Author Topic: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5 - unsuported anymore  (Read 417643 times)


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #125 on: 2021-03-08 05:30:45 »
Mainly maintenance, i included all that i wanted originaly (maybe i'll add Aavock works if once translated + nino work once complete, but nothing soon)
Yes i should do an unsinstaller ^^

Strongly support this, Aavock and Ninostyle chibi field/world  and normal battle models are very good and in vanilla style


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #126 on: 2021-03-08 06:27:10 »
Strongly support this, Aavock and Ninostyle chibi field/world  and normal battle models are very good and in vanilla style

I can but agree.

Please see if ninostyle and Aavock's work can become part of this because they are exceptionally good.

Thanks again.


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #127 on: 2021-03-08 11:59:21 »
Steam AIO 5.26 available:
-Removed the auto detect if GPU is D3D12 capable and auto set it at runtime (cause more bug than it solve).
-Updated FFNx (correct save witch can be deleted by steam if the game crash).
-Better Steam user management.


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #128 on: 2021-03-08 17:20:08 »
Please see if ninostyle and Aavock's work can become part of this because they are exceptionally good.
I will most likely be "translating" my textures for all english players. For the time being, the Chocobo race is the last remaining mini game to complete for a complete french version of my project.


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #129 on: 2021-03-08 17:47:41 »
Hello Aavock!

I will most likely be "translating" my textures for all english players. For the time being, the Chocobo race is the last remaining mini game to complete for a complete french version of my project.

Thanks for your effort for us playing with the English version of the game.

Merci beaucoup!


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #130 on: 2021-03-08 18:28:18 »
Hi, I was wondering how to uninstall the mod so I can install everything from scratch (the game on steam, then 5.21 and then the 5.2x update).

I can't launch the modded version right now because of a "Folder Collision bug", I can only launch the unmodded ver. btw I use AMD. So I wanted to check if once I install everything again it works or not.


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #131 on: 2021-03-08 22:37:19 »
Hey everyone! I downloaded the mod and im promoting it on my Twitch and Twitter to let know the people whats this mod about, i feel it amazing.

The only problem is..i had a similar problem like this

The game crashes right after the first mako reactor, talk to Aeris, go down one screen, then a big lobby.  When I exit south the game goes black but the music keeps playing.

In my case it crashed when we were on the wagon and jesse talks to you to look at the train panel map and suddenly, after watch it, it crashes, i had this turned on the SYW settings:

-HD Fields Backgrounds
-HD worldmap
-HD Minigames
-HD Battle Backgrounds
-HD Fonts and Menus
-PSX Musics
-Psx Battle Shadows
-Hide Vanilla Models Mouth

Also, i run it on Screen Resolution on 1920x1080, Graphic Engine was on D3D12 (I have 2070Super) Internal Resolution x8, Anti Aliasing x8 and, also, turned on this

-Enable Vsync
-Anisotropic Filter
-Play in 16/9
-Advanced animations

I decided to switch graphic engine to auto if that was the issue but was keeping the problem, so i decided to switch off all the SYW V5 Settings(the ones you can see the previews) and didnt happen this time, so i used a save state after, and turned on mods and no more problems after it.

But im scared if this happens again.

Any idea? Im using the All-in-one Installer with the updated 5.26

Maybe the problem is i didnt install the FFNx? Isnt this only for 7th Heaven or i needed to do it in this case too?

Thanks a lot for reading this and thanks a LOT for doing this great job




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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #132 on: 2021-03-09 06:42:32 »
a "Folder Collision bug" appens if you modded something over my mod.
now uninstaller ATM (will be in the next update).
the easyiest way is to delete the ff7 steam folder and reinstall ff7 with steam (or simply check files after deleted the folder)


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #133 on: 2021-03-09 14:18:58 »
a "Folder Collision bug" appens if you modded something over my mod.
now uninstaller ATM (will be in the next update).
the easyiest way is to delete the ff7 steam folder and reinstall ff7 with steam (or simply check files after deleted the folder)

Yeah, it's strange because I didn't mod anything. Just been installing every update (sometimes I had to install one update twice because my antivirus software holds some file)


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #134 on: 2021-03-10 06:39:57 »
this bug can appens when you use d3d12 + modern 3D models.
i'll add a warning about it in the next update, seems related to some unexpected shadow in some modern 3d models.

