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Messages - halkun

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It turns out every compressed file in the disk (anything that ends in .__Z) starts with that those two bytes (C3 FF) so it appears to be just a magic number identifying a compressed  file. This includes executable (.BIZ), pictures (.TIZ) dialogs (.ZZZ) answers (.ANZ) 

I can decrypt the movies, pictures, and probably sound/music data so far.  The game itself is pretty tiny, only about a meg a and a half.

I would love to get a dialog dump of the game and write my own engine around it. I have yet to decipher the text encoding, but that would be pretty awesome. The game engine has it's scripting opcodes in enshlish peppered around the main executable.

It's a shame the game is so rare, I'd like to have a tiny team help pick it apart.

I don't know how tolerate the game is to file re-insets, if it goes by filename of disk sector.  The game isn't exactly made for speed so who knows....

That's what I thought, as the LZSCDec doesn't barf on it I wish there was an way way in no$psx to set a breakpoint at the decompressor.

I have been playing an early square game from the 1990s called "Another Mind". It a text FMV game and it has a bunch of files I'm trying to figure out.

The main one is the compressed TIM format or .TIZ

I have an example file It's located here

The name of the file is Kanji.tiz From what I gather it's the main TIM with all the kanji loaded into video memory on load and is used thought the game (as it is a Text adventure game). I picked this one because the kanji is 1BPP and I have a "snapshot" of it in PSX memory. (It's in the lower left hand corner)

The file is obviously compressed with, I'm assuming, some kind of Lempel–Ziv compression due to it's popularity with Japanese and Squaresoft in general. (LZS/LZH)  Most likely Lempel–Ziv–Stac. as Square obviously had a library already.

Bytes 0x00-0x05 seem to be a header of sorts (0x04 and 0x05 are double zeros, which is imposable with compression.) Strangely, running it though LZSCDec does produce output, but I think it was blindly decompressing and the end result gives me no TIM headers.

You guys want to help take a stab at it?

Releases / Re: [WIP] Red XIII werewolf mod
« on: 2014-06-25 18:42:28 »
Before you tessellated the model, did you get a UV bake for later application?

I personally go for the "bake" first and then shade under it using multiply in gimp. I get a better real time look of what I'm doing. That's just me

Do an Ambient occlusion bake into your model!!! It's a little tricky but you with thank me later!!!!!

The tree directory format is here

The file names were stripped when the IMG was made

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: FF8 Script OpCodes
« on: 2014-01-19 21:51:57 »
Yup! I'm an idiot...

Oh well, we can always look forward to me asking again in another three years or so... :P

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: FF8 Script OpCodes
« on: 2014-01-19 19:51:50 »
That's where the LAST opcodes came from for FF7! What does he know about Final Fantasy that we don't?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: FF8 Script OpCodes
« on: 2014-01-19 18:36:00 »
I added WIKI access, but this is kind of bugging me... Where did you find the names of the opcodes? The same thing happened with FF7, the opcode names just... "appeared" one day. I've poked in the PC executable and didn't find any reference, is this left over cruft found in the PSX version?

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: FF8 wav format
« on: 2013-12-18 22:52:09 »
PSX actually ADPCM is it's native sound format. PCM is just a raw digital sample of an analog waveform. ADPCM is adaptive allowing samples at different time lengths....

Oh wait, do you mean the sound effects. Careful, the system had a waveform mixer so they might be digitally mixed from raw tones.

Troubleshooting / Re: close-to-PSX console emulator
« on: 2013-10-27 20:26:23 »
no$psx is an actual PSX debugging platform that comes with hooks for Psy-Q console output, GPU packet debugging, and I think something to watch the rootcounter strobes, but I didn't play with it that deeply.

It's what I used to figure out why FF7 ran in such a goofy-ass resolution.

Keep in mind that the core of the game was also ported from a MIPS CPU using 65316 template code. Things can get a little odd.

Wait wait wait wait....

These guys decided to do a kickstarter for an IP they didn't own, and then are shocked when SquareEnix shuts them down? This is almost laughable!

