Author Topic: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?  (Read 41889 times)


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #25 on: 2008-05-27 03:14:37 »
So you guys are SURE you can make this work?

I have a lot of knowledge in the area of Voice-Over work. Enough of it that I have no problems with being the Voice-Over Director for this project, presuming nobody else objects. Programmers on the Qhimm Forums need to see commitment, and if we can find a talented bunch of Voice-Overs, that will be a good start. People are welcome to submit their Audition via E-mail between 11:59 tonight, up until mid-June -- Though I URGE anybody Auditioning to connect to the Ventrilo Server on June 7th / June 8th. This will play a large, deciding factor on whether or not we have the commitment to proceed. So refer your Facebook Friends, MySpace Friends, MSN Friends, Real Life Friends, Family, Relatives, Etc. Anyone you feel would have the voice that actually fits a Character in FF7.

Information in regards to this may be found in the Casting Call thread.


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #26 on: 2008-05-27 11:41:55 »
Thanks for the feedback Ficedula.

I've been trying to understand how the game dialog works to see if my theory was correct on how to go at it (which is proving kind of hard since I have no programming skills ... at all) and reading Gears, I see you contributed some info to the Dialog and Event Field Format.  Would you have any suggestion as to how this could be handled ?

I have one or two ideas about how it could work. I expect there's probably a number of approaches you could take to hook into the game and intercept the text display, but really technical investigation would be required to see how plausible any possible approach would be. The two that come to mind immediately are modifying the field files to try and play the sounds in-game, or writing an external utility (like FF7Music) that hooked events but did all the sound processing in a separate application. My personal feeling is that the second would be easier.

I'm willing to take a look at how possible something like this would be, but first I'll have to get FF7 working on my current computer!

I hope Ficedula gets involved as a Voice Over :)

I'd be happy to contribute my smoooooth British accent if the project got off the ground, but I don't know I'd be suitable for a main character. If nothing else, the time involved in recording a large amount of dialogue is probably more than I could commit to at the moment.


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #27 on: 2008-05-27 12:00:33 »
The first option would work better if implemented :P MP3 probably won't get a good compression ratio when put into LGP files, so it might as well be put into a custom container. New modified version of window opcode could be implemented, that would take an extra argument of the MP3 to be played - that would require modifying the flevel files, but once it's done you don't have to peek any process for changes + you'd get a better responsivness.


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #28 on: 2008-05-27 13:14:14 »
First off, I'd like to say thanks to everybody who's taken the time to consider this so far.  It's really great to see people showing interest in this just like I am , especially since two people I would describe as a master of the add-on while the other as the master of fixed/adding to the existing engine from within are among the group.

Also, I've been a member of this board for a few years now and I've mostly taken from this community.  I'd like to give back a little so I'd like to offer you guys my help on the technical side but as I've stated before I'm starting from scratch so I don't know how much help I'm going to be.

As Ficedula mentioned, I do believe the first step would be to probe on how the game truly handles dialog events.  Something in my grasp right now is to do research so I'll do a research tonight and post the results of my findings on what is currently known on dialog events for quick reference and to further my understanding.

edit : summarized what I was saying.
« Last Edit: 2008-05-28 03:06:05 by Marcis »


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #29 on: 2008-05-27 16:40:13 »
Thanks for the feedback Ficedula.

I've been trying to understand how the game dialog works to see if my theory was correct on how to go at it (which is proving kind of hard since I have no programming skills ... at all) and reading Gears, I see you contributed some info to the Dialog and Event Field Format.  Would you have any suggestion as to how this could be handled ?

I have one or two ideas about how it could work. I expect there's probably a number of approaches you could take to hook into the game and intercept the text display, but really technical investigation would be required to see how plausible any possible approach would be. The two that come to mind immediately are modifying the field files to try and play the sounds in-game, or writing an external utility (like FF7Music) that hooked events but did all the sound processing in a separate application. My personal feeling is that the second would be easier.

