Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Battle editor - Proud Clod (1.5.0/FINAL)  (Read 415238 times)


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« Reply #175 on: 2009-06-18 17:31:51 »
UPDATE for formation 0xA: a 0D in row 2 (and probably anything higher) can cover a 03, 04 and 18 in row 3 so the higher it is in row 2 the more it can cover.
a 0B in row 2 can cover a 03 and 18 in row 3, but not a 04 in row 3.....? Maybe this isn't about values. Let me look at this in binary:

Code: [Select]
Row 1:           00100
Row 2:      00110     01100
Row 3: 00011     00100     11000

I think that's it! I tested this a little and this is what I got:

Say Enemy A is in row x with an 0xA of m and enemy B is in row y with an 0xA of n:
Enemy b cannot be targeted if ((y < x) and (m and n) > 0).
I just changed the 0C in row 2 to 1B (from 01100 to 11011) and the 04 in row 1 (00100) didn't cover it. Looking at my other example (now in binary):

Code: [Select]
Row 1:     01
Row 2:   01  10
Row 3: 01  10  11   <-- only Row 1 and Row 2 10 is targetable

Row 1:     XX
Row 2:   01  10
Row 3: 01  10  11   <-- only Row 2 is targetable

Row 1:     XX
Row 2:   XX  10
Row 3: 01  10  11   <-- only Row 2 10 and Row 3 01 are targetable

Row 1:     XX
Row 2:   01  XX
Row 3: 01  10  11   <-- only Row 2 01 and Row 3 10 are targetable

It fits! Unless anyone can find a situation where this doesn't work this is what I'm going to call it.


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« Reply #176 on: 2009-06-18 17:39:48 »
sounds good to me ^^. we now have a fully working new part to use that was there the whole time :P.

i think i may try to find the psx master materia data now, since a good bit of the formation data has been opened up more, i know it isn't in the shopmenu.mnu file, since i checked the entire thing (if it is stored as 46 in the hex, 70 normally, then it isn't in it :P). my guess is that it is in the slxx file, since that is like the main part of the game, everything starts from there.
« Last Edit: 2009-06-18 17:49:40 by secondadvent »


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« Reply #177 on: 2009-06-18 17:55:33 »
@akari type 5 is used in a couple battles, some are dummy battles. here are the locations of each fight if you want to check them out (starting from scene 0):
scene 1 - formation 4
scene 9 - formation 2
scene 23 - formation 3
scene 25 - formation 4
scene 172 - formation 3
scene 180 - formation 4
scene 188 - formation 1

i couldn't really tell what was up with them, because the battle wasn't set up for it (used the first MP fight :P), but these should give a better idea of what goes on in the sephy version.

for the enemy advantage... wouldn't the amount given overflow if the random was too high? either way i guess they would still end up going before you most of the time.

Camera type (or battle type 8) set formation type 3 (enemy advantage). You need to look at battle type 8 for formation type 5. This is hardcoded. But formation type are one of the major thing in battle formations (positions, rows, target mask, directions and so on)

If timer greater than ffff if starts from 0 again.

By the way, battle camera switched in animation scripts. (You discuss this while ago)
« Last Edit: 2009-06-18 18:00:07 by Akari »


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« Reply #178 on: 2009-06-18 18:26:55 »
ok, ok, my bad then :P. i get it now...

i will probably be off for a little while, maybe a day or so to play ffvi, since seeing typhon (aka chupon) gave me the urge to play >:D. i will see if i can find the psx master materia multiplier first, but i may not find it.

ok, i think i am going to continue working on my main mod, because it has been left out in the cold for a while and probably needs fed  :lol:. if you want help in finding anything out, let me know cuz i will be still keeping an eye on this thread.
« Last Edit: 2009-06-20 20:32:30 by secondadvent »


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« Reply #179 on: 2009-06-23 05:22:38 »
hey nfitc1, do you think you could make it so that PrC can create ai dumps, showing both disassembled and coded (or just the normal coded, you could just manually disassemble the script) forms so that you wouldn't have to look through two different PrC instances to compare ai?

if so, could you also possibly implement a way to one, import the ai back in from the dumped file (like for restoring older versions of ai instead of manually doing it, which is nice for when the enemy is the only one in the game, and you lost the old version of the ai. it could be easier to do if you made prc create an ai dump for every enemy, so that you wouldn't have to make it point to a specific place in a file, just have it point to a single file (name the files based off of the scene and enemy number in the scene, like scene 75, enemy 0, the MP enemy). you could make the format of the files look exactly the same as in PrC's ai section, the opcode, then a space or two, then the argument, and then a new line, making it pretty easy to read, and should be easy enough to import back in.

