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Messages - ff7maniac

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Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-07-26 20:15:02 »
the beginning of the game. awesome :D

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-06-27 20:26:05 »
Seriously Midgar Yeahhhh :D :P

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-06-21 20:43:48 »
I told you jusete that shampigon would ask you the image lol :P so what's the next step you're going to work on ? ^^

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-06-18 20:14:49 »
I can't wait to see midgar in these graphic :P

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-06-18 05:43:54 »
awsome jusete :D I think you should also post the image with the animation. shampigon will surely ask for it to be able to make the cuts :P

I would like to make a proposal ^^ It would be possible on the mago version to make the squall jacket more in shades of blue-black-white like the original rather than black-brown ?

basically on the first image it was only a quick test ^^ then I took the time to cut larger than necessary and then erase and cut the line precisely so that everything is aligns perfectly ^^ it's probably not as perfect as yours i'm not a modder or a professional i'm just having fun with my ff7 and ff8 it's all ^^  thank you for quoting me in your post this is the first time I contribute to a mod it's my pleasure :)
once your triple triad mod finished for all languages everyone will be able to have the version of ff8 the most beautiful thank you ^^

Mcindus, I made the textures of HiTechGrid and Theme-Squall for all languages. I also made a grayer version of both for people who would like the pattern but would like something closer to the original windows color, so would you like me to send you a download link in private message so that you can introduce them to the post download on the first page or you prefer that I make the link myself on a post? ^^

Well my menu looks like this, French version and mcindus what do you mean by black numbers? could you tell me or show me. so I could tell you if there is the glitch or not ^^

I did a quick edit with gimp with the English version I change the texture iconflmaster_14 for then cleared for 50% transparency

It's not perfect because I'm not a professional but I hope that it will help you for an update of the others languages mcindus ^^

and I think the gunblade cursor is a bit more pixelated a bit less handsome than the English version ^^

awesome :D it's just a shame that in French we just have alternative colors and not the custom. squall theme, high tech etc :(

personally I love the last 2 colors I can not wait for all this out in french :D ^^

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-05-18 01:57:51 »
without joke jusete i can not wait for that you do make the screens of midgar, reactor, shinra building etc its going to be hallucinating  :O ^^

thank you Mcindus ^^ there will be only the triple triad mod in French and everything will be perfect for me ^^ :P

it would be possible to have version 3.5 for french version etc before the release of version 4.0? or it will be following immediately 4.0 ? ^^

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-03-24 22:33:44 »
awsome jusete ^^ continue please :P

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-03-05 22:49:36 »
from my personal point of view, I would prefer the midgar screens so that we can have the full beginnings with your screens and those of the team avalanche, jmp 434 and faulked etc ^^ and we would have a continuation with midgar, then your screens of kalm and the chocobo farm etc ^^ once again thank you for your work guys :)

it do not miss the textures of magic and etc?

I hope a French version of this new version ^^

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2019-02-25 06:41:19 »
thanks for all your work guys ^^ do not stop please !

I do not have time to play the games from a to z but for the moment I saw the scenes in French is displayed. thank you ^^

Hm.  Weird... I thought I sent everything over, but it could be my mistake?
This one won't work unless swizzled/cut up properly, but there's proof a version exists ;)

well, if it exists can you integrate it into the French version. please ^^

and sorry if my message seemed offensive it was not my goal i apologize :S but is often for a lot of things not here but in general. i have the impression that French does not count for much. example here in quebec, we did start having french subtitle games just with playstation 3. except of course with ubisoft seen ubisoft come from quebec ^^

there are no new textures in the french version. the bghall_7 folder is empty. there is that upscales original textures of bg_hall7a

why the other languages is entitled to new texture more beautiful redone from a to z but not French? I have the impression that French always stays last in all... we do not have the right to the same quality as the other languages?

"Optional: Mcindus was kind enough to completely rework the game's directory sign and I gotta say that I quite like it. And he did it for all languages! But in case you don't want to use it, I've left the original upscales in the textures folder. Just find "bg_hall7" and delete the folder. Then remove the "a" from the alternate one below it and you'll be good to go."

not in french. why I have the impression that French always passes last...

Team Avalanche / Re: JuseteĀ“s field scenes
« on: 2018-11-20 04:19:17 »
finally the beginning of the game :O :O :O !!! thanks yeah !!!!!! :D

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