I'm willing to take a look at how possible something like this would be, but first I'll have to get FF7 working on my current computer!

I hope Ficedula gets involved as a Voice Over :)

I'd be happy to contribute my smoooooth British accent if the project got off the ground, but I don't know I'd be suitable for a main character. If nothing else, the time involved in recording a large amount of dialogue is probably more than I could commit to at the moment.

Just to clear this up, I realize it's hard to fit a british accent into the Game, but Reeve would be a good choice for a british accent. If you want to voice one of the main characters, you would have to learn more of a north american dialect :P


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #30 on: 2008-05-28 03:00:01 »
Quick progress report on my end for people interested.

I've done a search in technical and in q-gears on every post containing "dialog".  I've also read the relevant parts of the wiki.  This obviously was massive amounts of info (not all of it relevant for this project) and I need time to let all this set in and I also would like to look at a field file inside flevel.lgp

I can however say right now that I was wrong in that the 0x41 MPARA and 0x42 MPAR2 opcodes are for showing dialog.  The correct one seems to be 0x40 MESSAGE.


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #31 on: 2008-05-28 08:36:43 »
I'll wrap up a quick example of how it could be done by modifying ff7.exe (placing hooks actully). Now I see that there is no need to invent a new opcode or to modify flevel.lgp.


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #32 on: 2008-05-28 09:51:13 »
Yep, a hook is the way to go; not too difficult to implement. Proof of concept;

Would need more work to implement sound playback on demand, etc, but at least we know it's fairly trivial to intercept the text as it gets displayed on the screen.

(Ignore the corrupted graphics, getting it working on my Mac is still a bit of a work in progress!)
« Last Edit: 2008-05-28 09:55:02 by ficedula »


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #33 on: 2008-05-28 18:43:59 »
And that quick example I was talking about:

 - Place a "sample.wav" file into FF7 folder
 - Run FF7 (1.02 patch, English version)
 - Run "DLLLoad.exe" from the Bin folder

From this point, whenever you talk to someone, a sample file will be played, and the info about the dialog will be put into debug.txt file in FF7 directory. If there is no sample file, the default Windows sound will be used. If you can't hear anything, make sure that the sound is not muted in FF7 (FF7Music users).

The DLL creates the hooks, and has 2 functions called when the dialog is starting to get displayed, and when it disappears from the screen. Functions are feeded with the ID of current location, and the Dialog ID (in the flevel.lgp files). If the dialog contains multiple screens, it's treated as one, but that could be fixed by (for example) counting the "New screen" tags (then the function would get the third parameter, no# of the screen in the dialog).

Oh, and the source is included only for the DLL, as the Loader isn't actually needed (you can use any dll loader).


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #34 on: 2008-05-29 00:35:50 »
Great job guys!

Didn't think we'd see results so quickly.

I however had a few questions.

First one, Dziugo, I tried to run your tool to see if I could gather more info about how the game handles dialog but when I start dllloader, i get a side-by-side error.  Obviously I know this isn't even alpha yet and this is to be expected but I figured you'd like to know.  I use Vista and it was in the right directories.

Second one, Ficedula, I tried to take a look in Cosmo to some of the flevel.lgp files but Cosmo oddly opens outside my screen ?  I can bring up the options with alt but can't see the actually main folder.

Third one, I was hoping to have a theory to suggest here but since I couldn't take a look at the files as I would have liked I don't really have much to say.  How would you guys think we could identify which dialog line is being called (basically ID it).  I mean, we can show the text right now, but can we uniquely identify which text is shown so we can associate that identifier with a file to play it ?  My guess from what I know would be that we'd need to identify the right field file in use but apart from that how could we tell which dialog is being called up by the game ?


