Author Topic: [FF8PC-Steam] FF8 Controller Buttons v2.0 (Compatible with FF8_Buttons Patch)  (Read 306334 times)


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I'm not sure what's going on with my set up but I can't get this mod to work. All my other graphics mods are fine.

I'm using a steam controller and steam link.

I actually think the mod is probably working tbh, but I can't get the game to realise I'm using a controller. So it's showing keyboard buttons.

Anyone seen this, or know how to force the game into using a controller setup instead of keyboard?

Thanks for the help!

I'm having this issue too, no matter what I do, I just get keyboard prompts and displays instead of icons, not even B1 B2 etc etc…

tried 5 or 6 times now but it either stays at keyboard or goes nuts and uses the hand icon for everything

using ps4 controller with no other apps or mods other than steam and lunatic pandora / raw.


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Hello, thank you so much for your hard work on this mod. I think I'm almost there but I have run into an issue. Instead of mapping the green text to controller icons, it instead maps all green text to the cursor. I have tested it with the gunblade cursor in seeDReborn 4 and normal cursor in earlier versions. Would you have any advice for me?

Again, thank you so much.

EDIT: I've determined that this issue occurs when I place the FF8_Buttons_EN.txt file into RaW/GLOBAL/Hext folder. I tried a different langauge (Fr) and I still got green text, but of a different font I believe. Moving the FF8_Buttons{config}.txt file does not change.
« Last Edit: 2019-05-06 06:29:30 by thefunge »


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Hello Mcindus. I installed your mod with my FF8 steam version and the controller button mod doesn't work. When I installed the FF8_Buttons_Main for PS4 DS4, the game is still showing keybindings not the actual ps button. I also tried installing the Shunsq version but it shows a gunblade icon. Thank you.


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Using Ds4 Controlller on steam, no program, this mod doens't show the icons. This show only keyboard

Hello Mcindus. I installed your mod with my FF8 steam version and the controller button mod doesn't work. When I installed the FF8_Buttons_Main for PS4 DS4, the game is still showing keybindings not the actual ps button. I also tried installing the Shunsq version but it shows a gunblade icon. Thank you.

I'm having this issue too, no matter what I do, I just get keyboard prompts and displays instead of icons, not even B1 B2 etc etc…

tried 5 or 6 times now but it either stays at keyboard or goes nuts and uses the hand icon for everything

using ps4 controller with no other apps or mods other than steam and lunatic pandora / raw.

Make sure you use a file from the 'HID' folder. That folder is for keymapper programs.  If the buttons are wrong, try another file in that folder!
Sounds like you are trying to use the 'MAIN' folder, but you are mapping your controllers...


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Hi, i'm having some problems when I use the controller at the game, I use a ps2 controller with an adapter to PC:

Also  all the mods works great, except for controllers, I use this mod and specifically I use: FF8_Buttons_Main --> FF8_Buttons_PS_PS2 (The others doesn't work for the order). The icons dont match with the correctly configuration.

The inputs for the driver are (automatically):
Button 1 = Triangle
Button 2 = Circle
Button 3 = Cross
Button 4 = Square
Button 5 = L2
Button 6 = R2
Button 7 = L1
Button 8 = R1
Button 9 = Select
Button 10 = Start
Button 11 = L3
Button 12 = R3

This is my configuration:

1. It is working perfect.
3. This is supposed to be L2 and R2 Buttons, but it appears like Select and Start.
4. I know about this bug of showing two buttons but it's not the problem.
5. Select and Start icons appears like L and R (L2 and R2).
2. The problem here is for the buttons because for the actions of rotate camera L2 and R2, It appears like L1 and R1, but If I configure it correctly for the buttons it appears like Select and Start.

I hope someone could help me with this, thanks in advance.


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I have a question, I made everything like the instructions say, even installed the buttons patch, but for some reason my controller buttons only show as PSX versions (I put the XBOX option on my game directory).
(I suppose the error occurs because I did't put the hasmap) because I confused, can I use THIS SeeDReborn hashmap and continue using the new SeeDReborn textures without errors?


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I have try all the day but i can get this mod work i dont even see the option to conf the controller U.u
Is there a video that we can follow or im missing another program first...


