Author Topic: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)  (Read 937489 times)


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1975 on: 2023-11-05 11:05:27 »
@paky-outsider: No, they are mostly done for the PC version and even for the PC version that is modded with the Memoria Engine Mod.
These 3 points apply to the PSX version as well, but that's pretty much it.
- Fix "ObjectUID_" in scripts so they adapt if you add or remove entries.
- Add a copy/paste feature for texts. Only enemy, world map and field texts can use this feature.
- Add a couple of interface improvements (mainly some more IDs are displayed).

@g_west: These are handled by the field scripts (in "Environment -> Fields -> Edit Script" windows).

The functions that are relevant to this side-quest are mostly those:
1) Picking up the Red Stone: Field Mountain Path/Trail (1550), Function Zidane_48
2) Picking up the Blue Stone: Field Mountain Path/Trail (1551), Function Zidane_15
3) Picking up the Yellow Stone: Field Mountain Path/Roots (1555), Function Zidane_22
4) Picking up the Green Stone: Field Mountain Path/Roots (1557), Function Zidane_14
5) Placing all the stones: Field Mountain Path/Roots (1554), Function Zidane_16

The picking-up functions all look roughly the same. Something like that:
Code: [Select]
Function Zidane_48
    TimedTurn( Angle(2000, 850), 32 )
    WaitTurn(  )
    SetStandAnimation( 2605 ) // Crouch
    RunAnimation( 2607 ) // Idle crouching
    WaitAnimation(  )
    SetTextVariable( 0, 300 ) // "Red Stone"
    WindowSync( 0, 0, 143 ) // "[Item] is set on the stone. Take it out Leave it alone"
    if ( !GetDialogChoice ) {
        Wait( 10 )
        RunSoundCode3( 53248, 1340, 0, -128, 125 ) // Play Sound
        Wait( 10 )
    SetStandAnimation( 200 ) // Idle
    RunAnimation( 2591 ) // Stand up
    if ( !GetDialogChoice ) {
        RunSoundCode3( 53248, 108, 0, -128, 125 ) // Play Sound
        AddItem( 300, 1 ) // Add the Red Stone key item
        SetTextVariable( 0, 300 ) // "Red Stone"
        if ( 1 ) {
            WindowSync( 7, 0, 58 ) // "  Received [Item]!  "
        } else {
            WindowSync( 7, 0, 59 ) // Unused - "  Received [Item] Card!  "
        set VARL_GenBool_2864 = 1
    WaitAnimation(  )
So you see, by changing the ID "300" to something else, you can change the item given at these statues. It also shows how items are given to the player so you can do something similar later on on disk 3.

The function for placing the stones is a bit more complicated (in particular, it uses a variable "VARL_GenUInt8_358" with bitwise operations to keep track of which stones are already placed). It could be done to add another stone requirement (like a custom made "White Stone" or whatever) that would only be picked up in disk 3, but indeed the easiest is to change the reward in one of the pickup spot above + add the missing stone later on in disk 3.

In order to give the missing stone later on, check how to change a chest content that I wrote a long time ago. Most of the time, you'll want to search for the "Chest" functions in field scripts or possibly the "Zidane_XX" functions when the items are placed on the floor and not inside a chest.
It is also possible to add a whole new chest, so you don't replace any other treasure. For that, you mostly need to:
1) Create a new entry in the "Edit Entries" window, of type "Object" (because it will be linked to a chest 3D object).
2) Add functions for that new entry, at least a "Init" (a function of type 0) and a "Range" (a function of type 2). Adding functions is done by right-clicking on the list of functions in the script window. These two functions should be like the functions for existing chests. The "Init" function for instance could look like that:
Code: [Select]
Function ChestA_Init
    SetModel( 75, 0 ) // The model of "ChestA"
    CreateObject( [COORDINATES: Chest position on the field] )
    TurnInstant( [ANGLE: Chest facing angle on the field] )
    SetObjectLogicalSize( 1, 40, 45 )
    SetStandAnimation( 7340 ) // Dummy Close
    SetWalkAnimation( 7340 ) // Dummy Close
    SetRunAnimation( 7340 ) // Dummy Close
    SetObjectFlags( 5 )
    SetHeadFocusMask( 2, 0 )
    if ( [CONDITION: Chest content already picked up] ) {
        SetStandAnimation( 7338 ) // Dummy Open
    } else {
        SetStandAnimation( 7339 ) // Dummy Close
    SetObjectFlags( 49 )
    EnableHeadFocus( 0 )
3) Add a line "InitObject" next to the others in the function "Main_Init" to actually create the chest object when entering the field.

Sorry for the late answers.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1976 on: 2023-11-07 17:01:22 »
I ran into some issues with the Moguri mod and would like to double-check some things.

