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Topics - markul

Pages: [1]
Releases / [FF7PC]Sega Chief True Necrosis mod Español
« on: 2024-07-05 18:55:29 »
Este es otro mod que he querido traducir al español . El True Necrosis Mod de Sega Chief. En resumen es un mod de desafió, empezareis con 9999 puntos de vida y magia, y no podréis curar ninguno de ellos. Cosas como los objetos y las magias curativas han sido inutilizados y los eventos que os curan por completo a los personajes también,básicamente el daño debería ser permanente,si encontráis algo que no cumpla esta regla,hacedmelo saber para ver si es necesaria una corrección.
Si os gusta el mod hacedselo saber a Sega Chief:
Makou Reactor :  Herramienta creada por  myst6re (Gracias por mantener actualizada a día de hoy el programa)
Proud Clod  & Wall Market :  Herramienta creada por  NFITC1
Sega Chief: Creador del mod. Gracias por tu ayuda y responderme siempre a mis dudas y dejarme siempre traducir y publicar tu trabajo.

Configurad el catalogo en el 7th Heaven y podréis acceder al mod:

This is another mod that I wanted to translate into English. The Sega Chief True Necrosis Mod . In short it is a challenge mod, you will start with 9999 points of life and magic, and you will not be able to heal any of them. Things like items and healing magics have been disabled and the events that completely heal you characters as well, basically the damage should be permanent, if you find something that does not comply with this rule, let me know so that I can see if a correction is necessary.
If you like the mod let Sega Chief know:
Makou Reactor : Tool created by myst6re (Thanks for keeping the program up to date to date)
Proud Clod & Wall Market : Tool created by NFITC1
Sega Chief: Creator of the mod. Thanks for your help and always answer my questions and let me always translate and publish your work.


Releases / [FF7PC] gjoerulv Hardcore Mod Español
« on: 2024-07-05 18:38:36 »
He tenido problemas de salud últimamente, pero estoy mejor(no recuperado) y me apeteció volver a los orígenes y traducir unos mods del FF7, los que me parecen mas interesantes y divertidos.
Este es el mod de dificultad de gjoerulv. Consiste en un rebalanceamiento de la jugabilidad haciendo que la partida sea algo mas desafiante, cambiando parámetros en general, IA,enemigos incluso añade algunos enemigos sorpresa extra sin afectar a la trama del juego.
La traducción es la misma que hice en el mod Elemental. Hice algunas pruebas ,pero no un testeo completo, si existiese algún problema hacedmelo llegar y lo corregiré .(No haré añadidos o modificaciones en la jugabilidad del mod)
Si os gusta el mod hacedselo saber a gjoerulv:
Makou Reactor : Herramienta creada por myst6re (Gracias por mantener actualizada a día de hoy el programa)
Proud Clod  & Wall Market : Herramienta creada por  NFITC1
gjoerulv: Creador del mod. Gracias por permitirme publicar la traducción

Configurad el catalogo en el 7th Heaven y podréis acceder al mod:

I've had health problems lately, but I'm better(not recovered) and I felt like going back to the origins and translate some FF7 mods, the ones I find more interesting and fun.
This is the difficulty mod by gjoerulv. It consists of a rebalancing of the gameplay making the game more challenging, changing parameters in general, AI, enemies and even adding some extra surprise enemies without affecting the plot of the game.
The translation is the same as I did in the Elemental mod. I did some tests, but not a complete test, if there is any problem please let me know and I will correct it (I will not make any additions or modifications to the gameplay of the mod).
If you like the mod let gjoerulv know:
Makou Reactor : Tool created by myst6re (Thanks for keeping the program up to date)
Proud Clod & Wall Market Tool created by NFITC1
gjoerulv: Creator of the mod .Thanks for allowing me to publish the translation.


