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Messages - lhsgenx37

Pages: [1]
Aavock ESUI Theme needs to make the borders wider on the main menu because some of the menu names don't fit in the border lines.

Retouch battle view has the names covering my battle avatars. Is this a bug or do I need to adjust my mods?

I forgot to mention. Can you add these avatars to the battle menu too?

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2024-01-01 12:08:00 »
I found out enhanced stock UI theme was turned off and turned it back on. Now it works.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-31 12:27:30 »
The game gives me an error message and shuts down when Sephiroth flies away on the cargo ship before the boss fight with Jenova Birth.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-29 22:17:57 »
Can you check the link to this forum in the 7th Heaven mod. I click on it and it doesn't work anymore. It used to. If moving forward in the game doesn't mess up anywhere I'll keep playing. I save in new slots after every boss fight so if I enter the cave again and it glitches, I'll do what you said.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-29 11:35:11 »
I just updated to the newest version this morning. I already saved over the file where I was stuck in Wutai. I started from an earlier save and turned off the mod until I got throught the mythril cave and saved it. I restarted the game with the mod back on and I was able to continue the game to Junon. It was frustrating, but I got it. That would be a fix to look at.

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-29 00:38:00 »
I'm stuck on wutai island. I entered the mythril cave after crossing the swamp where the midgar zolom is and after I talk to the turks and exit the cave it switches right to yuffie stealing our materia and warps us to wutai. I'm supposed to exit the cave and head toward rocket town, but it warps me straight to wutai. I beat corneo and try to leave wutai and get stuck where the river starts where I'm supposed to have the water plane and it's not there.

Can you add these avatars to the dialogue boxes like many of the other mods are doing with avatars? That would be awesome.

Retouch mod: everytime there is a "j" in the text there is always a space after it. Example: J enova. It's an annoying little text issue.

The game crashes everytime on New Threat 2.0 when using FT or ESUI once you choose abilities in battle mode. It doesn't crash when turning off FT and ESUI.

Your new update is making the clock in the menu no longer show the seconds on my game. I can't attach an image because the post isn't allowing me to.

I uninstalled FT and reinstalled it and it still makes my theme the OG theme. What do you suggest? It is at the top of my list in the mod list. It works. I was using a previous save before Echo-S7 official was added to the list. When I added the official Echo-S7 it didn't save the theme. I had to start a new game and it did carry over the theme, but doesn't carry over the theme on my old saves. Wish it did because I save it at every boss scene and CG scene. Can you fix that issue or see if the theme carries over on any of your saves prior to using the official Echo-S7?

The color themes are still not working.

Tetsuya Nomura Alternate Artwork Avatar Pack
by Wictoriously

Hello, all! This is my first FF7 mod I created for myself and I thought maybe some other people would be interested in using it!
This mod features alternate artwork done by Tetsuya Nomura himself from FF7 G-Bike, Crisis Core, Opera Omnia, and Ehrgeiz (with the exception of Red XIII & Aerith, who is a photoshop Frankenstein creation).

Credit for Aerith's body goes to benteja @ deviantart.

Download Here

Can you add these as mini battle avatars like how Finishing Touch has done theirs? I'm trying to give it an Ever Crisis battle view and your avatars are like the ones in the videos of Ever Crisis battle sequences.

Can you update the avatar iro on the 7th heaven app? I can't download it. It stays at pending.

Can you add the link to download the iro for the nomura avatar pack. My 7 heaven doesn't show the mod in my catalogue and when I download mods they show as pending, but doesn't download. Possibly help me fix this issue.

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