"This was going to be non-profit!"
Really? Because it looks like you are collecting money on IP you don't own. Where was all that money going to go? To magical faeries in the sky? Oh, you were going to buy things like cameras and equipment for yourself? Yea, not gonna be happening.

"SquareEnix didn't even talk to us!"

Did you hire a lawyer? Did you even have one on retainer? You are talking about intellectual property that costs hundreds of millions of dollars. I don't even think they would even consider licensing it to you for less that 7 digits. I'm pretty sure they look one look at you, realized you would never be able to afford any licensing agreements, and shut you down.

"We just wanted permission"

From who? The "Permission Guy"? The CEO? You think there's some dude sitting in an office who's all like "Na, you're cool dude! Let my just send this email up to management and we can CC the shareholders to let them know we just let "some guy on the internet" do whatever he wants with our stuff.

This is really no different than that dumb World of Pokemon kickstarter that someone tried to pull. I'm sure Nintendo would of been thrilled to see 30K made off of their IP with absolutely no oversight.

=== EDIT ===
Oh God, they were asking for $400,000! That's nuclear-powered dumb.

=== EDIT EDIT ===
They were halfway there and started selling merchandise? *facepalm*

If you want to know square's side of the story.. See the following video

Graphical / Re: [WIP] HD battle scene pack
« on: 2013-09-03 04:21:10 »
I guess the question is why change those? I think we've monkeyed around with the shadow file and nothing came of it the the past because it's the same model used for all characters and monsters.

Also the .dat file will be no way standardized. It's most likely a lzw compressed model.


Square decided that the best way to intermix movie data and 3D data was to manually place the video bitmap into VRAM via the the CPU and not by using an MDEC DMA transfer. This allowed the engine to manually lay down video data and then paint the 3D model on top when it was needed.

Sadly, due to data bus bandwidth limitations, You can only transfer so much data to the GPU from the CPU before it overflows. To get around this, Square decided to send the video data using twenty 24x224 "strips", pushing them into the VRAM with a write/flush/write/flush/write/flush loop. There isn't enough bandwidth between the CPU and the GPU to make the strip longer.

If the made the strip more narrow, (and therefore longer so it will go to 240), they would run into pixel data alignment issues.

If the strip was made to the next logical pixel data boundary(8x240), the the video would have required too many cache flushes, therefore slowing down the FPS.

In the end, the resolution tradeoff didn't hurt the video quality, so the resolution stuck.

It also has the added benefit of more Color Look Up Tables to be tucked away at the bottom of the viewport.

I have screenshot of the VRAM in mid-write so show what I mean. You can see it linked here

On the right and side is the GPU's Command chain for that vsync, where it is laying down the 24x224 strips and flushing the cache after every write.

And that should put an end to that argument :)

== EDIT ==

And, when the move flips from 24-bit to 16-bit the strips become 16x224 this allows them to use the same program loop with perfectly aligned pixel boundaries with the same amount of cache flushes. With less data, this frees up some bandwith to draw 3d polys on the screen before vsync.

This post is the proud winner of my prestigious "post of the day" award. ~Covarr

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2013-08-19 04:39:32 »
When I originally envisioned the engine, I wanted it to use the data files natively. It was Akari who decided to go the conversion route. I also wanted concentation on the PSX version as the PC version was really rare. Now that it's been re-released, and now the PSX version is the rare one. I would like to see native file formats used more. (Akari was more intrested in making an engine then a drop-in executable replacement)

If I was more motivated, I would start a new project using Unity. But that's just me.

Graphical / Re: [WIP]Motorball
« on: 2013-07-25 05:56:25 »
You can "overlap" similar UVs so that you only need to texture one side so the second side is mirrored. I will recommend that

The original game didn't have controller support at all. It was keyboard only. There are programs that allow you to map keystrokes to the controller buttons. You should use that if you want controller support

Hello! I am Halkun and I'm a mod from around here. I decided to pull myself out of semi-retirement to congratulate you on purchasing FF7 steam and answer a lot of questions that are coming up over and over again. Also, because my cell phone's email account is linked to the web site, I've been getting messages nonstop about newbies and so I'd like to address some concerns with that was well.