WIP / [FF7 PC]Shei-kul Avatars
« on: 2023-09-28 18:04:55 »
We are working on a new mod to update all the portraits of the game. I will publish it in my catalog of 7th heaven when its finished:

Hi! i want to replay some of the firsts FF from 1 to 9 and  i was thinking what is the best version for every game to play it.
For example, there is the original game, but also there are versions for PSX,PSP, PC, PC mod, the pixel remasters.....  :-\ I dont really know what should be the best option to replay this titles. Anyone can give me some advices?
Thanks   :D

WIP / FF7 + FF9 Field Maps
« on: 2022-11-24 19:03:14 »
I made many maps from FF8 to FF7 , so i was thinking of trying  the same with the FF9 maps. I saw that there is a tool similar to Makou Reactor and Deling: Hades Workshop.  Has a lot of things and info from FF9 game...also walkmesh! :D (Great work, Tirlititi!).
So in Deling the process was easy, basically ,i copied the info and made some little adjustments, choosing the right map to copy it, but now its not so easy... of course without the info of every triangle coordinates of the maps, i couldnt do anything....but for these maps i dont have info of the camera coordinates  of the map and the info of the  triangle ID linked of every triangle....
But i think its possible migrate some maps, im going to try to recreate the ice caves, could be interesting....(besides, now i have a "very fast" method to create the triangles of the walkmesh in Makou Reactor  8)  )
Tools : Palmer , Makou Reactor and Hades Workshop

Spoiler: show

Spoiler: show

Map 3
Spoiler: show

Map 4
Spoiler: show

Completely Unrelated / MGS2 (S.O.S.) - 3rd Person Mod
« on: 2022-09-19 17:17:27 »
Again, a fan doing what the company doesnt O_o
The mod, basically changes the perspective , to the same 3rd person perspective as the MGS3, and looks great  :o . The author , oct0xor , will release it in November 5.

Catalogs / [FF7]Markul Catalog (Spanish-English Mods)
« on: 2022-06-12 14:36:33 »
En este catálogo de mods he incorporado algunos de los mods que he ido preparando a lo largo de los años, a ver si con esto por fin puedo organizarlos un poco mejor :_) . Ninguno de estos mods se encuentra en los catálogos por defecto del 7th Heaven, a excepción del New Threat, pero está en inglés.

[URL del Catalogo para el 7th Heaven]

[Añadir el catálogo al 7th Heaven]
Añadir esta url (  iros://Url/https$  )en el listado de catálogos, desde el menú "Opciones Generales" y ya estarán visibles desde la pestaña de "Examinar catálogo" junto al resto de mods.

[Listado de Mods]
-Avatares:Before Crisis -> Mod gráfico para el cambio de avatares del menu del juego.
-New Threat 1.5 de Sega Chief(Español) -> Mod que cambia jugabilidad y contenido del juego
-New Threat 2.0 de Sega Chief(Español) -> Mod que cambia jugabilidad y contenido del juego
-Mod Des-Enlace(Español)  -> Mod que cambia jugabilidad y contenido del juego. Cuenta con una retraducción al español.
-Mod Elemental(Español) -> Mod con mi retraducción al español, sin más, con la posibilidad de cambiar mecánicas jugables.
-Mod Rebeerth (En inglés y español) ->  Expansión de contenido para la Posada de la Abeja
-Mod Saint Fantasy -> Mod grafico para cambiar la apariencia de tus personajes
-60FPS New Threat 1.5 -> Mod para hacer compatible New Threat 1.5 con el mod de los 60 FPS
-Triple Triad 7
-True Necrosis Mod ESP
-Gjoerulv Hardcore Mod ESP
In this catalog of mods i have incorporated some of the mods that i have been preparing over the years, to see if with this i can finally organize them a little better :_) . None of these mods are in the default 7th Heaven catalogs, except for New Threat, but it is in english.

[Catalogue URL for 7th Heaven]

[Add catalog to 7th Heaven]
Add this url (iros://Url/https$ in the list of catalogs, from the "General Options" menu and they will already be visible from the "Browse catalog" tab next to to the rest of the mods.