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #35 on: 2008-05-29 07:17:48 »
Bah, the old Cosmo off screen bug...easiest solution is to run Cosmo then hit Alt-Space to bring up the system menu (don't worry if you can't see it), and hit 'M' for 'move', then use arrow keys & mouse to bring it back on screen.

Third one, I was hoping to have a theory to suggest here but since I couldn't take a look at the files as I would have liked I don't really have much to say.  How would you guys think we could identify which dialog line is being called (basically ID it).  I mean, we can show the text right now, but can we uniquely identify which text is shown so we can associate that identifier with a file to play it ?  My guess from what I know would be that we'd need to identify the right field file in use but apart from that how could we tell which dialog is being called up by the game ?

Two possibilities.

Firstly, identify the dialogue by ID - as dzuigo's app does. So every time a dialogue is displayed the tool knows, 'this is file NVL_W, dialogue #4". You'd then have used some sort of a field file viewer to go through and see what dialogue it contained, and recorded a file (e.g. NVL_W_04.wav) with the dialogue for whatever dialogue #4 said.

Secondly, identify the dialogue by text - more like my test app. So when the dialogue is displayed the tool knows, 'Cloud is saying "The black-caped man?"'. It then looks to see if you've recorded a file linked to that text and if so plays it. (It could also take into account the location you were in, of course.) You'd probably strip out a certain amount of formatting/punctuation to make matching it up easier.

The first approach is arguably more 'correct', but there are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches;
-If the text changes the first method will still play the audio, the second won't (say somebody has edited the field files). It's hard to say which is better! If all that's happened is that somebody has corrected a spelling error in the field file, you probably still want the audio to play. On the other hand, if somebody has changed the text totally you probably don't want the original audio to play! The second method would let you play a different file (if you knew what the new dialogue was), so you could in theory distribute a single voice pack that still worked (and actually played something different) when certain patches to the dialogue were installed.

-In a similar way, the first method would still work if you were running a foreign version of the game (provided the dialogue IDs matched up). Of course, would you want English dialogue on a French language game?

(That raises another issue; I know in the UK release they at least renamed 'Aerith' to 'Aeris' [thank goodness]; does anyone know if they actually changed any other dialogue? I'd assume not, but clearly it wasn't just a direct unaltered release...)

-The second method has the possibility that standard lines of text, or any lines of text said in more than one place, could be recorded just once and the tool could 'automatically' reuse them between different field locations.
The disadvantage of that would be you might not want it to do that...


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #36 on: 2008-05-29 16:27:36 »
The versions of FF7 I've played here in North America are pronouncing her name as Aeris as well.


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #37 on: 2008-05-29 18:34:30 »
First one, Dziugo, I tried to run your tool to see if I could gather more info about how the game handles dialog but when I start dllloader, i get a side-by-side error.  Obviously I know this isn't even alpha yet and this is to be expected but I figured you'd like to know.  I use Vista and it was in the right directories.
Need more info. What's the version of your ff7.exe? If any crash occured, the error report with addresses would be useful (if you don't want to crash FF7 again, go to "Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer -> Window Logs -> Apps".


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #38 on: 2008-05-30 22:10:00 »
Dziugo : I had a bit more time to look into this and the issue was that I didn't have the Visual C++ files on my computer.  Downloading and installing the 2008 vcredist_x86.exe from Microsoft's website fixed the issue.  Quick test worked.  I'm going to try it out for a bit and report back.

edit : Tried it out some more.  The way your software works, I can definitely see this project working out technically.  Brilliant.

However, the application doesn't seem to handle questions well.  Tried the two questions on the highwind (operations room and take control of the helm) and they both send the game into an infinite loop.  Here's the start of my debug file showing a loop :

MapID = 74    DialogID = 18   Just started playing.
 MapID = 74    DialogID = 18   Has been stopped.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 102   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 102   Has been stopped.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 114   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 114   Has been stopped.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 112   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 112   Has been stopped.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.
 MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing

It keeps on going this way until I close the game.  The actual text in game never shows up and the sound plays each second though!

