Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3212620 times)


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Thanks for the response Orichalcon.

Any chance you could point me in the direction of these other ways to fix the black bar/get centered fields?


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Replicated.  Which is a start because it means I can finally try to sort this.  Can't make it crash with new translation off... so that narrows it down.

Just an fyi that I've had this crash after battles a couple dozen times since R06 and I've never played with new translation on, so for me it happened without new translation.


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Thanks for the response Orichalcon.

Any chance you could point me in the direction of these other ways to fix the black bar/get centered fields?

My code has been added (or used as a guide) for ffxn and is a separate hext file.  Problem is I don't think it's perfect because that's my old code.  But it's close.


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I just wanted to let you know when I get to the Nibelheim flash back sequence after leaving Midgar, Reunion seems to stop working. The game will crash and I get the Hey fool error message.   It works OK up to the part where Sephiroth starts going crazy. When the first FMV comes up, when he walks into the fire, it is fine, but at the end of the second FMV, when the Mako reactor is shown, that is when the game crashes and I get the error message. Any ideas as to how I can fix this or is this a known problem? I am using R06.

Thanks for your help. 


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Looks like I figured it out. I turned off New Translation in the options and the game no longer crashed. Now you have a heads up for something to be looked at.

Great job with the mod though! I am really enjoying playing FF7 with the new dialogue, it is so much better than the original translation.


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read first post


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I was just trying to help you out for future releases, I already fixed the problem on my end by essentially turning off the best part of reunion, which is the translation. It caused the game to crash every time I got to that moment. I don't have the save file anymore since I already saved over it after I got past that part by turning off new translation. I am sure if you play that point out on your end the same thing will happen to you as well. It has to be something with the coding of new translation that causes it to crash there. You are the owner of the mod and don't have to listen to me or try to fix it. Was just trying to help you out so you could fix it for your next release, if you don't want to investigate it further without my save file, no worries, it is completely your call.


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that isn't fixing it.  i need a bug report.  see first post.  the error message and first post ask for you to report the bug in a specific way and provide a save file.  I want to fix it - but without a save file or proper bug report I have no way of isolating it or investigating it properly.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-04 11:46:51 by DLPB »


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A message regarding certain people who are cloning this project without permission - with no credit given - and defend their behaviour - and who, from week 1, created a new fork instead of helping with this project as they said they would.  Not good for the community at all. You'll note I credit everyone clearly when I use their work.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to add ffxn to this project because it's got a lot of bugs at present and the author is messing about adding features before fixing what needs fixing (bugs with it, bugs with aali's code, and bugs with the original engine that have been there since 1998).

When I feel the time is right, I'll merge it.   Despite all my problems with how True Odin and Quantum Pencil have behaved, ffxn does show promise long term on the graphical fix side of things.  Please don't post anything regarding this as I don't want any further drama.  I just want it on public record how fed up of it I am.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-04 20:20:00 by DLPB »


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We are not cloning your project. By the way, you're guilty of flagrantly violating copyright law, as long as you refuse to open source this project. I provided undeniable proof (and easily verifiable proof) in the thread you just linked, ironically enough. Funny for a guy accusing others of stealing his work.

That's your "dll" clearly linking with Aali.dll, a modified GPL piece of source code by your own admission. You can moderate this if you want, if you do l I will repost the proof again the next time you mention me or TrueOdin or appropriate action is taken by qhimm for your flagrant violation of GPL.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-06 04:10:19 by quantumpencil »


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I can't read your post but

Please don't post anything regarding this as I don't want any further drama.

The other thread has since been locked.  Please don't continue it here.  You've had your say on that thread.

Cloud’s Stripe

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and now for something completely different (i had a look around the forum and didn’t quite find the right spot to post so i’ll do it here). an interesting thread on ffvii’s translation from a translator regarding context (and the lack thereof) you (DLPD) & Charlie Beer might (still?) find interesting (somehow after all of your effort?).
really looking forward to RO7 (& what ALL off your efforts (could) mean for the game regarding the posts above btw)


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Thanks.  I don't have a twitter account but perhaps we need one for this and to reply :)


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I can't read your post but

The other thread has since been locked.  Please don't continue it here.  You've had your say on that thread.

