Do you feel like you know everything there is to know about Final Fantasy VIII?
Do you feel like the game is just TOO EASY?
Do you know many game-breaking tricks that make the game boring?
Do you enjoy dying over and over, trying different strategies, failing and crying?
Then this is a mod for you!
The goal of this mod:- Significantly increase the difficulty of the game, where knowing these game-breaking tricks is no longer game-breaking, but necessary to progress!
- Force the player to know the strengths and weaknesses of each enemy and play accordingly
- No changes to how the enemies work, their resistances or weaknesses. Original game mechanics kept intact
- Require the player to think more, use various strategies, junction properly to stats, use various magic a lot more
- Make enemies much harder, better, faster, stronger
- Require absolute mastery of the game, min-maxing of stats and magic
Changelist:- Significantly upscaled all enemies and bosses base and scaling stats (Like seriously, this is harder than the hardest mod's Omega Extreme)
- Downscaled player stats
- Decreased the effectiveness of strength
- Increased the effectiveness of magic (to encourage more magic use)
- Increased the effectiveness of Vit/Spr (to encourage more strategic junctioning to defense)
- Removed the ability to escape from ANY battles (to force EXP gain and enemy scaling)
- Removed the Enc-Half and Enc-None abilities
- Removed the Card ability (To prevent EXP avoidance by carding - Card mod is still in the game and its use is strongly encouraged!)
Tips:- Do NOT underestimate enemies
- Enemies scale very hard with levels, farming is not going to go very well
- Save on multiple slots! Sometimes you might go past your chance of drawing / refining a strong spell or gaining too much EXP making enemies too strong to handle and you won't be able to go back if you overwrite your save file!
Download and Installation:Download link:
Ver: 0.1.1a these files into your ...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\lang-en
So far this mod only works with the english version of the game.
Compatibility with other mods has not been tested, I suggest you play without any other mods.
Final words:I've had a lot of fun making this mod. Only Disc1 is finished so far and I am continuing on working on this mod and will finish the rest of the game too! I just wanted to post the mod to get some playtesting and feedback from you guys! I would LOVE to hear from you. If you happen to record or stream your playthrough of the mod, just pop me a message and I will definitely stop by to watch you struggle! (nyehhehehe)