i saw some of the things i figured out in the wiki too... did you do that?
anyhow, today i am hacking breath of fire iii, something very little is known about (already figured out 90% of the basic item/equipment info, same going for the attacks), and i am slowly figuring out the enemies, which have a set place in the files. rather than making a file for all enemies and their formations, and calling on these from specific areas, they made it so that the enemies are part of the area data, so you can have up to 8 enemies, and i think 18 formations per area, with the possibility of easily strengthening enemies by area, so rather than making new enemies, and eating up more space, you just use specific sprites/animations, and the little enemy programming does the rest (136 bytes for the entire enemy data, 8 for name, 12 for stat, and 9? for resistances, the rest is mainly moves and such, and items).
so far, it has been pretty easy to figure out the information, just because of how simple everything is in the game, and i am going to be working on a mod for it as well alongside ffvii, but vii will take much more work (have to revamp my leveling system because of a snag, an space it takes), where a simple little full-game patch for bof3 would probably take under a month to do, even just a few weeks (most of the time is just figuring out the info).
i dont care how long it would take to dump, as long as it dumped them, and separate files would still be preferred, because it is easier to compare that way, rather than needing to search a massive file.
and about the cursor positioning, i found this:
http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/VB/0260__GUI/Setcursorposition.htm, but i don't know if it is what you are in need of or not.
a little thing on how to get the cursor position is here:
http://www.devx.com/vb2themax/Tip/18831, but it doesn't say how to repoint it, and i do not know how it would react with scroll windows, it could keep the same position, even if you scrolled the screen down, and left the mouse in the same spot.
try searching around google with "positioning cursor in vb.net", or looking at the cursor class (what some sites said). i know nothing about vb.net, so i cannot do anything other than point you to sites i found with similar info, but i think it will take a good bit of code to add the feature if you can do it with scrolling windows.