[Mod List]
-Avatares:Before Crisis -> Graphic mod that change menu avatars.
-New Threat 1.5 by Sega Chief(Spanish) -> Mod that changes gameplay and content of the game
-New Threat 2.0 by Sega Chief(Spanish) -> Mod that changes gameplay and content of the game 
-Mod Des-Enlace(Spanish) -> Mod that changes gameplay and content of the game. It has a retranslation into Spanish.
-Mod Elemental(Spanish) -> Mod with my retranslation into Spanish, without anymore changes, with the possibility of changing playable mechanics.
-Mod Rebeerth (In English and Spanish) -> Content expansion for the Honey Bee Inn
-Mod Saint Fantasy -> Graphic mod  to change the appearance of your characters
-60FPS New Threat 1.5 -> A mod that add 60 FPS animations for New Threat 1.5
-Triple Triad 7
-True Necrosis Mod ESP
-Gjoerulv Hardcore Mod ESP

General Discussion / Adding new content with 7H
« on: 2022-02-18 22:31:23 »
Hi, i want to share with you some info of ,what you can do creating a mod with 7th Heaven or the possibilities that you have to add new content with it. I never found many info of all of this so many times i had fear of waste time trying something impossible, so i post this here so other people, can know that all of this its posible to make(maybe, in the future, i could explain better all of this, with better ,and more visual, examples :/  ).

Many of this things are based in the feature of 7th Heaven that check vars ingame, and use folders of your mod, depending on it. I hope this could be helpful for many new crazy ideas and i guaranteed that all of this its possible (but tricky) o_O.
BUT many of this changes, needs to load in the game (so normally you will need to change of map, to load this changes)

1-This is the last thing that i tried to do and i confirm that works(just now i finished a test play in ff7 checking this). You can change your scene.bin file ingame, with the check vars method. What this mean? Infinite new enemies, no more 255 scene limit.In one file ,the battle with the scorpion its the original ,and in the other you can put any other enemy you want. But this has trick,for what i know the scene.bin and kernel need to be synchronized, so also ,you need that your 2 files scene.bin has the same "structure".I cant explain it very well, but if in a file you add a new enemy in the scene 254,for example, in the other file you need to do the same, the goal its that your two scene.bin and your kernel are synchronized.
This gives many possibilities, with the next point :)

2-You can change the enemy models ingame, with the check vars method.  For example ,in disc/part 2 you can change the aparience of for example the guard scorpion and re use it for future battles .This can also be applied to music,pictures (like menu avatars),  characters, NPC or battle models.

3-You can change maps of the game completely , with the check vars method. For example, you know that some maps of ff7 are for debug right?,well you can for example copy 3 different maps(like maps from Sector 1)  and replace one debug map with this maps, when you want, changing a var.

With all of this i only mean that the posibilities for adding new content with your mods are very high. I was thinking if the kernel could be changed also, but i never tried, i dont think that it could work well xD

General Discussion / Limited Maps (Ghost Hotel and Pilar)
« on: 2021-08-09 20:11:05 »
Hi! Some maps , in this game, still have many content that i think still was not explored at 100%
For example in the Pilar map its perfectly posible to expand the map  without problems with the background, and in the case of the Ghost Hotel ,the second floor has a walkmesh and the doors have animations to use it  :O

Releases / [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2021-05-01 19:29:59 »

Buenas, quiero compartir este mod que he preparado. Es un mod que cambia de forma masiva el juego. Básicamente, es un mod que incluye nuevas historias, enemigos, contenido opcional,etc.
Si queréis una nueva experiencia en el Final Fantasy 7, probadlo, la verdad es que el resultado final me ha dejado muy satisfecho :)

Hi, I want to share this mod that I have prepared. It is a mod that massively changes the game. Basically, it is a mod that includes new stories, enemies, optional content, etc.
If you want a new experience in Final Fantasy 7, give it a try, the truth is that the final result has left me very satisfied :)

ENGLISH VERSION available in the catalog

Catalogo de mods del 7th heaven:
*The final expansion is in development.
EDIT 03052024: I decided to stop making content for FF7.