so try d3d11, it should work as expected


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #135 on: 2021-03-10 14:57:56 »
this bug can appens when you use d3d12 + modern 3D models.
i'll add a warning about it in the next update, seems related to some unexpected shadow in some modern 3d models.

so try d3d11, it should work as expected

Hi! Thanks a lot, but i didnt had modern 3D models turned on

This is what i have actually

I'll turn D3D11 if that solves the problems anyways



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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #136 on: 2021-03-10 23:44:18 »
Hi satsuki, will the IROs also be updated to 5.26?


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #137 on: 2021-03-11 08:37:05 »
the iro are the same as the AIO installer, the version for AIO installer are only related to the control pannel.
so iro or aio steam installer use the same textures.


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #138 on: 2021-03-11 11:18:39 »
A bug have been detected in the lastest update, you can't save game if you're not using the english version of ff7 in steam.
I'll do an update as soon as a corrected ffnx version will be avaible.


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #139 on: 2021-03-13 11:23:17 »
I started a new game and it crashed around 10 minutes in. I'm using the Steam version, your mod (latest version) and gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod, nothing else. Log is here:

3080 / 9800K / 32GB RAM / DX12.

I will try DX11 next. Are you able to let me know what the issue was at all? Thanks

Edit: It crashed again in the same spot using DX11. It appears to happen in the same area each time - the first save point in the game at the bottom of the ladder (before planting the bomb). When a random battle starts, the swirl appears and then it crashes.
« Last Edit: 2021-03-13 11:45:14 by coflash »


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #140 on: 2021-03-13 15:21:00 »
5.27 update for the Steam AIO installer ready (link in the first post)

PLEASE DO THE 5.27 UPDATE (it's correcting a potential crash at launch and a save bug with version other than the english's one)

-Added a warning message with some renderer and modern 3D models.
-Added an uninstaller.
-Updated FFNx (correct a save bug with not english version of the game).
-Corrected the option to launch unmodded steam version.
-Corrected a potiential crash with "auto" "graphic engine".


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I still looking if I can find definitive evidence but the update to 5.27 seems to have erased my local save files. Unfortunately, I didn't have cloud backup enabled so I've likely lost 10 hours of play time. 


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Quick question! I noticed in the battle pictures you provided that you were using a different battle model for Cloud than the one used in the mod.

I was wondering what model that was and whether it's downloadable?

Loving your mod BTW <3


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I downloaded the IRO version for heaven.  For the update can I just download the steam version update or do i need to download the entire iro version again?  Thanks for this mod its awesome.


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update don't delete any save file at all

it's an alternate model from the ChaOs project, shouldn't have let it here

iro's and steam version are 2 separate thinks.


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I did a new install without gjoerulv's Hardcore mod and it seems to work okay.

Is there any way to use this with the hardcore mod in a way that it wont crash?


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First off, thank you so much to everyone involved in this project, it's simply amazing!
Never thought this would even be possible.

Small noteworthy mention:
The movie 'pEnding2.avi' still has French subtitles.
(I think it's the only movie that has subtitles)

Again, cheers and thank you so much!  8)


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ask in the gjoerulv's thread

those pxxxx movie is file related to a french parodic mod, a forget to remove them before the release, don't worry it as no impact at all on ending movie ^^


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I updated to your newest version, using this mod only, started a new game and made it to Aeris house

I closed the game and came back 30 minutes later, and my save game is missing :/
« Last Edit: 2021-03-15 22:40:33 by coflash »


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Re: [FF7PC][TSUNAMODS] Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5
« Reply #149 on: 2021-03-15 17:04:07 »
5.27 update for the Steam AIO installer ready (link in the first post)

PLEASE DO THE 5.27 UPDATE (it's correcting a potential crash at launch and a save bug with version other than the english's one)

-Added a warning message with some renderer and modern 3D models.
-Added an uninstaller.
-Updated FFNx (correct a save bug with not english version of the game).
-Corrected the option to launch unmodded steam version.
-Corrected a potiential crash with "auto" "graphic engine".

I installed your updated and now i cant play the game and i needed to uninstall it all, i dont know what happened but now i cant play :(