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Messages - cloudiar

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Almost anybody/thing can be a good replacement for cait sith XD
Aeris is a good choice though; have you seen the Aeris Revival mod? Check it out, it at least lets you use Aeris :)
I dunno about swapping the entire field, battle & general role of these characters (though that would be great). ^^

Yes I see this!!But is incomplete for add in mod and not understand how apply this path!!

The comments not problem I can re-translate dialoges xD

But how can comence, how can first change the char in scenes??

The idea is:

1.Change char in scenes (aerith for caith sith)
2.Change char in battle   (aerith for caith sith)
3.Re-translation somes dialoges


I'm thinking about change characters, aeris for caith sith...Really possible? Only want change chars in scene and battle...I want caith sith death xDDD

In case it's possible...What's need for comence?

Hello programers!!! ;)

I'm very novice, (me first post  :oops: ) are responsible of started a hack of Final Fantasy VII!!!Really for the profits of this page in addition to my experience in this game, my proposal is simple, a mod that keeps the FF Series classic style, but with some important adjustments. I'll explain some things I would add:

Modification of experience curve of the characters (for example: Aeris having having less HP and more MP, in general all the characters with more personality)

Modification of Enemies' attributes (Harder, and changing stolen objects, stats, etc)

Modification of Magics (change values, some magic effect changes (if allowed to fix translation types) Also modifying enemy skills)

Changing shops and weapon, rings, healing, etc items functions

Small modifications of limit breaks

Object modification

Graphical modifications (any mod of the page, if it really is possible)

Fixing the bad translation (I'm working on the Spanish version, their documentation is really paintful, I also want to add the unused text scripts)

Modification of the likelihood of theft and state changes

Music change to fidelula (but not understand how run xD)

Also other changes in construction


In general, thanks to some programs (specially WallMarket, Hojo, Teioh, Leviathan , White chocobo, Black Chocobo, Loveless..) I can modify the game without much trouble, but there is something that I find particular solution

Making up the limit break gauge to increase more slowly (by increasing difficulty I could see that damage is a priority too high, distorting the game that every fighter always have limited)

Apply changes to menu items (example item change potion to 200 pg, is apply in battle, But in restore menu unchanged, continued healing 100 pg)

Apply modifications of new items (example I changed Gyshal Greens to OmniFĂ©nix, it's apply in battle, But in select menu I can't keep my object)

This is the most important thing is not really like change, any help will be important


I'm sure you read the forum much, but I do not understand between "refined assembly" and I do not understand much English ...

Is possible to add new items or new magics without replacing with another?

Is possible to change the item boxes?

Is possible to change the abilities of enemies or discard them? (teioh works great, but it gave me failed results)

Is possible to add effects (like poison or zombie) to weapons?

I can apply somes changes in FF7 psx? First try in this but always can open with wallmarket fail........And other's

Is possible to make or change a script to revive Aeris? (lol, this is a joke xD )

To that end I started the mod with no major problems but I need to clarify certain concepts to follow for sure, finally I leave a file with the "animation ID" pictures, to probe with Wallmarket with some spells working (though some fail,this have...This 00 to 9F normally magic attacks enemies, and later much limit break and rares, and unused magic include somes summon xD!!), I hope to help someone, they are not perfect images but can serve as a guide to search something specific

Finally thank you in advance, clarifying the doubts you might make the mod not long  ;D

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