Recursos para Mods, usalos libremente,  pero deja creditos por favor, en respeto al trabajo realizado en este mod ;) :

Lista de cambios del Mod Des-Enlace(el mod esta en Español):
-Retraducción del juego y censura eliminada.
-Más de 10 mapas nuevos .
-Sistema dia/tarde/noche
-Nueva mazmorra de desafío(Volcán Gaia).
-Muchos nuevos modelos de mapa
-Varios enemigos nuevos y algunos originales modificados
-Parámetros y ataques de todos los enemigos modificados
-Imágenes coleccionables por el juego
-Cambio de modelos de personajes ingame
-Se han incluido algunos minijuegos
-Nuevos desafíos en Gold Saucer
-Nuevas historias secundarias(originales y basadas en el FF)
-Nuevo personaje que se unirá al grupo al comienzo de la segunda parte
-Habilitados y recreados algunos eventos del juego original
-Cambiadas algunas secuencias originales
-Selección de dificultad(Bonus y penalizaciones de las materias)
-Parámetros de armas ,armaduras y accesorios modificados
-Parámetros y efectos de magias de Materias modificados
-Ataques por sorpresa en los bosques.
-¡Y muchas más cosas por descubrir!

List of changes of the Mod Des-Enlace (the mod is in Spanish):
-Retranslation of the game and censorship removed.
-More than 10 new maps.
-Day / afternoon / night system
-New challenge dungeon (Gaia Volcano).
-Many new map models
-Several new enemies and some modified originals
-Parameters and attacks of all enemies modified
-Collectable images by the game
-Ingame character models change
-Some mini-games have been included
-New challenges in Gold Saucer
-New sub-stories (original and based on the FF)
-New character who will join the group at the beginning of the second part
-Enabled and recreated some events from the original game
-Changed some original sequences
-Selection of difficulty (Bonus and penalties of the materia)
-Modified weapon, armor and accessories parameters
-Modified Materia magic parameters and effects
-Surprise attacks in the forests.
-And many more things to discover!

I want to give thanks to this guys O_o
In the mod, i put a special map for more credits xD
Tools Credits
Makou Reactor := myst6re  "Your tool its awesome, you made an impressive work, thank you very much :) "
Kimera := Borde "Thanks for this model editor, i found, in the creation of models, a good entertainment,  in all of my mods O_o
Deiling := myst6re "Thanks again xD with Deiling i could create many new maps based in FF8"
Palmer := Aali "Thanks Aali, with your program ,prepare the background of the maps its really easy(even to me :/ )
Proud Clod  & Wall Market:= NFITC1 "Wow...just wow, thank you so much,your tools and the Makou Reactor, i think are the Triforce of FF7 modding O_o)"
Fix Loop/Hex Tools := Dlpb "Thanks DLPB , your program to add loops to the music its very good  and also the tools for the hex files ;)"
Ulgp := luksy/Aali "Thanks to both of you, this program its really great, i think i pass hours checked the extracted files from the game O_o"
Materia Keeper := Sega Chief "Thanks Chief , for this tool,change the Materia stats with this its really easy. Also, thanks for let me translate your mod ,thanks to you i found a good hobby with all of this . Anything you need, tell me.
Tex Image Tool := SeiferAlmasyFF8 "Thanks for this tool, its very easy to use, and help me a lot to modify textures :) "
Content Credits
DLPB/Kranmer  "Thanks for give me permisson for use the hex codes that i use to modify the spacing of the fonts, to keep the compatibility with other graphic mods(specifically the ESUI mod where i found this codes) ^_^"
Chrysalis(ESUI mod) " Thank you so much for the permisson for use the hex codes from your mod   ;D (spacing fonts), so i can make my mod still compatible with ESUI.

Releases / [FF7] Recreation: WhiteBG2
« on: 2021-04-02 20:49:46 »
Hi, recently  i recreated the sequence of the map whiteBG2 from the Japanese version of the game.
If anyone want to use it , i put a link with the resources :) (I think there is no need to use 7th Heaven , it could work in  the FF7 Steam version also)

Here a video of the map sequence working :[Private video, has spoilers ,sorry]

Same as this map, i shared my recreation of the "trap" map,if anyone is interested

Tools:Kimera(Borde) for the animations and models , MakouReactor(myst6re ) for the flevel  changes.

EDIT : Maybe in the future i will make a little change to the models, i think i can make it better O_o
Edit 2: Changed :3 Should be fully compatible with any model mod.

