Author Topic: [PSX/PC] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)  (Read 79991 times)


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Re: [PSX/PC] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #75 on: 2020-03-07 14:27:40 »
Stats, gotcha.

Skullcap and Circlet sound like a fine place for flavor. The only trade-off apparent to me is Garnet would boost Leviathan in slightly less defensible gear: a very minor concern.

Re-adding missable synth materials sounds good.

I ran some numbers on the scratchpad on the mod's main spreadsheet to see what sort of damage the (Str+Mag)/2 formula weapons might do at max stats. These are averages of min and max damage.

Tiger Racket: 1837
Angel Flute: 3220
Whale Whisker: 3667
Whale Whisker (old): 1976
Mace of Zeus: 3504
Sargantas: 3300 (selected because as comparable w the above)
Obelisk: 3827  (selected because as comparable w the above)
Masamune: 5025
Ultima Weapon: 6000
Ultima Weapon (old): 6750
E2: 6300
E2 (old): 7350

Basically, if considering max stats, you can pretend that Garnet and Vivi wielding a Str+Mag weapon are wielding a Str weapon w the same power and a Str of 72. Eiko, 71. Whereas if they are wielding a racket/Str+Spd weapon, they do so like they are wielding Str weapons of the same power with Str of G: 43, E: 42.

Since row doesn't matter for striking your own party members, Healer on mages is much improved.

Edit: Would you say the main value of the rebalanced attack values is so that the attack values themselves make more sense internally?

Did you go ahead and change daggers to the (Str+Spd)/2 formula like you mentioned?

I can be available to discord chat some time soon. I don't use Discord much, so I'll figure it out after work today and plan to reply more about it to your next replies.
« Last Edit: 2020-03-07 14:30:58 by Vir »


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Re: [PSX/PC] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #76 on: 2020-03-07 14:49:43 »
Would you say the main value of the rebalanced attack values is so that the attack values themselves make more sense internally?

Weapons, yeah. No other option exists when you rebalance them so it's all about having consistent and comparable progression with other character. Maintaining some sort of power ranking. For example the huge jump between Esto Gaza (after) and Daguerreo doesn't make much sense since they're basically accessible at the same time. That's why Flame Saber and co were boosted that much.

Armors are another thing. Robes were outright invalidating a huge chunk of the light armor options.

BTW i haven't considered max stats number when balancing. I do know how high mag+str gets on mages but i have ignored it. Balacing with such an extreme case in mind would yeld bad results of all the "average" playthroughs. Also strange that Zeus can deal damage as high as Rods and Flutes, since the latter are elemental now.

I will probably have a better idea for these numbers when i reach the endgame with my "average" playthrough so i can see the actual stats.

Daggers are still str only.


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Re: [PSX/PC] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #77 on: 2020-03-07 14:57:17 »
The Dagguereo jump at least feels exciting in the first several playsthrough when you feel like you unlocked something secret. If by now you go there as a matter of course, same as you'd go to Esto Gaza, then yea, might be more satisfying to balance it for you.

I didn't multiply in an elemental bonus for any of those above.

Whale Whisker (1.5x): 5501
Tiger Racket (1.5x): 2738

Yea, one of the advantages of making a mod for a perfect game run is you only have to consider the base stats and the max stats in balancing :) That average playthrough, actual stats thing is a lot harder ;)


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Re: [PSX/PC] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #78 on: 2020-03-07 18:34:47 »
Daguerreo is still a big boost in equipment. I just made Esto Gaza a bit closer to it and distanced more those earlier.

For example, using steiner's weapons, vanilla is Disc2 35, Blue Narciss 38, Oeilvert 42, Esto Gaza (after Desert Palace) 46, Daguerreo 57. Now it's 35-40-44-51-57. Smoother.


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Re: [PSX/PC] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #79 on: 2020-03-08 04:15:21 »
Vir#2468 seems to be my Discord handle.


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Re: [PSX/PC] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #80 on: 2020-03-08 07:41:18 »
Say, you could check Let's Plays and perhaps some guides to get character data for regular plays through.


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Re: [PSX/PC] FF9.2.2 - Balance fixes (+German version)
« Reply #81 on: 2020-03-08 19:04:28 »