Final Fantasy 7 > WIP

[FF7PC-98] The Big Bug List (OLD)

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The Omnislash sound issue (where the sound effect fails to play as the beam arrives on the end of the sword) is fixed. So, too, will most/all errors of this nature be when I am done. For whatever reason Aali's driver / original game does not properly deal with certain functions the way it should.  But by creating my own sound replacement, the effect is called - and then played correctly.  The sound effect is not missing - and it is being called. It simply isn't initiating with the original game.

Also, sound effects will no longer play at all when the effect volume is 0. So no more silly rogue effects.

The music will v likely work better than with Aali's driver too soon.


Never picked up on it before.  Alarm music and ambient sfx in reactors etc are being told to play on every field load. (You can hear this clearly at 15:24) Either someone was meant to add code to stop repeated calls to a playing music being obeyed, or the script programmer made an error.  I will add the PSX functionality to the PC - and correct the field script.  The PC game, oddly, does not restart a sfx that is being played, but this will likely break other things.

Edit.  I was wrong.

The Submarine minigame does use the Hurry music for the story


However, there is another bug here.  The music fades out from 100 to 1 (at  0077D9D1)  in a rather long period of time (17 seconds).  I think some sort of cock-up has happened here. Either they meant the music to play and not fade out - or the music should be the water sound effect, like the Gold Saucer. I think it's the former. 

--- Code: ---push 00 { 0 }
push 00 { 0 }
push 00 { 0 }
push 00 { 0 }
push 00 { 0 }
push 00 { 0 }
push 00 { 0 }
push 7F { 127 }
push 000000C0
call 00740D80

--- End code ---

That will fix it.

It's also possible that they intended to fade it out to a higher volume, like 0x40 (half), rather than 1.


I am updating here.

Finally making progress cleaning this up. Sega Chief has also joined the project to fix whatever he can.  Quite a lot of bugs have been fixed.


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