Releases / [FF7 PC]Menu Avatar: Before Crisis
« on: 2021-03-25 10:39:12 »
Hi people  ;D
Im working in a mod and i created this simple set of avatars,  from Before Crisis, to include in that mod. But i was thinking that it could be good to share it  as an independent mod also . So here is:
Catalogo de mods del 7th heaven:

Here i have created a program that let the user install some model personalizations into his Final Fantasy 7(No need 7th Heaven).The program use the lgp tool of Aali to compress the files(Great tool thanks for share it :)) .
Also the program lets anyone to prepare his own personalizations(i will prepare a guide ).


Personalize your characters, check that the FF7 folder is correct  ,and launch the menu button : "Procesos" ->" Cargar Seleccion" should work xD
There are also a compatibility options for New Threat mod :)

7th Heaven / Conditional Format
« on: 2020-08-22 12:39:39 »
Hi  ;D , one question about the 7th heaven  xml format.
Im triying to load a mod folder with this conditions:
  <ModFolder Folder="Ojos\ojosCloud\Cloud"  >
      <Option>CloudOjos = 0</Option>
      <Option>gameplay = 1</Option>
      <Option>Byte:0xDC091B = 1</Option>

But it seems that dont work for the variable  Byte:0xDC091B, (i tried with a 7th heaven variable and it work  and i know that Byte:0xDC091B has the correct value when i test it) i can make this conditions in other way?

Releases / [FF7 PC]Saint Fantasy : Selection Model Mod
« on: 2020-08-02 17:24:32 »
Hi, here i share this mod that can change the battle , field,worldmap,and minigame  models from all main characters.Also ,you can change the eyes textures ,weapons,dolls and head, for some models.

[ Version 2.1 - 06122022]
Im gonna update the new changes here :
Catalogo de mods del 7th heaven:
To know  how it works:

Thanks to Borde, for the Kimera tool, a very useful and complete Tool :)
Thanks to myst6re, for the Makou Reactor Tool, the Holy Grail o_O
Thanks to SeiferAlmasyFF8 for the FF7 Tex Image Tool, allowed me to easily convert all textures :D
Of course...thanks also to Aali for the lgp/unlgp tool :)

General Discussion / [FF7] Recreation : Trap
« on: 2020-06-06 15:57:12 »
My version of the map  Trap.(Field and flevel files).

Its based on the map hyou5_4  and i used this tools : Palmer(Aali)  and Makou Reactor(myst6re)

7th Heaven / 7th Heaven :Translate ff7.exe text?
« on: 2020-04-22 13:37:33 »
My question its if is posible, in some way, translate the texts of the .exe in the 7th heaven with a mod? . I tried with hex edit(i dont really know so much about this but i tested it in many ways :/ ) but i dont get any change :(, the only thing that i can do its translate the ff7.exe ,rename it and change the .exe setting in 7H.... but that only provoque other problems O_o

Thanks  ;D

edit: i think i see the problem...not as easy as i thinking(and not expected it was easy thing :/ )

Releases / [FF7 PC] Next Fantasy I Mod
« on: 2020-03-15 00:43:24 »

-In many maps, some areas "hides" the character or the character hides the background: *For now i dont know how to fix this...
-Some maps have a black screen section  : *For now i dont know how to fix this...


After a half year....i can release this mod :D

Its  a mod that change the original content of FF7 to create new fields,based on FF8(Dollet Mission), new history( also from FF8 but with some changes....),enemies,change music, backgrounds for the new fields, models, movies...
The idea its to play it in the disc/part 3,like a postgame challenge.Dont work with mods that change the gameplay, but the original game should be playable without problems.

To start with the new content, just go to Gold Saucer,in disc 3 ,and talk with the guy from Mog Minigame
Spoiler: show

First ,i want to thank to Sega Chief for give me permisson to use some things from his mod NT(Cameos :/)
And finally i want to thank the next users , because without his useful tools i cant do nothing xD :)

Makou Reactor := myst6re
Deiling := myst6re
Wall Market := NFITC1
Proud Clod := NFITC1
Loveless := Squall78
Fix Loop := Dlpb
TouphScript := luksy
Ulgp := luksy
Palmer := Aali
Kimera := Borde

All of you and the rest who share his modding tools, are the best ;)

Note* Originally,the mod is in spanish but I translated the dialogs, of the spanish version, to english with a program(im tired ,sorry :/ ). If someone want to help me with the translations to English(someone with english as native language),it'll be wonderful.