i could see a problem being if someone were to make changes in the files, if they made it formatted differently, because that could cause errors to happen during importing. this could also be a way to easily import ai to different areas of a scene without having to copy, but would be more of an asset when importing to a different scene.bin altogether.

also, how is PrC coming? you kinda fell off the front page when i started my mod (i took away the life support :roll:). are you still working on the copy/paste function (not that it doesn't work, or is difficult to use, just wondering  :-P), and how is the multi-pass disassembler coming, because i would really like to see that when it is done?

ok, i know this will likely be very hard to implement, but could you possibly make it so that when you click on a specific area of the disassembled code, it will jump to that area of the code to the left (i know, not an easy feat to do)? you could just make the main things like self, target, enemy, etc. masks, and variables clickable, since they would be the easiest to keep track of, and are the key pieces of coding to want to look for anyway (when disassembled, make every variable store it's starting offset somewhere for the disassembled script to change the current position of the coded section, so 0x and 1x opcodes would trigger this). if it is too much to ask for, then forget i even asked :P.
« Last Edit: 2009-06-23 05:30:02 by secondadvent »


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« Reply #180 on: 2009-06-23 13:36:10 »
hey nfitc1, do you think you could make it so that PrC can create ai dumps, showing both disassembled and coded (or just the normal coded, you could just manually disassemble the script) forms so that you wouldn't have to look through two different PrC instances to compare ai?

Something I've been meaning to implement, actually. Dumps are very nice when you want to compare what's what. That's how I figured out the "Binary cover flags". Details of which are now on the wiki at the bottom of the battle scenes page. Let's plan for this happening sometime early next month. I've got other family-related obligations to perform until that time. Keep in mind, however, that dumping disassembled scripts will likely take nearly an hour and require polishing.

if so, could you also possibly implement a way to one, import the ai back in from the dumped file (like for restoring older versions of ai instead of manually doing it, which is nice for when the enemy is the only one in the game, and you lost the old version of the ai. it could be easier to do if you made prc create an ai dump for every enemy, so that you wouldn't have to make it point to a specific place in a file, just have it point to a single file (name the files based off of the scene and enemy number in the scene, like scene 75, enemy 0, the MP enemy). you could make the format of the files look exactly the same as in PrC's ai section, the opcode, then a space or two, then the argument, and then a new line, making it pretty easy to read, and should be easy enough to import back in.

No. A MUCH easier thing to do would be to re-open the scene.bin and retrieve that single script, so I should probably add a "revert" button to do just that.

i could see a problem being if someone were to make changes in the files, if they made it formatted differently, because that could cause errors to happen during importing. this could also be a way to easily import ai to different areas of a scene without having to copy, but would be more of an asset when importing to a different scene.bin altogether.

See why I don't want to import from a flat file? Dumping single scripts to a file wouldn't be that big a deal, I suppose.

also, how is PrC coming? you kinda fell off the front page when i started my mod (i took away the life support :roll:). are you still working on the copy/paste function (not that it doesn't work, or is difficult to use, just wondering  :-P), and how is the multi-pass disassembler coming, because i would really like to see that when it is done?

I actually just came back from a FF concert in Dallas, TX. It was very well done and they did perform "One Winged Angel" even though it wasn't on the program. Oh, we also saw a exclusive pre-teaser for FFXIV. About all I got out of it is that the world will be called "Eorzed" and that it'll be an online game like XI. Likely everything in that teaser will change by the time the game gets released.
Other than that, I've been checking here regularly to see if anyone needs bugs fixed. I've been taking a break from PrC because it works the way I want it to and now it's just a matter of adding more useful features.

ok, i know this will likely be very hard to implement, but could you possibly make it so that when you click on a specific area of the disassembled code, it will jump to that area of the code to the left (i know, not an easy feat to do)? you could just make the main things like self, target, enemy, etc. masks, and variables clickable, since they would be the easiest to keep track of, and are the key pieces of coding to want to look for anyway (when disassembled, make every variable store it's starting offset somewhere for the disassembled script to change the current position of the coded section, so 0x and 1x opcodes would trigger this). if it is too much to ask for, then forget i even asked :P.

I've thought about this and even played with the idea, but it's not possible in VB.NET (at least I don't think it is) to reposition the text cursor in a text box. If anyone can tell me how I'm all ears.