As far as I understand, Alternate Fantasy should be compatible with Moguri.
Hades Workshop is compatible with memoria, but not with Moguri.
Ive got a copy of the unmodded assembly-csharp.dll. If I now rename it to assembly-csharp.bak and copy that into ff9_Data/managed, Hades should work again. Will this disable features from Moguri?
Also, there is something mentioned about it being recommended to run Hades Workshop with Memoria installed. Will any of those functionalities be impacted?


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1977 on: 2023-11-07 20:59:28 »
No, that's not it.

1) The Moguri Mod includes the Memoria mod. When you install Moguri, it automatically installs an (old) version of Memoria.
2) When installing the Memoria mod, either with Moguri or with the Memoria Patcher, it creates the Assembly-CSharp.bak if it doesn't exist already. So whatever you do, you should have a correct .bak if you don't delete or replace it.
3) Hades Workshop works the same whichever version of Memoria you use. But it has more functionalities (especially the ones from the last version of HW) when you have Memoria installed compared to when you have the PC version without Memoria.

If you try to make the .bak manually yourself, you should use an unmodded DLL for it. In any case, if HW works and tells you that it uses a .bak when opening the game, that means you have a correct .bak (it wouldn't work if you make a .bak using a modded DLL as a basis).

I hope that clears things up. Mod inter-compatibilities are not always very simple ^^'


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1978 on: 2023-11-08 07:16:18 »
When I install moguri(and update memoria after, as per instruction), I get the error message with Hades.

Soo, in short.. install ff9->install latest version of memoria->copy the csharp.bak.>install moguri->update memoria->copy the .bak into the proper folder. That correct? And to ask again, will the functionality of moguri be impacted by that or not?

Yeah, compatibility can be a bitch sometimes x.x


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1979 on: 2023-11-08 11:39:19 »
1) Install FF9
2) Install Moguri
3) Install latest version of Memoria


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1980 on: 2023-11-08 12:09:07 »
Ah, I see. Doing it in this order works. I followed memorias install instruction for moguri(install moguri, then update memoria), but that seems to not work out as cleanly.
Everything seems to work just fine now, thanks a lot.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1981 on: 2023-11-08 13:57:11 »
Another quick question: Does editing Magic Sword work now, or is that still broken? I remember you saying about something being hardcoded with that.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1982 on: 2023-11-08 18:24:58 »
Yes, it works now with the new system provided by Memoria.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1983 on: 2023-11-08 18:54:02 »
Oh very nice, I'll try to use that then, too. I want to enable Steiner to have a few options with the other spellcasters for his attacks.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1984 on: 2023-11-15 08:38:27 »
Thanks Tirlititi!


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1985 on: 2023-11-24 03:57:56 »
Hi! I'm playing Alternate Fantasy right now and I'm having a blast, but I would like to know if there's a way to edit bosses stats and stuff like that with Hades Workshop. I'm asking bc when I try to mod/edit something with Hades it always leads me to the non-modded database and I prefer to edit the Alternative Fantasy database with the changes already made by Tirlititi.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1986 on: 2023-11-24 11:15:04 »
Hi ProudPumpkin.
You need Alternate Fantasy's HWS file for that. You can download it from there ("AF and PCP source"):


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1987 on: 2023-11-24 16:16:13 »
@Tirlititi tyvm for all your work and help!


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1988 on: 2023-12-24 17:59:09 »
I have a text problem, with v0.50b

I installed FF9 > Moguri Mod > Memoria > Hades Workshop v0.50b

I used the original Assembly-Csharp.dll from an unmodded version of FF9, named it Assembly-Csharp_Vanilla.dll and put it in the Hades Workshop Folder.
I made only a single change, the name of the spell Fire to FireA just to test.
I clicked Save Steam Mod, "Spreadsheets(Memoria)" and "Raw Assets", saved to HadesWorkshopMod folder right inside FINAL FANTASY IX.
I changed Memoria.ini

FolderNames="HadesWorkshopMod", "MoguriFiles", "MoguriSoundtrack", "MoguriVideo"

When I load the game, all the spells are showing as blank names. When cast, they still cast but all names are blank.

If I delete HadesWorkshopMod folder, the spell names go back to being Fire etc.
If I mod a non-Moguri non-Memoria (unmodded) FF9 with HWS v0.50b, it works perfectly fine, I see the spell FireA.

Any idea what could have gone wrong?


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1989 on: 2023-12-24 18:50:21 »
I think that's because you don't have the latest version of Memoria. Your installation sequence is the best but for some reason I think you didn't use the latest version (June 2023).


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1990 on: 2023-12-24 19:52:39 »
I think that's because you don't have the latest version of Memoria. Your installation sequence is the best but for some reason I think you didn't use the latest version (June 2023).

Thanks, it was exactly that. Happy Holidays to you Tirlititi.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1991 on: 2023-12-24 22:09:29 »
Thank you. Best wishes to you, wherever you are.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1992 on: 2023-12-25 02:51:05 »
I actually found a very interesting "Renaming" bug.

