Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)  (Read 543397 times)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #900 on: 2023-05-27 06:04:09 »
« Last Edit: 2023-05-27 06:35:17 by cloudiar »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #901 on: 2023-05-27 06:18:17 »
Well sorry if you feel that way, but I only can fix bugs that I can reproduce. I reviewed my code over and over, fixing things since 1.7.1, but what you experience with a huge project like yours, I often failed to reproduce it.

About the changes that is not interesting to you, there are other contributors in the project, and features like new icons are not coming from me.

I'm sad to see your message, but also I understand you could be mad at me about how long I answer to your issues.

And maybe you're right, I should say that I wont fix your issue when I don't have the time or the courage to


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #902 on: 2023-05-27 07:04:49 »
I have deleted the message because it was actually for you, and although the ways were not the best, I think you have felt my frustration, I value what you empathize with instead of analyzing the ways of saying it, sometimes I also forget how complex it is to solve problems, when programs are based on code that reverse engineers, that complicates everything more, and I don't want you to feel bad about this because your program is really great, I reached my limit, I understand that they are huge problems but if in In the past we would have had a better relationship, I think in the end something more could have been done about it.

I really feel bad, I did not lie when I said that you have been like an idol for me, being able to rebuild my favorite game of all time is something that I did not think was possible until I saw your Makou Reactor, other programs are necessary to complete it but without a doubt, your program is the epicenter tool of the project, the core, I would like to forget all this and come here to tell you first, that the project is 100% finished, but it is almost impossible, I am going to try to edit the fields individually but this causes me problems because I normally use several at the same time, I also need to resort to code from other places to save time.

I wish I had time and your necessary knowledge to fix it alone, but it's impossible for me, now I would just appreciate it if you would indicate somewhere that for editing more with general code, 1.7.1 is the best option, it could be used as an independent field edition at the same time that you can keep the complete project in other versions I imagine, it's just a suggestion that in problematic cases like mine it can help a lot, and it's not despising your work in other versions to do that (or that of your collaborators), but this will make other versions people who will appear in the future do not waste a huge development time, for the rest if you want some kind of information or debug, files, you know I will be available.

You must know like me that when you do something and it goes from being a hobby to an obligation, that's when it starts to stop being fun, and without realizing it I have put a huge amount of content, fixes, extensions, modules, minigames , or complete games as Triple Triad, I have used your program so much that I have gained enough knowledge to remake the game, that's why I call it my own remake, developing such skills with the hand of your program to make it has been by far so much fun and great, and inspirations and some great ideas have been born thanks to the skills that I have developed by learning to use your program.

Sorry if the previous message has bothered you, and thanks for understanding, take care Mystare.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #903 on: 2023-05-27 14:46:11 »
For what it's worth, I also don't use much of 2.0.0 for now. Only for the new background editor and even that, not so much, just a few specifics things that goes a little faster or better than doing them in a paint tool.
For everything else I find 1.8.6 much more stable for now, or handy in the case of things I already reported to Myst6re like the walkmesh stuffs.
I don't really have major problems with scripting in 1.8.6, though I work one screen at a time and save them often.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #904 on: 2023-09-23 10:54:32 »

I tried change font but the game not running, and I cannot add any letters or sybmole because the file size....?

I can export bin,png.jpg...etc but when I want import only I can upload bin, my ask how can I upload png or jpg because import only open (bin) file...?

Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

« Last Edit: 2023-09-23 11:07:28 by EditorMaster »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #905 on: 2023-09-23 11:29:31 »
If you're intent to patch an ISO, beware to not change the filesize, or to not chnage the sector of other files. I'm not sure this question is really associated to makou reactior, maybe you can ask in support or technical questions sections


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Re: Makou Reactor - a FF7 script editor
« Reply #906 on: 2023-10-18 00:34:29 »
Timu Sumisu is doing, but I can share the translation between you two :-P.