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« Reply #181 on: 2009-06-23 21:48:39 »
i saw some of the things i figured out in the wiki too... did you do that? :P.

anyhow, today i am hacking breath of fire iii, something very little is known about (already figured out 90% of the basic item/equipment info, same going for the attacks), and i am slowly figuring out the enemies, which have a set place in the files. rather than making a file for all enemies and their formations, and calling on these from specific areas, they made it so that the enemies are part of the area data, so you can have up to 8 enemies, and i think 18 formations per area, with the possibility of easily strengthening enemies by area, so rather than making new enemies, and eating up more space, you just use specific sprites/animations, and the little enemy programming does the rest (136 bytes for the entire enemy data, 8 for name, 12 for stat, and 9? for resistances, the rest is mainly moves and such, and items).

so far, it has been pretty easy to figure out the information, just because of how simple everything is in the game, and i am going to be working on a mod for it as well alongside ffvii, but vii will take much more work (have to revamp my leveling system because of a snag, an space it takes), where a simple little full-game patch for bof3 would probably take under a month to do, even just a few weeks (most of the time is just figuring out the info).

i dont care how long it would take to dump, as long as it dumped them, and separate files would still be preferred, because it is easier to compare that way, rather than needing to search a massive file.

and about the cursor positioning, i found this:, but i don't know if it is what you are in need of or not.

a little thing on how to get the cursor position is here:, but it doesn't say how to repoint it, and i do not know how it would react with scroll windows, it could keep the same position, even if you scrolled the screen down, and left the mouse in the same spot.

try searching around google with "positioning cursor in", or looking at the cursor class (what some sites said). i know nothing about, so i cannot do anything other than point you to sites i found with similar info, but i think it will take a good bit of code to add the feature if you can do it with scrolling windows.


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« Reply #182 on: 2009-06-23 21:59:33 »
i saw some of the things i figured out in the wiki too... did you do that? :P.

probably ;)

anyhow, today i am hacking breath of fire iii. . . .

This board is for discussion of Square-related RPGs. BoF is Capcom.

i dont care how long it would take to dump, as long as it dumped them, and separate files would still be preferred, because it is easier to compare that way, rather than needing to search a massive file.

Separate files?! That's going to be nearly 700 files, but if you don't mind sorting through all that then I'll go for it. The dumps will load faster that way anyway.

and about the cursor positioning, i found this:, but i don't know if it is what you are in need of or not.

a little thing on how to get the cursor position is here:, but it doesn't say how to repoint it, and i do not know how it would react with scroll windows, it could keep the same position, even if you scrolled the screen down, and left the mouse in the same spot.

try searching around google with "positioning cursor in", or looking at the cursor class (what some sites said). i know nothing about, so i cannot do anything other than point you to sites i found with similar info, but i think it will take a good bit of code to add the feature if you can do it with scrolling windows.

Not even close to what I would need.


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« Reply #183 on: 2009-06-23 22:13:19 »
meh... i kinda figured that the cursor things i found wasn't what you needed, but i don't really know, so i was just trying to throw some stuff out there :P. i know capcom != square enix, just kinda tossing the info out there. i'll stop with the bof talk then  :-). i could probably make a topic about bofiii in the unrelated section, since there are many hackers here, but not sure how that would go, or if anybody would even care...

i am used to sifting through massive amounts of files, and having multiple files named with the scene# and enemy# would make tracking things down much easier if you know where the info you are looking for is located in the scenes. it would also probably be best if it were to make a folder to dump it all in, because having the files just pop in whatever folder would be a little messy >:D.


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« Reply #184 on: 2009-06-24 06:40:01 »
you could take that one step further and have it so that it makes a folder named scene001 and have the enemys from scene 1 in said folder and so on and so forth


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« Reply #185 on: 2009-06-24 06:59:09 »
yeah, but then it becomes overflowed with unnecessary folders... there are only 3 enemies per scene, so each folder would only have three files, and a sort by name in the single folder would order them from 000 to 255 by itself (and if not, since windows likes to sort numbers weird sometimes, by date modified, because it wouldn't create all files at the exact same time.

ok, not sure if you know about this yet or not, but there is a bug when trying to inject a section of code to a blank (just 73) ai script - object reference not set to an instance of an object:
Code: [Select]
************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at ProudClod.Form2.PasteScript_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

you can get around this by just typing in a value, say 90, and then paste, deleting the added value afterwords.
« Last Edit: 2009-06-24 08:44:22 by secondadvent »


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« Reply #186 on: 2009-06-25 03:41:42 »
Uhm, I'm a layman  :| I've been trying to copy and paste enemy skill attacks (specifically some of the ones in the Crater since by the time you get them they're worthless) however when the enemy monster attempts to cast the spell he stops right there and the battle remains motionless until I shut it down. So what am I doing wrong?