First of all, let me give you a little bit about the law of the land here.

Here at Qhimm forums we come from an older culture of internet users. The website itself has been up for over a decade and we maintain a particular type of etiquette which may seem strange for newcomers. We are a community of hackers. Not in the sense that we do anything illegal, but we the older definition of "hacking" that involves taking things apart and see how things work, and putting back together again in strange ways. There are some caveats to this which I will get to below. Without further adieu, I'll get to the FAQ.

1) About modding the game.
I want to get this out first as it's probably the reason why you have come here. You probably have noticed that there is no Steam Workshop with this release of FF7. There is a very good reason for this. Unlike some other game companies, Square-Enix is openly hostile towards game modification. They have shut down modding communities in the past, and on May 9th 2009 completely obliterated the Chrono trigger/Chrono Cross modding community by banning the mere discussion of the data formats for the games. This comes about because Square-Enix is a Japanese company, and any alteration of a game is seen as tarnishing and disrespecting the work as a whole. Our community here has also has light brushes with Square's legal team so we tread lightly on eggshells. We have modding rules here that seem strange to someone just coming in. You can find these FAQs in the modding forums. Now that I have that out of the way, you are probably looking for Bootleg, and a a tutorial for modding FF7 can be found here.

Now that I got that out of way, let's work on the FAQ proper.

2) What did I just buy?
You have purchased the 2012 re-release of the 1998 US version of Final Fantasy 7 for PC. This makes the version a re-re-release of the program. This means there are three "versions' of FF7 for PC.
1) The 1998 version. This is the moddable one
2) The "Square Online Store" version that was released in 2012
3) This version, which I will call the "steam version"

Ok, now. Here is the kicker about all three versions. They are all the same thing!

In 2008, the FF7 mod community noticed that the game used a modular graphics driver. The original driver was OpenGL and was with the PC demo released in 1998. It was changed to DirectX for the 1998 commercial release. A new OpenGL driver was written by the modding community and fixed many problems with the PC port allowing it to run on current machines.

In 2012 Square released the game with their own driver and hacked in cloud saves, achievements and such and such. THE ORIGINAL 1998 GAME EXECUTIBLE IS STILL BEING USED. It's just "wrapped" by the new driver and leads us to believe that Square has lost the original PC source code to the game.

The Steam version is just the 2012 version with a few Steam hooks. That's it

So, if you want to make FF7 moddable, you need to remove Square's graphic driver and replace it with the moddable fan-made one. You will lose cloud saves and achievements, but the original game didn't have them and if you look at the list of achievements, they are things you do in the game as a matter of winning it anyway. You honestly lose nothing.

3) Why didn't Square-Enix recompile the game/re-port the game?
Looking at what Square-Enix has done to make the game runnable on newer systems, it almost directly mirrors how we do it. It would appear that they either have lost the original source code, or it's in such a state of atrophy, that it worthless to port.

4) What's up with the joypad controller support?
You are buying a game that was released in 1998. The only real controllers that were used for PC back then were a joysticks. WASD and mouselook were new technologies, and not even all FPSs had that!

5) The graphics look like crap!
Yes, the original 3D background art was lost, and the 1998 port team had to use the low resolution PSX graphics. We have some mods to help with that.

6) But it looked so much better on my TV!
That's because a television cira 1997 was a low-resolution analogue device. The best fidelity you could get out of it was around 512x240 non-interlaced. FF7 ran originally at 320x240.


For now I'm going to leave this thread open. I'll be around to answer any questions you may have or push you to an area that can better help you.

Hello! I am Halkun and I'm a mod from around here. I decided to pull myself out of semi-retirement to congratulate you on purchasing FF7 steam and answer a lot of questions that are coming up over and over again. Also, because my cell phone's email account is linked to the web site, I've been getting messages nonstop about newbies and so I'd like to address some concerns with that was well.

First of all, let me give you a little bit about the law of the land here.