I like the program you have developed "Makou Reactor" that update it every time, I find this work is best project for FF7, well done.
I have a request that I hope you will fulfill in the next update, which is to add editing in Arabic for writing in the program.
 Because I want to translate this wonderful game into Arabic, I tried in various ways to change
Drawing letters from English to Arabic and writing in Latin letters, but the program does not execute the change command on the letter file that I edited. Therefore, I hope that you will grant me this wish, which is the ability to write in the Arabic language, as well as the possibility of applying the change of letters in the letters file and saving it to the game file.
I apologize for the length of my message.

Thank you very much.

Here WINDOW.bin (letters 20% translated to arabic for test)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #907 on: 2023-10-18 15:45:06 »
Can I add new model in any map or not available yet in last version?
« Last Edit: 2023-11-03 23:30:02 by EditorMaster »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #908 on: 2024-02-24 20:52:38 »
This might already be a thing and I'm just an idiot, but you know how when you edit a field the name is red until you save then it turns green, but when you reopen it's back to normal, is there a way to keep them highlighted? Or when exporting have it compare to an unedited version and only extract the feilds that where altered?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #909 on: 2024-02-26 18:40:33 »
I'm using Makou Reactor 2.0.0 and adding new groups causes strange and unintended behaviour:

1) Open a field
2) Add a new group to the bottom and save
3) Reload the field and the final script of the previous group will become the init script of the next group. In the case of Init/Main, both are absorbed into the new group.

Adding a group to the middle does not cause the same bug.

This one's not as important, but when adding a group the Find>Scripts>Run function does not update. So you can't search for functions in the bottommost group, and all the Group names are offset by one if you add a group in the middle. Reloading obviously resolves this.

Edit: Also
-Can't create a script: "Label 1" "Go to label 1" "Return". Pre-existing scripts in this game use this set-up to block a group's execution, and I can copy and paste those scripts without error. But if I create it myself I get errors.
-Trying to copy and paste any set of instructions including Opcode x28 KAWAI causes a crash.
-Taking an existing IF and setting its Label to "New label" creates a new IF instead (the unmodified IF remains, the new modified IF is placed above it with a jump to a non-existent label, and no label is added).
« Last Edit: 2024-03-12 19:27:33 by JBedford128 »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #910 on: 2024-03-07 00:52:02 »
Hi. New to this place. Uh, I've got a question about the Map Editor. Whenever I create an edit to the palette of a field in the palette section, it doesn't save when I click the save button under the file button.

If I was unclear about anything, let me know. Thanks.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #911 on: 2024-03-19 04:12:07 »
Thanks  ;)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.0.0)
« Reply #912 on: 2024-03-19 10:54:16 »
Hi, I wanted to ask if with this program it is possible to add additional sentences to the game.
like at the beginning of the game when Cloud gets off the train and add a cartoon with a sentence.
it's possible?


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #913 on: 2024-04-20 12:05:34 »

Release of Makou Reactor 2.1.0. This is a minor release with mostly bug fixes.


- General: maplist fixes
- General: New dialog to select which chunk to export + ability to select which chunk to export in mass export dialog
- General: Trying to fix Android version opening issues
- Background: Fix black colors on some backgrounds
- Background editor: Fix adding new tiles to backgrounds
- Background editor: Add export/import tile button for easiest modification with an external editor
- Background editor: Add html color code in the color picker + some improvements
- Background editor: Trying to fix issues when editing backgrounds with offset layers
- Background editor: Fix saving modified backgrounds, and warn when the max amount of tiles is reached per layer type
- 3D Model: Uniformize model animation values in PSX format with values in PC format
- 3D Model: Add a better detection feature to convert model list and animation list from PSX version to PC version
- 3D Model: Fix add animation crash in the model manager
- 3D Model: Add export animation feature in the model manager (PS version) to create an animation file in PC format
- Field Scripts: Fix bad jump conversion on modifying scripts
- Field Scripts: Add "CHAR" opcode editor with model preview
- Field texts: Add more context on exporting texts in XML format
- window.bin: Fix in the font editor when modifying a letter
- Internal: Moving text encoding/decoding to FF7tk (sithlord48)
- Internal: Some code updates (sithlord48)
- Internal: Upgrading Qt to 6.6.3
- Internal: Upgrading FF7tk to 1.0.0 (sithlord48)
- Internal: CI updates (sithlord48)
« Last Edit: 2024-04-20 12:08:12 by myst6re »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #914 on: 2024-05-11 02:43:46 »
Thanks for updating Makou Reactor again, I'm testing and at the moment it seems pretty stable, if I notice any new bugs I'll let you know, in any case I've only tested a few days.

