Author Topic: FF7 PSX HD Remake in Unity  (Read 6456 times)


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FF7 PSX HD Remake in Unity
« on: 2020-10-28 00:31:21 »
Hi peeps!,

I have been developing for funzies a remake of FF7. So far its only really consists of Materia and the Materia menu.
I'm using the mechanics guides written by Terence Fergusson.
I've used my own environment models and textures, where everything else is ripped from the PSX version.

Check out my first demo video:
Let me know what you guys think  8)


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Re: FF7 PSX HD Remake in Unity
« Reply #1 on: 2020-11-13 14:58:11 »

You want port my remake to this?hahaha.

Nice job man! You think finish these proyect?


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Re: FF7 PSX HD Remake in Unity
« Reply #2 on: 2021-07-02 13:40:04 »
### Update_0 ###
Main Menu:

### Update_1 ###
New videos released on Item Menu Creation.
Here for the UI creation:
Here for the code write up:


So it's been a while since I updated this post and thought now would be a good time to share what's been done so far. So here goes....

There are ~3-4 modules to create, the main being the Battle Module Field Module & Main Menu Module.  The field one is going to be the last one to contend with.

As it stands, the Main Menu Module is ~95% complete. Behaving near identically to it's PSX counterpart. I even went into the PC source code to get the sorting algorithm for the Items Menu when I couldn't figure it out by myself. (That's how dedicated I am!!)

The Battle Module is ~15% - 30% complete, depending how you look at it. There's the Mechanics side and the Graphics side.
Mechanics are ~90% complete. I have a simulator running the code, alls that's missing is before/after damage calculations, lucky 7's, etc.

Spoiler: show

The Graphics............The Graphics are fun...
I have a method of extracting models and animations from the game and importing them into Unity. So far I have Scorpian Guard, Grunt and a few others.
Animations for Cloud, Tifa and Barret have been done for Attack, Magic and Summon moves. Oh! I also fixed Tifa!

Spoiler: show

Her clothing....nothing else :roll:

To go along with all this, I've even created Editors so that all the Player, Enemy, Materia, Attacks, Commands, etc are pretty much all completely customisable.
Spoiler: show

I'm going to be creating a series of videos of me (re-re-re-)creating the Menu Module. I've recently made changes to a fundamental script, and require to upgrade all menu windows accordingly. So while I'm doing, that, I'll be recording if you're interested.

Here's my latest video that shows the first page of the Main Menu being created as well as some footage of overall progression.

Hope you like what you see and if you have any feed back, I'd be grateful to hear it.

Peace  8)

« Last Edit: 2021-07-05 01:52:33 by P3k »


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Re: FF7 PSX HD Remake in Unity
« Reply #3 on: 2021-07-05 02:34:35 »
Best of luck to you on this! This is only what I wish SE had done with a true "Classic Mode" in FFVII R instead of the joke that it was in that game.


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Re: FF7 PSX HD Remake in Unity
« Reply #4 on: 2021-07-05 02:37:55 »
Haha! Cheers Bonkers. To be honest, the let down that was SE's FF7R was the whole reason I started this. I've been working on it for just shy of a year now and progress is good. I feel good about this! Thanks for your encouragement! :)