[New Version: 30 de Mayo 2020][7TH Heaven 2.0]
IRO Spanish:
IRO English:

I disabled all other mods, an reinstall my mod ,but the .ogg files dont load, only sound the original music(with option vgmstream) and my mod movie files are muted, in the last version all of this works.
Also , i unninstal the 7thheaven 2.0 to use again the previous version but i cant remove  the "games" folder ,some procces is using it.

Making mods for 7th heaven, i have had the incovenients that everytime i change something and i need to check the results i must: unninstal the mod, create the chunks of the flevel(7 chunks in my case  :( ),create the iro, install the mod and activate it. ¿its any other way to do this process faster?

Thanks  :)

WIP / [FF7PC IN DEV]PostGame Mod : Next Fantasy
« on: 2019-07-30 17:19:42 »
update 08/09/2019
Hi, I'm working on a new mod :D
The idea is to create the Dollet FF8 Mission in FF7. I want to do this mission as a post game challenge (for now I will see if I can create all the  maps :/ )
For now I can not give more details, I am working on the maps. I leave some screenshots and a test I did for the first map, I will update with the progress O_o:
Spoiler: show

Spoiler: show

First 3 maps structure created at 100% (Only Walkmesh :/)
For now i have Mini Cloud in the maps, i think i can fix it ,and the layers in the map sometimes hide the player in wrong place, i think i can fix it to not hide the player,but it would be difficult   to made that it hide the player in the correct place of the map.....

2 maps more worried about the problem with the background layers :(

Im still working,but the problem with the background  i only can solve it recreating the walkmesh in other map....thats for the V2.0 XD.This is more work than I expected but I don't give up. Other image O_o

Releases / [FF7 PC]Remade Honey Bee Inn : Rebeerth Mod
« on: 2019-06-18 20:32:24 »
Hi   ;D
I want to share this mod with all of you. Its a recreation of 3 of the unused maps of the Honey Bee Inn.
The 3 maps are interconected with the actual Honey Bee Inn and they are totally playable in the FF7 (IRO Version)
I have some limitations, for example i cant recreate the background animations :(

[Update 04/12/2021]
English and Spanish version:
Catalogo de mods del 7th heaven:

The mod its compatible with the New Threat 1.5 Mod(in theory, should be compatible with any gameplay mod)

Enjoy it ;)

Quiero agradecer en mi idioma :)(asi puedo expresar lo que realmente quiero decir) a los creadores de las herramientas que me han permitido montar este mod:
myst6re : Gracias por el MakouReactor,la verdad es que es una de las herramientas mas potentes que he visto en el foro :)
Aali: Gracias por el editor Palmer,encontrar esta herramienta fue como encontrar un oasis en mitad del desierto,muchas gracias.
Sega Chief: Traducir tu mod me permitio adquirir la capacidad para poder lograr mi primer mod :)
Y muchas gracias al creador y a todos los que colaboran en el desarrollo y mantenimiento del 7Th Heaven ,sois Dios  O_O

Gameplay / [FF7PC] (Spanish) New Threat Mod(V1.5) +(V2.0)
« on: 2019-05-26 19:16:13 »

Thanks to Sega Chief for the help and his support for let this mod can be translated in spanish also (a lot of spanish people now can enjoy at 100% of this mod :)).
Also, thanks to all the users that shared in this forum his Edit-Tools for this game, without them I could not do anything :/

Last .IRO Version 1.5 :
Version 2.0:

Quiero agradecer a los creadores de las siguientes herramientas que me han permitido traducir y mantener esta version del Mod de Sega Chief :)  :

Makou Reactor := myst6re
Wall Market := NFITC1
Proud Clod := NFITC1
Loveless := Squall78
TouphScript := luksy
Ulgp := luksy
Hext Tools: DLPB
Seguro que he usado mas,pero ha sido un proyecto largo donde he tocado de todo ,sin saber (ya que mi conocimiento al ponerme con esto fue de 0 y fui aprendiendo e investigando segun la necesidad de cada aspecto de la traducción), y seguro que algo se me pasa......en cualquier caso todas las herramientas del foro merecen en mi opinion la misma gratitud :)

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