When I used HWS to change the names of Support abilities and Items in the Moguri-Memoria FF9, the next line of anything that I changed had the name show as "blank" (empty).

For example, I renamed Auto-Life(the support ability) to Auto-Revive instead (to distinguish with the Blue Magic Auto-Life). Auto-Revive showed up fine in game, but the next support ability after it is HP+10%. HP+10% showed as blank. So I then tested this and named HP+10% as Vitality+10%. Vitality+10% appeared just fine, but then HP+20% showed as blank. Which I then named to Vitality+20%, which made Distract show as blank. And so on.

Then I tried to rename Items as well. I renamed Octagon Rod to Octagon Staff. High Mage Staff's name disappeared and showed blank. I then renamed High Mage Staff to High Sage Staff, and Mace of Zeus showed up as blank.

This does not happen to Spells, only to Support and Items. The functionality is also not affected (if you equip a blank HP+10%, you still see your max HP change immediately).


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1993 on: 2023-12-25 09:52:39 »
Ah yes, I didn't remember when I fixed that bug. It's a bug of Memoria and it's fixed in that commit... which is not part of a release yet.

I can't work on FF9 modding for some time. I have a few other bugs to fix / features to add before releasing the next version, and DV's great work to review, but I'm not sure when that will be done.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1994 on: 2023-12-29 17:24:28 »
Hi Tirlititi,

Maybe this is a stupid question, but I'd like to ask you if there are any issues when loading a project designed on a previous HW version (0.43 in my case) on the latest one. Just to make sure I don't have to edit anything when loading the project on the new version.



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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1995 on: 2024-01-01 20:54:14 »
Hi Charlie_38.
There's no problem. Me and other people have done it without noticing any bug and there shouldn't be any. There would be issues if you tried to load a HWS that was created with HW v0.50b into the older version of HW v0.43, but the other way around is designed to work fine.


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1996 on: 2024-01-04 18:31:13 »
Thanks Tirlititi, I installed the latest version and I could load my project from the previous version.
By doing this I tought I could fix an issue I have when following Incinerator steps about adding a cutscene:

I. Getting Started

In field: Alexandria/Dock (Field ID: 2458), we need to firstly initiate some character that will pose as our scene starter (in this case, it will be Steiner):

1. In Hades Workshop, navigate to the Fields Tab and scroll down to Field Alexandria/Dock (Field ID: 2458)
1a. Select "Edit Entries"
1b. In the Entries Menu, scroll down and select "Steiner" and "Freya". *Because this field does not natively have Steiner or Freya initiated (par vanilla), we need to add them in manually)
1c. Select "Edit Script"
1d. In the Edit Script Window, under the "Functions" section, right-click and select "Add"
1e. In the Properties Menu, for "Entry" select "Steiner"
1f. For Entry Type, set the value "2". "2" means "object with model", standard for all 3D models initiated
1g. For "Function Type" set the value "0". "0" means "main function". Every 3d model has an _Init function, which is used to create the 3D model in scene
1h. Select "Parse", then "Ok".

In Edit Entries I already see Steiner in the list and I can't add or delete anything. Then, in Edit Script I try to add a function and in Entry I don't see Steiner but "Entry21" instead. The Entry Type is not available in order to set the value 2.
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.



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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1997 on: 2024-01-04 23:10:58 »
Tirlititi, do you know where the frog timer respawn is located? I want to reduce the time for frog to respawn as 5 to 8 hours for them to respawn is kind of crazy.

I have look at the script and failed to find the respawn timer. I found the rest such as prizes and the number of frogs but i cant seems to get where the respawn timer is. I might have miss it or something. It might be something like Excaliber timer but i kind of failed to find it.
« Last Edit: 2024-01-06 09:09:58 by Dynte7 »


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1998 on: 2024-01-06 09:40:00 »
Hi Tirlititi,

Long time since I poked at HWS but I am playing again, and I am wondering if you know of anyone who has fixed the Eiko/Marcus stat bug? I would like to fix it, so Eiko's stats are more true to her without worrying about leveling Marcus. I am trying to look for the code, assuming it is in the main loop script of Conde Petie mountain path field when Eiko joins, but no luck so far recognising it. (PSX version) Any insight would be appreciated, thank you.
« Last Edit: 2024-01-06 10:18:49 by anxietymafia »


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Re: [PSX/PC] General editor - Hades Workshop (0.50b)
« Reply #1999 on: 2024-01-06 14:24:17 »
No, that glitch is tied to the game's engine, not any field script. Unless I'm mistaken, it is fixed by Memoria for the PC version of the game (it may also be fixed by the PC version of the game already with some of the official updates).
You won't be able to fix that glitch for the PSX version of the game... except if you're willing to dig in the hexa-decimal file and decode MIPS assembly. That cannot be done with Hades Workshop anyway.