Looking at the source of your program (installed VC++ Express 2008 out of curiosity to try and understand what you did), I'd wager it'd be related somehow to the program interpreting the part where ff7 waits for input as a end dialog and the program trying to reinitialize again since the dialog never came up in the first place.  Only a theory from somebody who doesn't know much about these things and who's trying to understand.

To avoid that whole problem completely, would it be possible to exclude the ASK opcode messages from being picked up ?  I don't remember a spot in the game where a question would be important enough to need to be voiced.

Ficedula : Wouldn't the text match way create a lot of overhead if the program has to look into a big heavy text file to match the clip before sending the sound out ?  Wouldn't the ID way be more responsive ?

Ficedula & Dziugo : I've noticed, ff7music picks up the log Dziugo's hook creates in its main window (where all the texture stuff and mid info is written).  With this in mind, would it be easier to use ff7music built in "sorter" and output engines in conjunction with Dziugo's hook or would it be easier to make one from scratch using Dziugo's program as a base ?

Here's a short copy & paste of that window (removed some redundant lines) :


MIDI play: 47

reading midi file: HIKU.mid


Midi file matched! HIKU
File counterpart 4-03 Airships Make Me Happy - The Highwind Takes to the Skies Remix.mp3
Resolved to F:\Documents\Music\ff7\4-03 Airships Make Me Happy - The Highwind Takes to the Skies Remix.mp3
Playing music
Look for plugin for mp3
Init plugins
Setup input plugin: Nullsoft MPEG Audio Decoder 2.96+AAC
Setup output plugin: waveOut output v2.0.2a
Init finished
Prevented from resuming
current volume: 127




MIDI play: 47

song is already playing...



MapID = 74    DialogID = 18   Just started playing.



MapID = 74    DialogID = 18   Has been stopped.



MIDI play: 47

song is already playing...



MapID = 70    DialogID = 102   Just started playing.

MapID = 70    DialogID = 102   Has been stopped.


MapID = 70    DialogID = 114   Just started playing.

MapID = 70    DialogID = 114   Has been stopped.

MapID = 70    DialogID = 112   Just started playing.

MapID = 70    DialogID = 112   Has been stopped.



MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.

MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.

MapID = 70    DialogID = 1   Just started playing.

... (loop 'til alt-f4 as explained previously).

I do feel I should point out I tried the hook with and without ff7music and the loop still starts in either case so it would seem unrelated.
« Last Edit: 2008-05-31 03:29:41 by Marcis »


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #39 on: 2008-05-31 07:43:09 »
To avoid that whole problem completely, would it be possible to exclude the ASK opcode messages from being picked up ?  I don't remember a spot in the game where a question would be important enough to need to be voiced.
I was thinking the same thing, but was dumb enough not to check explicitly if we're dealing with MESSAGE opcode. Now I'm curious to why it gets into that infinite loop :)

Ficedula & Dziugo : I've noticed, ff7music picks up the log Dziugo's hook creates in its main window (where all the texture stuff and mid info is written).  With this in mind, would it be easier to use ff7music built in "sorter" and output engines in conjunction with Dziugo's hook or would it be easier to make one from scratch using Dziugo's program as a base ?
It picks up debug messages because I debug the same way the FF7 does (OutputDebugString). And to answer your question - that could work. And one of it's advantages is that if the app crashes for whatever reason, FF7 would still be running. I, however, was thinking about running completely in the FF7 address space. Worked out a simple format for storing files (hashtables for speeding up the file access), just don't know anything about playing sound (you can see that easily with a "PlaySound" stub in the project :P) and don't want to use external library for playing MP3s. I was looking at some open source MP3 players, but maybe we'll get input from ficedula as he's more experienced coder than I am, and most likely already got his vision on how it could be done.


