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Messages - gjoerulv

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Thank you for kind words :)

Sorry again for super late reply (man, I suck at paying attention :-P).
All master materias are removed and replaced with some (semi) useless ones.
Master Magic -> Banish. Kinda useless for other things than meme fights. But banish only costs 1 MP. It does work on some of the later game fights (not bosses), but also removes the lot/drops.
Master Command -> Flash. More useful than Banish, but equally useless for the same reasons. It requires enemies to not be immune to "Death". The reason it's better is that it requires 0 MP, animation is shorter, and you keep the drops/loot from the fights.
Master Summon -> Coin Most useful in most situation, as this does flat damage based on how much gil you use. The other ones are way more useful if the enemies are not immune to "Death".

When it comes to Stop/Slow/Haste, I tried to be consistent with time magic. I can't remember if I specifically did this to Headband. Will check. *checking*. Yes, Headband only makes you immune to Sleep/Slow/Stop according to the data. No idea why this somehow affects Haste too. Interesting. Now I need to check for myself in game.

Also on a complete unrelated note to the note: There is a bug in the installer when picking the Steam radio button on the top. It gives an error that it won't find the Steam installation. I may need to update the installer. In any case, the "data" folder in the installation folder needs to be picked. I swear, I quality checked this, like, 6–10 years ago lol, so there might updates to steam/windows/ff7 that caused this bug. Dunno... This seems to be a Windows 11 thing.

FF9 Tools / Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« on: 2024-11-21 16:55:20 »
Sorry for late reply. Those were never mapped afaik. If I someday start working on this again, it's on the todo list.

FF9 Tools / Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« on: 2024-08-29 16:14:32 »
It worked for me if i set the address '00001F14' or '0x1F14' to 'FF'

Ahh, nice!  :)

Hi everyone!
Is this project still on?

I'm playing a PSX version of FF9 on Retroarch.
I was searching a solution online, not only to get rid of the "stats growing via equip" thing, but even to max out the stats as far as the game allows.
So, i've found Memoria Tool, but using it, I can only find direct values edits (base and total stats).
This "limit", makes the stats reset everytime a character levels up.
So, I'm asking if anyone has figured out how to edit the "stats growing via equip" values instead.
I already know that if i equip all the characters with their best gears, make 'em grind a bit and keep resetting the level via Memoria, I can reach the goal but maybe this is just the dumb long way...
Not completely sure what you mean, here, I'm very rusty on this topic, sorry  :D (it's been a long time).

This may not be what you're referring to, but, in Memoria, each character has a "Misc" tab with "pools" pr stat.
If I'm not mistaken, these values are accumulated every time a character levels with equipment that boosts stats. So, let's say, you have equipment with a strength+1. When the character levels, it will add a certain percentage to increase strength. For example, if it gives + 10% str increase, it takes 10 levels with that equipment to accumulate +1 strength (it's a bit more complex; this is the tl;dr explanation). In Memoria, these pools have values from 0 - X, where X is the number that has to be surpassed to gain a +1 to that specific stat (I don't remember the value of X though... 999? 512?).
Each level-up adds to the pool if relevant equipment is equipped. Again, take this with a grain of salt, as I'm very rusty on this topic.  :P

EDIT: After reading this: it seems the "pool" number needs to be divided by 32, rounded down, to find the +stat value.

I'm pretty sure it's not possible via save editing to avoid resetting stats via leveling or changing equipment, as that's part of the game's code (which does consult the savemap to see if it's ok to not reset stats, if that makes sense).

It's pretty much the same, unless you 1st played it in 2010 or something xD
Not much have really changed since 1.0.5 (since 2011). You can see the changelog in 1st post. The latest gameplay change was in 2018.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] gjoerulv Hardcore Mod Español
« on: 2024-07-05 20:10:45 »
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing the mod  8)

Sephiroth loses his turn without any actions being taken during the Nibleheim flashback against the dragon and the new boss you added if you have Ochu open.
Sorry for ultra late reply. This may not be an issue with Ochu. There is a bug that skips Seph's animations in the flashback. The action actually happens, damage, heals, etc., but the animation is skipped.
edit: It does not happen for every action. And I can't remember atm if there is something specific that triggers the "bug". It's not a bug with the game in the sense it works as intended; the mod introduces it by applying things to Seph not originally intended. It can be fixed though.

Welp... Obviously, FF7 PvP, like, real "fair" competitive PvP, wouldn't just work out-of-the-box like that. It would require balancing the skills, rules, etc. to actually make it a viable, fair PvP. I assumed that was a given xP. Anyone can see that.
But even the novelty to play other players, with your team over the internet would be a fun experiment if nothing else. And I can already see the meme fights right now. Someone agreeing to play fair, only to pop KotR right away, lol.

@ficedula Nice to see you shrug my concerns off like that. :D
Again, cool project, cheers for possibilities!


One of my (wet) dreams is to make a FF7 like game with PvP (or mod FF7 with PvP possibilities). Referring to the networking here ofc. I bet having the possibility to fight other players with your team over the internet would be massively popular. But that would require a huge amount of work that's not within the scope here, I guess?

FF8 Tools / Re: [PC] Enemy editor - IFRIT (0.11C)
« on: 2023-02-17 13:14:46 »
Does this program work on Steam? I have read some comments and it is not clear to me.

Haven't been able to try this on the remaster version, but as far as I can tell it's not compatible.

