Author Topic: [FF8PC-Steam] Rebirth Flame v1.3 - Character Texture Replacement  (Read 349670 times)


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You want it more yellow like this?
Mmh, not like that, i mean like the mod one but a little more lighter! , don't know if it's a more complex work, in that case you can always release the shooting star from the original mod but with the improved color skin and dress :)

Edit: anyway i've done a search on google images and most of the cosplayers use a completely white shooting star like yours, so i think it's okay!, do the improvements at your liking, because it's your "edit" after all, it's good for me like the one in the first image, looking forward the complete release tomorrow :lol:
« Last Edit: 2018-07-28 23:15:32 by principealex1 »


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« Last Edit: 2018-07-28 23:21:40 by principealex1 »


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So this happened to me in my recent playthrough. It happened once for Quistis when Zell was the leader and now as Irvine as party leader.  :-o


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Edit: The author of this mod released a fix for this. You can dl it here:


I found a bug. During the opening intro, there is a texture that appears off to the side. Here's a screenshot:

How can I fix this?

Whoa whoa whoa I don't think this file is good to use to fix the intro.  I would get rid of it if I were you, guys.  There are some issues with collisions for other languages, etc.


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Whoa whoa whoa I don't think this file is good to use to fix the intro.  I would get rid of it if I were you, guys.  There are some issues with collisions for other languages, etc.

It was meant to be a quick fix for this guy. I didn't think it'd show up here. :P It will work on English, but I can't say the same for all languages.

So this happened to me in my recent playthrough. It happened once for Quistis when Zell was the leader and now as Irvine as party leader.  :-o

That actually happens with Lunar Cry in use. But it's really my fault because that means I missed a hashcode for Irvine there that would prevent that. :P


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Ah so that's my objcode trying to gobble up that mesh, huh?
That's why we've got to either have all objcodes or all hashcodes :/ -- objcodes work for the entire game unless overridden by other objcodes.  hashcodes are the same way, but they vary per scene/disk/language.  not sure if objcodes are the same for all languages, but lunar cry seems to have the least problems replacing textures out of the box, but because of it's determination to ALWAYS replace a mesh ID unless told otherwise, made it really hard to work with until this point.  I think if we had all objcodes mapped (characters, npcs, enemies/bosses) that we could reduce the amount of actual codes we use by a LOT, which will also make getting new codes easier when tonberry gets its update (i'm working on trying to get people involved).
Maybe it's time to get the objcodes working???? Message me on twitter or discord and let me know when you might have time to live/voice chat so that we can sort some of this stuff out.  I was even thinking of getting some documentation together.


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I would like to make a proposal ^^ It would be possible on the mago version to make the squall jacket more in shades of blue-black-white like the original rather than black-brown ?
« Last Edit: 2019-06-01 05:41:05 by ff7maniac »


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Hi guys.
I have a's a small thing but I want to ask you. I installed the Upscaled version of the textures, everything works but the texture is fixed, in the sense that in the original, sometimes, the characters blinked their eyes. With this mod it doesn't happen. How can I solve it?


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small suggestion, would it be possible to change the black shoes with red laces for black boots with rings on the sides as for the official images or cutscenes ?


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Why is it asking me to request access?


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Edit: The author of this mod released a fix for this. You can dl it here:


I found a bug. During the opening intro, there is a texture that appears off to the side. Here's a screenshot:

How can I fix this?

Where do you place this file?