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #40 on: 2008-05-31 09:07:32 »
Running out of process would be my preference - mainly so if the code does crash, it doesn't affect FF7 at all, you just lose the voicing. Obviously there'd be a small code stub in-process transmitting the relevant messages out to the main program (that's how my test app worked...) although I didn't use OutputDebugString because I've sort of gone off that as a way for IPC.

For playing sounds then to be honest for anything beyond the capabilities PlaySound gives you, I'd be tempted to use an external library just for ease of use. With that said PlaySound might actually just work, it's pretty primitive but it's not like this project needs anything too advanced...

Ficedula : Wouldn't the text match way create a lot of overhead if the program has to look into a big heavy text file to match the clip before sending the sound out ?  Wouldn't the ID way be more responsive ?

Not particularly, to be honest. If you're in location NIV_W, say, then the first thing the program needs to look up is all the dialogue for that location - and any one location isn't going to have that much dialogue. It won't have to even consider dialogue for other locations, if we don't want it to.

As a further optimisation, in most cases we'd also know who was speaking (Aeris, Cloud, etc.) and we'd only have to look at dialogue for that character, too.

If you wanted to go on and search some 'general' bank of dialogue that might be applicable to all locations that might be slightly slower, but again you'd only search dialogue relevant to that specific character.

Running out of process also has the advantage that this is all happening in the background without affecting the main game too much.


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #41 on: 2008-05-31 09:24:58 »
PlaySound probably won't play MP3s, it's just there to give an impression on how it could work :) I see no problem with using a library for playing MP3s, as long as it's not an external library.

I'm looking for a compact project like:
1. Download
2. Unpack
3. Play

1. Download
2. Download xxx from, move xxx.dll to the folder with exe
3. Download yyy from, move yyy.dll to the folder with exe
4. etc.
X. Play

It would be a single library, but still :)


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #42 on: 2008-05-31 09:56:25 »
PlaySound can play MP3s provided they're stored in a WAV container. It'll basically play any WAV file - assuming the right codec has been installed. MP3 is of course a pretty safe codec to rely on, it's been shipping with Windows & Media Player for years...

If we needed to use a more unusual codec, then yes - ideally you wouldn't want the user to have to download anything themselves, if it could just be a DLL that sits alongside the other files we can redistribute that would be best.


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #43 on: 2008-05-31 10:08:06 »
It can? Oh, my bad.


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #44 on: 2008-05-31 14:53:17 »
So, here, have another proof of concept;

How to use;

Download, decompress into your FF7 folder. Run FF7. Alt-tab out (it seems to work OK with the windowed mode patch too) and run Voices. Click the 'start' button. If you don't see any errors messages then (hopefully) that means everything is working.

The window will display any dialogue it intercepts; there's some sample dialogue for the Highwind bridge I recorded in there as well (WARNING: rubbish recordings!). Easiest way to hear that would be to download this savegame:

...and load the Highwind save, go to the bridge, then talk to Barret/Cid/one of the engineers.

Feedback welcomed. Preferably of the sort 'it works 100%!' but other feedback would be OK too, I guess... ;)


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #45 on: 2008-05-31 18:46:52 »
Just to clear this up, I realize it's hard to fit a british accent into the Game, but Reeve would be a good choice for a british accent. If you want to voice one of the main characters, you would have to learn more of a north american dialect :P

Oh, I don't know about that. I don't think having an accent should deter people, let's see what they've got and then we'll decide if it fits or not. They can try both! Besides, the only reason that the characters have North American accents is because the dubbing was done in the United States. If Square had their main English division in Europe, we'd be hearing something much different. Foreign accents make Gaia really seem like a different world. And who says the characters are like us? =) After all, they're originally Japanese. If those voice actors started speaking English, hehehe...