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« Reply #187 on: 2009-06-25 05:07:32 »
you have to set the enemy to use an animation or it will just sit and do nothing because it is waiting for an animation to use.

Fleet Command

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« Reply #188 on: 2009-06-25 10:46:09 »
Does anyone has problem downloading Proud Clod or is it just me? I seem to be unable to connect to Isn't there any mirror link on Skydrive, rapidshare, mediafire, etc.?


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« Reply #189 on: 2009-06-27 02:29:12 »
I want everyone to know that I'm keeping up with the bugs and most of them have been fixed. I'm currently working on a new feature. I won't tell you what it is, but I'll give you a hint as long as you don't read too much into it: the next version will require DirectX.


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« Reply #190 on: 2009-06-27 02:57:29 »

if it has something to do with what i am thinking (if it does, i'd be amazed), then that would be awesome-o. if not, then that would be kewl as well, knowing you ^_^.


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« Reply #191 on: 2009-06-27 17:02:32 »
If you're thinking the thing that it will be, don't count on it looking very cool. It's hard enough just getting graphics to display correctly. Unless I REALLY want to sink dozens of hours of research into this, it likely won't look very snazzy, but will still be fairly useful.


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« Reply #192 on: 2009-06-27 21:13:22 »
it working >>> it looking nice.

as long as whatever it is works, then i have no complaints :P. if my eyes explode because it is the most horrible looking thing in existence... then i may complain a little bit >:D.


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« Reply #193 on: 2009-06-29 16:35:46 »
OK. suspense is over. Now I know it works. ;)

Learned a lot of interesting things in the process. Like the viewing angle is only about 50 degrees.

PS - the gold boxes represent the front row while Cloud, Vincent, and Barret are in the back row. Hence the discrepancy.
Now I just have to relabel a few things and this'll be ready to be released!


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« Reply #194 on: 2009-06-29 22:06:51 »
very nice :P. i knew you were probably doing this, it is exactly what i thought ^^.

does it show the entire camera movement yet (doubt it since it is early in the making), from the starting point, or just the final position? eventually being able to load the backgrounds and enemies from the other files in the game would be amazing, to give a visual picture of a battle formation without having to actually track it down, but that would be WAY in the future, if you ever do it XD.

i gotta say, being able to see the final position alone is great for custom formation making, no more mass in-game testing for one formation, or memorizing what specific values will point to, so not only do we have full control of the enemies, we have full control of almost the entire scene.bin now :D.


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« Reply #195 on: 2009-06-29 22:17:34 »
does it show the entire camera movement yet (doubt it since it is early in the making), from the starting point, or just the final position? eventually being able to load the backgrounds and enemies from the other files in the game would be amazing, to give a visual picture of a battle formation without having to actually track it down, but that would be WAY in the future, if you ever do it XD.

I'd love to do the movement, but since I don't know what index points to what this isn't likely to happen. Unless, of course, someone can point me to them. It's likely one of the camdatx.bin files, but I don't know which one(s).

Also, loading the actual models is not a high priority for me. MAYBE within the next year I'll look into this, but it took hours just to make those stupid cubes so don't count on much. Also, since it's not a common format I'd have to do all the vertexing by hand. I don't wanna do that. I'll let someone else handle that.


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« Reply #196 on: 2009-06-30 07:51:14 »
Does anyone has problem downloading Proud Clod or is it just me? I seem to be unable to connect to Isn't there any mirror link on Skydrive, rapidshare, mediafire, etc.?

You're right, I tried to download it just now and it's not working. A re-up or different mirror would be great :)
I can't wait for the new feature! :D

Fleet Command

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« Reply #197 on: 2009-06-30 07:59:13 »
^ Well, I'm afraid a reupload wouldn't do for me. My ISP and Filefront seem to have a legal problem with their incompatible terms of services. :( Although it is just a rumor, but the fact remains that there is a service outage.


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« Reply #198 on: 2009-06-30 13:49:58 »
you could always contact Borde about using some of Kimera's source to get the models working it also has limited animation support too and the fact that that may cause further updating of kimera would be plain awsome


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« Reply #199 on: 2009-07-01 14:40:41 »
I'll look into getting another mirror. I've still got that mediafire account. Would that work?

Freakin' wow! I can now move the camera position and center around in real-time and see what position looks good. Now I might really have to load models. :)