Troubleshooting / FF8 editing fs. files, kernel using tools(doomtrain,quezacotl etc) triple triad?
« on: 2019-08-05 01:07:01 »
Hi there wonderful modding community, question if i may i have been playing around with the game using the tools created for editing the fs files, example main.fs extracting the kernel inside using deling and then having a right old go with doomtrain , done some crazy stuff with that .
my question tho in all these tools i haven't found anything for triple triad by which i mean editing the cards to your party quantity,location of cards stuff like that. Does that exist in something i have not discovered? or do i need hyne?
my question tho in all these tools i haven't found anything for triple triad by which i mean editing the cards to your party quantity,location of cards stuff like that. Does that exist in something i have not discovered? or do i need hyne?