As for Aeris/Aerith, wasn't there a point in the US game when you learned that Aeris' true name was Aerith, similar to learning Red XIII was Nanaki? Their working names stayed the same, as far as I remember. Either way, both Aeris and Aerith are romanized as "e-a-ri-su," pronounced "eh-ah-ree-soo." There's no way to convey a difference between "-s" and "-th" using the Japanese alphabet, so it's mainly a stylization, whatever you choose. Something akin to writing "Katamari Damashii" as "Katamari Damacy." You could even write her name as Earth, as that's what it's supposed to represent.

Personally, I prefer the name Aeris as it rolls off the tongue better and that's how I remember it being in the original game. I realize Square changed it in all media after Final Fantasy VII, but if Square Japan had a problem with how the name was anglicized originally, you'd think they would have said something. I've heard they're quite involved in the translation progress, at least with the later games.


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #46 on: 2008-05-31 19:12:56 »
I'm sure I remember reading somewhere, that Aeris' name in the European/American release was to be Aerith, but apparantly, as you say, Aries "rolled of the tongue" better.  I personally prefer Aerith, I have no idea why, but anytime I play it, I change her name to Aerith.  I just think it's because it's closer to Earth, which was her name originally, or at least, supposed to be. 

However, I'm sure people don't want to hear my half drunk ramblings on Aeris vs Aerith, so I'll leave it at that. :-)


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #47 on: 2008-05-31 19:29:36 »
So, here, have another proof of concept;

How to use;

Download, decompress into your FF7 folder. Run FF7. Alt-tab out (it seems to work OK with the windowed mode patch too) and run Voices. Click the 'start' button. If you don't see any errors messages then (hopefully) that means everything is working.

The window will display any dialogue it intercepts; there's some sample dialogue for the Highwind bridge I recorded in there as well (WARNING: rubbish recordings!). Easiest way to hear that would be to download this savegame:

...and load the Highwind save, go to the bridge, then talk to Barret/Cid/one of the engineers.

Feedback welcomed. Preferably of the sort 'it works 100%!' but other feedback would be OK too, I guess... ;)

It does work a 100%.  And I do see what you mean by "English Accent". ;)

Quick question though.  There is perhaps a 1 second delay before the voice starts which I don't recall from dziugo's app, although that might be from a small delay in your wav files recording.  I'll switch the file to one I know has no startup delay and post back.
edit : ignore this part, it was indeed the delay in the sound file.

Also, when used in conjunction with ff7music, the file doesn't play and I get an access violation at address 0000000 when it should play a file (busy soundsystem because of ff7music ?)

edit : the access violation didn't happen with the test wav I put in there (changed all dialog to it to test).  I reverted back to your original files afterwards and they don't play now if ff7music is playing but they don't give errors either anymore ...
« Last Edit: 2008-06-01 02:07:58 by Marcis »


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #48 on: 2008-05-31 19:39:50 »
I'm sure I remember reading somewhere, that Aeris' name in the European/American release was to be Aerith, but apparantly, as you say, Aries "rolled of the tongue" better.  I personally prefer Aerith, I have no idea why, but anytime I play it, I change her name to Aerith.  I just think it's because it's closer to Earth, which was her name originally, or at least, supposed to be. 

However, I'm sure people don't want to hear my half drunk ramblings on Aeris vs Aerith, so I'll leave it at that. :-)

Well, I've played and completed the USA release of Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII and all the way through they call her Aerith not Aeris and also it's easier to start the next word of a sentence in my opinion.
I don't know how good i'd be as a voice actor, i'll have a look round but my friend is interested in this project and has done voice acting before, I think she'd make a good Aerith but I don't know what she wants to do. She's quite flexible with her voice so just say the word!


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Re: Has a FFVII Voice-Over Project ever been attempted?
« Reply #49 on: 2008-05-31 19:43:56 »
Even if you're not a voice actor Jordie, you can still come to show your support, as the attendance we receive will determine whether or not this project moves forward. (Same statement goes for your friend too)

If you don't want to be a voice-actor, everyone will be filling out comment cards as each person auditions to help determine the cast of voice-actors.