FF9 Tools / Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« on: 2023-01-12 10:22:17 »
Ye, Memoria assumes it's a "normal" save file and is based on absolute positions inside the files. This works fine for the PS1 save map. But the "quick-fix" for the re-release is just an update of indexes, basically, so any "custom-made" additions to the structure will naturally break it. Saving might be dangerous for mods, as it still changes the bytes at the absolute positions.

As-is, Memoria is not very user-friendly for mods.

Completely forgot about the GitHub. I'll see if I can make one.

Link to github

Oh, and thanks @Tirlititi ^^

FF9 Tools / Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« on: 2022-11-16 23:09:06 »
@aladore384 cool, cool. Seems like a lot of punching job though, and probably requires a lot of testing too. Don't expect anything anytime soon, though.
@Tetra That is probably a good idea.

Sadly no. I've never looked into that; haven't really been active for several years. But mebbeh one day I'll make some.

Yes, worst thing about this mod is the battle square. It adds 2xHP, str, etc. on top of the extra difficulty. I did not change that, it does in vanilla too, and I didn't keep this in mind when making the mod.

Is this mod compatible with 'Satsuki Yatoshi Mod - SYW V5' at all?

Seems like a tight fit; not likely. If you use the installers for each mod, use hardcore last. If I'm not mistaken, this will most likely break the immersion, because the hardcore will overwrite some field files to trigger custom encounters. So those filed files that are replaced will not be HD. I don't think it will be a problem with battles though.

But it depends on how SYW does it's modding; I'm not too familiar.

Should not interfere with achievements. Those achievements aren't much to write home about though...  :P

FF8 Tools / Re: [PC] Enemy editor - IFRIT (0.11C)
« on: 2022-01-07 11:27:30 »
Steam official version as gift to him, I mean.

Thank you :), but you don't have to do that. I can buy it or borrow it from others, don't worry. Can't make any promises if/when this will be fixed. I'll def look into it though.

FF8 Tools / Re: [PC] Enemy editor - IFRIT (0.11C)
« on: 2022-01-05 13:26:09 »
Here is a issue.
When I used on steam 2019 vision, modding data repack to battle.fs always large than the original one (original size:57048KB and repack size:60789KB), even I do not modify a single thing but just extract and repack.
Therefore after I pack the whole data to main.zzz with zzzDeArchive and play, the game jammed in battle sence begin and our character could not display.  :-(

Is this for the remaster version? I don't own it myself. needless to say I never tested on it.

FF9 Tools / Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« on: 2021-09-13 11:11:13 »
No, I don't think it ever worked on the steam version. I might be wrong.
There was a rather huge bug in the 1st releases after the steam version. I wouldn't use them, as they could break your game.

That doesn't sound right. The battle square mechanics and field aren't changed at all, so I'm not sure what to say there.
You sure it was the "special" battle?
From wiki:

For documentation on drops etc, an enemy editor is perfect, like Hojo or Proud Clod.
Hojo is a bit easier at first as you can see the drops at once, but the links are dead, so getting it may be a bit hard.
Prod Clod is a more comprehensive editor, so a tiny bit more work to see the drops.

In any case, you need to open the scene.bin file in your .../Final Fantsy VII/data/battle folder.
Both programs have a list of scenes.
If you use Proud Clod, in order to see drops, goto: Enemy Management -> Enemy Stats. You must do this for each scene.

FF8 Tools / Re: [PC] Enemy editor - IFRIT (0.11)
« on: 2021-08-23 10:35:04 »
Sorry, saw your pm, but got distracted so forgot to look into it. I'll take a look (but must install the game 1st lol).
EDIT: Yup, there is a problem with the letter "n". Never noticed somehow :P

FF9 Tools / Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« on: 2021-07-14 21:57:21 »
I tried it that way after you mentioned it and it still didn't commit the saves to my file. Stats, names, equips, gil, items - nothing I edited was saved.

Hmmm, so basically the editor doesn't work? Can't say I've noticed that, lol. Do you know what version you are using?
Edit: Just to make sure. You actually have to save the file too. The save button in the toolbar, or file -> save.

FF9 Tools / Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« on: 2021-04-25 19:46:26 »
Sadly, this isn't possible by memoria atm. If you really want to explore, you can try the hex editor, but your pretty much on your own there. You can also extract/dump the raw savefile.

FF9 Tools / Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« on: 2021-02-22 02:07:37 »
Oh 9 is out on Xbox lol. Don't think I knew that.
I suspect that one would be similar to the steam format.
Perhaps it's possible to save on cloud and download it to the steam version? Then it should be easy to use memoria.

Anyway I would need an example of a save file to know. I'll see if I can find one.

@faospark putting it on github seems like a good idea. There aren't many unreleased updates though, only the card thing I mentioned earlier.

FF9 Tools / Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« on: 2021-01-17 18:30:35 »
A 100% conversion can't be made until the entire psx save is mapped. As far as I know it, isn't.
It would be fairly easy to make certain sections, let's say character data, transferable though.

FF9 Tools / Re: [PC] Save editor - Memoria (
« on: 2020-12-09 11:13:24 »

After several years I finally decided to make an option to set cards to their MAX levels (based on quoted post) instead of simply setting them to 255. Not released yet; looking to do some import/export features updates too.

Still unable to reproduce the naming bug people are reporting. Not sure what to make of it.

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