Here at Qhimm forums we come from an older culture of internet users. The website itself has been up for over a decade and we maintain a particular type of etiquette which may seem strange for newcomers. We are a community of hackers. Not in the sense that we do anything illegal, but we the older definition of "hacking" that involves taking things apart and see how things work, and putting back together again in strange ways. There are some caveats to this which I will get to below. Without further adieu, I'll get to the FAQ.

1) About modding the game.
I want to get this out first as it's probably the reason why you have come here. You probably have noticed that there is no Steam Workshop with this release of FF7. There is a very good reason for this. Unlike some other game companies, Square-Enix is openly hostile towards game modification. They have shut down modding communities in the past, and on May 9th 2009 completely obliterated the Chrono trigger/Chrono Cross modding community by banning the mere discussion of the data formats for the games. This comes about because Square-Enix is a Japanese company, and any alteration of a game is seen as tarnishing and disrespecting the work as a whole. Our community here has also has light brushes with Square's legal team so we tread lightly on eggshells. We have modding rules here that seem strange to someone just coming in. You can find these FAQs in the modding forums. Now that I have that out of the way, you are probably looking for Bootleg, and a a tutorial for modding FF7 can be found here.

Now that I got that out of way, let's work on the FAQ proper.

2) What did I just buy?
You have purchased the 2012 re-release of the 1998 US version of Final Fantasy 7 for PC. This makes the version a re-re-release of the program. This means there are three "versions' of FF7 for PC.
1) The 1998 version. This is the moddable one
2) The "Square Online Store" version that was released in 2012
3) This version, which I will call the "steam version"

Ok, now. Here is the kicker about all three versions. They are all the same thing!

In 2008, the FF7 mod community noticed that the game used a modular graphics driver. The original driver was OpenGL and was with the PC demo released in 1998. It was changed to DirectX for the 1998 commercial release. A new OpenGL driver was written by the modding community and fixed many problems with the PC port allowing it to run on current machines.

In 2012 Square released the game with their own driver and hacked in cloud saves, achievements and such and such. THE ORIGINAL 1998 GAME EXECUTIBLE IS STILL BEING USED. It's just "wrapped" by the new driver and leads us to believe that Square has lost the original PC source code to the game.

The Steam version is just the 2012 version with a few Steam hooks. That's it

So, if you want to make FF7 moddable, you need to remove Square's graphic driver and replace it with the moddable fan-made one. You will lose cloud saves and achievements, but the original game didn't have them and if you look at the list of achievements, they are things you do in the game as a matter of winning it anyway. You honestly lose nothing.

3) Why didn't Square-Enix recompile the game/re-port the game?
Looking at what Square-Enix has done to make the game runnable on newer systems, it almost directly mirrors how we do it. It would appear that they either have lost the original source code, or it's in such a state of atrophy, that it worthless to port.

4) What's up with the joypad controller support?
You are buying a game that was released in 1998. The only real controllers that were used for PC back then were a joysticks. WASD and mouselook were new technologies, and not even all FPSs had that!

5) The graphics look like crap!
Yes, the original 3D background art was lost, and the 1998 port team had to use the low resolution PSX graphics. We have some mods to help with that.

6) But it looked so much better on my TV!
That's because a television cira 1997 was a low-resolution analogue device. The best fidelity you could get out of it was around 512x240 non-interlaced. FF7 ran originally at 320x240.


For now I'm going to leave this thread open. I'll be around to answer any questions you may have or push you to an area that can better help you.

and the fieldscript engine got rewritten in 8 (I think merged from Xenogears, and FF7 used a psudo FF6 event system)

Did we ever figure out what pCount is... I think I made that up when I put it in the wiki.

Is there any news on the checksum crack yet? I really want this to work with my PS3 save :(.

It's not a checksum, it's an authentication key, which takes an order of magnitude to figure out, if you can at all. You have to disassemble the Ps3 OS to see how they are generated, and Sony isn't very keen on people doing that. In fact litigated to make sure several people kept their fingers out of it.

SMD are the audio files that were used from the Psy-Q game library. If I remember right they are the digital sample counterparts to an SEQ file, which is like a MIDI. So it's like a sondfont or a digital sample.

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