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Messages - Covarr

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 ... 157
I don't know what's worse, the broken mechanic, or that Basilisk was mistranslated two separate ways with regards to one monster and an item dropped by that same monster (Bagrisk, Vagyrisk Claw). Man, it should have stuck out like a sore thumb that its drop was spelled differently.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Underrated Game Music
« on: 2017-12-19 20:43:52 »
I always loved the music in Faceball 2000. It had technical issues, it looped wrong (literally every song), and the game itself ran at an abysmal framerate, but I just love this soundtrack.

Qhimm is the only one who can fix this. I'll try to get in touch with him.

I love Boundary Break, but I never expected him to do a Final Fantasy VII episode.

Is this a deliberate mechanic? This seems more like a bug.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2017-12-07 22:59:20 »
I just tried, and they downloaded just fine. I wonder what's different between us.

first , that's not a pirated version of the game , and secondly , why the fern do you care you intrusive strawberries head ???? is none of your business if someone can't effort to buy a game , also , is not like he is trying to upload some pirated part of the game here in the site , he is only asking for information and suggestions , so you could help him , apricothole
  • He did pirate the game. This screenshot even has proof, including files that are only included with pirated copies. As it happens, after this post he did buy the game and privately provided me adequate proof.

  • The forum rules (which you apparently didn't read) explicitly forbid helping or asking for help with pirated copies.
    Quote from: The Rules
    Asking for support for the Ultima Edition or any other pirated version of the game will not be tolerated. Any discussion regarding pirated software is an immediate warning. Assisting people that use pirated software is also forbidden.

  • Pirated copies of games, especially FF7, often have changes to their code that break mods. Our requirement for legal copies is as much to prevent headaches with broken mods as anything else.

  • Square Enix has a long history of shutting down fan projects. They also know for a fact we exist. We are fairly confident that our hard stance on piracy is the only reason we're still around.

  • In your failure to read the rules, you apparently also missed the "Don't be a d*ck" rule, which your post clearly breaks. For this, enjoy some time off from posting.

Troubleshooting / Re: ff7 android modding?
« on: 2017-10-16 12:58:27 »
If I'm not mistaken, the Android version is pretty much the PC version wrapped up in an emulator of sorts. Most, if not all, mods should work on it, but actual setup might be tricky.

*edit- Odd that my first post didn't need to be approved by the moderators, but this one does...
A user's first five posts are supposed to need it, but our forum software decided for no apparent reason not to assign the 0-post-count group to new members. That *should* be fixed now to prevent that from happening again, but with SMF one can never be certain.

Gameplay / Re: FF VIII How to MOD?
« on: 2017-10-11 22:43:47 »
I'm gonna go ahead and close this thread so as to discourage people from helping Divatox with his pirated copy of the game, as per the forum rules.

He bought the game! Yay! Unlocked!

Wow, this interviewer is quite pushy.

From the forum rules:
Please only distribute things either you created yourself, or you have permission to distribute.

Repackaging someone else's work, even with tweaks, requires that person's permission. This forum frowns on plagiarism.

Moved to Completely Unrelated as this has nothing to do with Final Fantasy.

How song looping is handled really depends on the game. Loop points could be stored in the song file itself, or in a config file somewhere... but since it was looping before and stopped once you replaced the music, I'm gonna assume it's probably the former.

What filetype are the songs?

Buck naked is correct, but the mistake is so common that it's not a mistake anymore. Hooray evolving language.

Obviously I didn't correct it in my first go-through because I don't think it's a big deal, but I would choose "buck" over "butt" if I were writing it myself.

FF7 Tools / Re: [FF7] Text editor - touphScript (v1.3.0)
« on: 2017-09-11 16:41:20 »
We have a forum policy of not assisting users of pirated copies of Final Fantasy games at all. If you want anybody to help you, you will need to buy the game and provide proof. We will not help IN ANY WAY before that.

Edit: He bought the game. Unwarned, is now eligible for help.

FF7 Tools / Re: [FF7] Text editor - touphScript (v1.3.0)
« on: 2017-09-10 16:59:30 »
i run touphscript and it said: Cannot open registry
i use FF VII steam cracked, download on thepiratebay
Read the rules and you might have better luck.

It's important to list what mods you're using and what order they're already in. This makes it much easier to solve the problem. But off the top of my head, if it's crashing when Cloud jumps, there's a scripted battle there, so it's probably related to a battle mod.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Justin Bieber is Gay
« on: 2017-08-08 23:35:20 »
Okay but it'll be stuck below the real stickies :P

Troubleshooting / Re: Running FFVII in WINE (Linux)
« on: 2017-08-01 15:11:08 »
Wizard, I removed your post. If a link has gone bad, we don't need to relink it.

Sithlord48, I've edited the FF7 Universe link out of your first post. I might look around to see if 1.02 has been rehosted anywhere else, but for now that link is bad.

Bah, I should've tested the download first. :(

I only have a newer version of FiceLib myself, and I'd have to track down the hard drive where I have it stored.

You can get FiceLib here. No clue about FF7w; Aaron might have it, but he hasn't even logged in for over a year.

Any particular reason you need such old stuff? Just about all the mods and tools from that era have been rendered outdated by newer, better mods and tools.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF13 Tool Problem
« on: 2017-07-27 17:55:12 »
Yes. The readme has instructions for how to use it, it needs to be from cmd. This program does not have a graphical interface.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF13 Tool Problem
« on: 2017-07-27 14:15:37 »
FF13tool wasn't made by anyone here, but I'll try to help you. It's command line software. You can't just double click the icon, you need to run it from the command line, as explained in the readme.

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