I see quite a few people in the past seemed like they would help out but then gave up because they couldn't even get it to compile/run.
Hopefully things have changed now that the project has moved to github/travis-ci.
Anyways I thought I'd start this topic as a fresh shout out to anyone that wants to help out. Even if you feel you don't have the skills then still let me know, you could do something as simple as fixing up the license in each source etc

We need some artists too to help with things like:
https://github.com/q-gears/q-gears/issues/39You can find me on IRC most of the time:
Servername: irc.esper.net
Groupname: EsperNet
Default Port: 6667
Channel: #qhimm.com
And off course the project is here, and as of now there are 2 branches of the project:
https://github.com/q-gears/q-gearsNew: If you want to help and are new and don't know what to do, you can start by checking out the issue list and seeing if you can fix or help with any of them:
https://github.com/q-gears/q-gears/issuesAnd you can find builds (binary runables) here:
http://www.itscovarr.com/storage/qgears/Some ideas about what would be useful skill knowledge wise:
-Gimp/Photoshop/Blender/3d modeling/animation (if you want to do art stuff)
-LUA/C++ or any other language (LUA is simple while C++ is harder, but most of the code will end up being in LUA)
-Someone with a mac to test mac builds/help get the build working
-Being able to reverse stuff or just general FF7/8/9 knowledge
-Knowing FF7 file formats
-Being able to figure out why stuff doesn't work (debugging)