Begins = ro
090 Steal the Tiny Bronco! = jyro
091 The Planet's Chosen One (No Intro) = nointro
092 The Mako Cannon Fires = riku
093 Shin-Ra Explodes = si
094 Highwind of the Skies (alternate) = mogu
095 Prelude = pre
098 Staff Roll = roll

My list misses:

fin [Outro Video]
comical [Unused Track]
heart [Sound Effects]
sato [Sound Effects]