I've really only seen something inconsistent so far, all the windows, including ask question, all default is come not visible (text is hide if not change the values, or autosize), I guess it's a small error, in many cases I use adjusted parameters that are lost if I hit autosize, this can be very annoying because to see visible window text if I press autosize I will lose my original measurements and it will be inconsistent.

Please if it's not too much work and you can fix it let me know, as I want to continue with your latest version, thanks in advance  :)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #915 on: 2024-05-12 06:05:37 »
I will check this, thanks for the report


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #916 on: 2024-05-13 21:13:07 »
Okay I pushed a fix, this will be available in the next build in GitHub


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #917 on: 2024-05-27 06:52:29 »
hello. myst6re.

Can I add fonts to mako reactor?

There is a script used in version 1.83.
I don't think I can use it because the file structure is different from the latest version.

I'll upload the file, so please take a look.
« Last Edit: 2025-01-14 04:59:28 by jwlee8707 »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (1.8.5)
« Reply #918 on: 2024-06-10 15:57:10 »
When you want to add a new model to a map, you need to both add a group script and a model in the Field Models window

Does Makou Reactor work with these features on PSx version and PC versions, or on PC version only?
Because I do not find these buttons activated for moving or replace field models to work on the PSX version, taking into account that I have Makou Reactor v1.8 and Makou Reactor v2.1.0, but add field models feature do not exist or  not activated?!

Thank you.  :)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #919 on: 2024-06-10 16:56:50 »
Only on PC version


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #920 on: 2024-06-11 08:13:03 »
Thanks for the response,  :)
unfortunately I was wish if these features were also available on PSX version.  :-X


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #921 on: 2024-09-09 10:22:11 »
Okay I pushed a fix, this will be available in the next build in GitHub


Can you please adding options Import and Export for main model ? or adding option for PC version Save As Model "BCX", many fans need any way to modify Models for PSX......."

Would be greatly appreciated!!

« Last Edit: 2024-09-09 10:37:49 by EditorMaster »


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #922 on: 2024-09-22 19:22:06 »
I was wondering what the easiest way would be to change the character images in the menu or hud for psx.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #923 on: 2025-01-14 04:03:33 »
Hello, developer! I’m really enjoying your program.

I have a question: I want to build the source code, but I keep running into conflicts.

Is there an optimal way to build it at this point without running into those conflicts?

The versions I want to build are v1.8.6 and v2.0.0.

I would really appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you!


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #924 on: 2025-02-02 20:49:05 »
[PSX version- looking for???]

Hi everyone and thanks to made this tool.
I'm new in FFVII mod things, I've some knowledge in FFIX with Hades...
So...I'm actually run LostWings mod to made a gameplay of the game.
Watching some video on youtube of FFVII-things (mod, glitch, versions, etc.),
I was wondering if it is possible to restore "honeybee inn" content for psx NTSC version of the game...
So, while I was searching for that, I'm watching some other video of other psx version of the game, in particular:

- Final Fantasy VII Interactive Sampler CD (no menù - party: Cloud, Aeris and Barret - Summon available: Leviathan)
- Final Fantasy VII Square Soft on PlayStation Previews (no menù - party: Cloud, Tifa and then Barret - Summon available: Neo Bahamut)

In theese versions, you can play only the bombing mission.

I was wondering...Has anyone ever tried to open theese versions of the game with makou reactor? To do what? Maybe some early content...maybe a strange menù or something else...
I've tried (with Makkou Reactor 2.1) and... only Final Fantasy VII Interactive Sampler version I am able to open in Makou Reactor...but I am not able to modify anything (trying to enable menù or modifying the party)
With gameshark code, i can give items, but not modify to the party can apply...
the Final Fantasy VII Interactive Sampler version, trying to open with MR but it crash.
Is there anyone who can do anything or tell me that there's nothing to do about?
« Last Edit: 2025-02-03 10:28:57 by paky-outsider »