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Any chance of a port for the remaster?


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Hello, I installed everything following the steps and after trying all the folders (HID and MAIN) I got the desired configuration where X selects, O cancels, triangle is the menu and the square is the card game. My problem is that when I press any key the assignment of the keyboard letters appears, I have always done the tests in the configuration of the command within the preferences within the game, with ALL the files the same thing happens to me, it blinks and the green letters appear at the push of a button.
Thanks for the mod, for reading the post and sorry for my English, I am using the google translator.


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the game a built in button remapping . right?
Any chance of a port for the remaster?


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someone still here in this topic?
I've the problem with the white glove, and i know the problem is because i use an XInput controller (360 wired) with big picture using mappings who use keyboard key instead (for using the D-Pad in the menu, use the trigger buttons ecc)
if i not activate steam keymappings and i let only the game see the controller, i could only use the analog stick for movement and the triggers not work (i know, ff8 on steam not natively work with XInput's triggers) and instead for L2 R2 buttons i need to use L3 and R3 (the analog pressed buttons)
there is any solution now? the better one will be using the keyboard keys on the controller with pig picture but this mod (psx buttons) not work


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I'm not sure what's going on with my set up but I can't get this mod to work. All my other graphics mods are fine.

I'm using a steam controller and steam link.

I actually think the mod is probably working tbh, but I can't get the game to realise I'm using a controller. So it's showing keyboard buttons.

Anyone seen this, or know how to force the game into using a controller setup instead of keyboard?

Thanks for the help!

Had the same issue myself and found the cause. to solve it you need to right click Final Fantasy VIII in your steam libary and select Properties. Under General Set Steam Input Per-Game Settings to Forced Off

then i went into
And Deleted sysfld00_17.png and Renamed sysfld00_17 ALT.png to sysfld00_17.png
Then Did the same for
Deleted sysfld01_17.png and Renamed sysfld01_17 ALT.png to sysfld01_17.png

Copied the sy folder from FF8_ControllerButtons_v2.0\FF8_Buttons_Main\FF8_Buttons_PS4_DS4 into FINAL FANTASY VIII\textures
and it Worked

For DS4 Users it is often Beneficial to set Steam Input Per-Game Settings to Forced Off. for games that only support Xinput it needs to be on but for games with native DS4 support its often better with off (game displays DS4 button prompts with it off but X-Box prompts with it on)
« Last Edit: 2020-10-30 06:44:32 by Larathu »


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Hey Mcindus, I had this up and running a while back but it seems to have gone haywire at some point.

I'm currently trying to play Callisto' Ragnarok mod with my Xbox One Controller wired via USB (I also have a PS4 controller I can use if it would be easier).
I'm fairly stupid, should I use Shunsq's mod or yours?

I thought I had it working and then I got to the Timber Owls mission and it most definitely wasnt correct lol.


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I'm using Xpadder and I had a problem where the PSX buttons would only appear when a button on the controller is pressed - when it is released, the keyboard buttons appear again. I think this is because the game switches between detecting it as a keyboard (when a button is held down and xpadder is doing its thing) and as xinput the rest of the time (when no button is held down). Installing both the xpadder and xinput versions of this mod at the same time does not work - the buttons display all the time, but they are completely scrambled because of the conflicting inputs.

The simple and janky solution is: Do not connect your controller until AFTER you have started the game and skipped past the keyboard configuration screen by pressing X. At that point, the game stops looking for a controller and thus will only ever see keyboard inputs, which fixes everything. Janky but it works and I hope this helps someone.

I do have one question though - is there any way to make this button mod work without SeeD reborn? I really like the old PS1 fonts and would prefer to keep them, but the mod seems to stop functioning if you remove the Seed reborn hashmap.


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I want to use the layout on the steam deck, but everything I tried led me to the conclusion that I have to change the button layout files. I cut out the button symbols and placed it on the corresponding keyboard letters. The problem with this is the size of the buttons do not fit exactly for this. So I have to change the size and it looks extremely ugly. Does anybody already did the work and can share it? Alternatively, can anybody say to me how to create the button layout files? Than I would do it myself and share it with the community.