I was throwing rocks at a beehive and now I am upset that there are bees swarming all over me  >:( I walked across the street but the bees just keep following me

Cloud’s Stripe

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now there’s a joke with context! yet, i’d unironically love that, as it’s a (rare) extansive and thoughtful thread! (i’d screencap it in about 80 pics lol, but that still wouldn’t do much for the sourced links & credits :)


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Is it safe to install R06e and continue to use an existing save when I already have R06d? I'm going to back up my save but I wasn't sure if the mod can be upgraded mid-save.


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It can :)  Shouldn't affect saves and so on.


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Ok, I just installed R06e and having a strange issue. Not game breaking by any means but it's somewhat annoying.

1. An explanation of the bug
The finger cursor is enabled and I'm unable to turn it off with the input button/key (Select/Backspace). I also confirmed when loading an earlier save I'm unable to turn it on. The weird part is pressing Select on the world map allows me to change between the different map/mini-map views. It just doesn't do anything in towns.

2. Does the bug happen at same point more than once?
Yes, the cursor is static and I'm unable to disable it.

3. App.log (found in root folder)

4. Reunion.log (found in The_Reunion folder)

5. crash.dmp (found in root folder if the game crashed)
6. Your save file from just before the crash or hang
7. Audio.log (found in The_Reunion folder)


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It's been changed to L2 to avoid interacting with Select.  Not sure if I noted that in help file?


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I didn't want to return to this - but I think you all should know that sl1982 is currently trying (on behalf of True Odin and Quantum Pencil) to force me into releasing my source for ddraw.dll - which they've been after since the very start.

The charge is that aali.dll "links" to ddraw or vice versa.  It does not. Aali.dll is a completely separate entity and is called from ff7.exe loadlibrary - which is easy to prove.

Rest assured that even if this were not the case, I'd rather burn my eye balls out with a white hot poker than give my source to bandits that want to pass it off as their own.  Which would mean I'd be forced to leave Qhimm's.

This is the latest evidence I have of how those two have acted with absolute contempt from the beginning and will stop at nothing.  I've got better things to be doing than this rubbish - I actually give a damn about the game and improving it.  If True Odin and QP want to create a proper community that will have one modding solution we can all enjoy, I invite them to work with The Reunion and not against it.  Attempts to get away with doing large chunks by forcing me to release my source are not going to work.

Aali.dll source will be uploaded as sl1982 has requested - within 3 days.


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It's been changed to L2 to avoid interacting with Select.  Not sure if I noted that in help file?
Ah, thank you! Sorry I missed that.


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Not a bug report, but I don't see an answer readily available.

How do I uninstall/reinstall The Reunion? I have added quite a few other mods (graphic and sound updates only), but I think I may have moved some conflicting files into some conflicting folders. Since those folders are all directly inside The Reunion folders, I don't know what is safe to delete/overwrite. I was just going to start fresh: reinstall The Reunion and then add the mods I want in the correct order.

What's the safest way to go about doing that?


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Not a bug report, but I don't see an answer readily available.

How do I uninstall/reinstall The Reunion? I have added quite a few other mods (graphic and sound updates only), but I think I may have moved some conflicting files into some conflicting folders. Since those folders are all directly inside The Reunion folders, I don't know what is safe to delete/overwrite. I was just going to start fresh: reinstall The Reunion and then add the mods I want in the correct order.

What's the safest way to go about doing that?

just make sure you backup your save files and you're good

i dont think you need an uninstaller, just delete The_Reunion folder, restart, then reinstall

if you actually wanted to save the mods and install a new version of reunion, you just install the new version of reunion on top on the old and it only removes the BASE folder, keeping your mods and whatever else in the other folders


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just make sure you backup your save files and you're good

i dont think you need an uninstaller, just delete The_Reunion folder, restart, then reinstall

if you actually wanted to save the mods and install a new version of reunion, you just install the new version of reunion on top on the old and it only removes the BASE folder, keeping your mods and whatever else in the other folders

Thanks for the quick reply.

Where exactly are the saved files? That's primarily what I was concerned about.

I think I may have accidentally moved some files into the BASE folder instead of one of the others. What's the correct way of thinking about how the folders work with each other? So far, it seems like if I put the files in the GLOBAL folder, I don't have to set up a Custom Mod in Options.ini.


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True.  Global is just for things that should be universal.  Custom is for things that are limited to one mod package.  Either way, I need to get on top of a proper vid tutorial and I will.