Author Topic: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)  (Read 427186 times)


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #800 on: 2024-04-27 05:37:40 »
Sadly, I'm also getting that damn Unknown exception error while trying this mod in 2013 original game. Even tried to rollback to older versions of the game, but the error keeps going on in the very first battle. I've finished the game in lion heart 2 times in 2019 version and wanted to try the updated one for 2013 ='(

Anyone solved the problem already?


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #801 on: 2024-06-24 14:12:02 »

First, I have to THANK YOU for this mode. I've discovered it few weeks ago (after finishing FF7 NT 2.0, was a blast!) and I started a new game with the Ragnarok mode + no exp challenge (while not using rare card items). The journey is amazing...  I need to find every little detail to beat certain bosses, plus the adjustments related to the cards and the difficulty sound so right to me. Quality of life changes and additions, like being able to draw 25/30 spells at once, the NO EXP ability available for everyone as the game beings (!!!) and the possibility to reset CARDS RULES IN SOME REGIONS!!! My gosh... perfect reading of what needed that game. Congratulations for that.

Speaking of cards rules, I'm at the end of disc2 (just before the the Balamb/Galbadia war) and I found some of the NPC that resets rules (Deling City, Trabia, FH...) but I can't find the one in Balamb Garden. Cards are a big part of my run, and "random" has been spread in Balamb. A big mistake I know, it's been a long time I haven't play that game and I totally forgot the spreading rules. So, I would like to just remove this and I'm hoping there is also a "guy" in Balamb that can do that.

Could you please give me some hints related to that?

And again, thanks to all the people for all the work done for this mode. So great!!

EDIT: I found the guy!

But now, I have another question. Is it normal that when you pay the woman at Lunar Gate to reset the Lunar Gate card rules, nothing happens? Like, I paid her twice (2x100 000 gils) and when I want to challenge the Queen of Card here, all the rules (literally ALL of them) are still active. Almost impossible to give her the card she wants to continue the card quest.

Is it normal, like a scam (:D) or is it an omission? a bug? Thanks.

EDIT 2: So, it's seems like paying to reset rules AFTER talking to the Queen doesn't reset them. But if you pay to reset rules BEFORE talking to the Queen, it works. To my great fortune, I'd saved before entering Lunar Gate...
« Last Edit: 2024-06-27 13:03:20 by godaimer »


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #802 on: 2024-07-12 08:35:52 »
started a new game with the Ragnarok mode + no exp challenge (while not using rare card items). T

stepmine will be your friend :> enjoy did a noexp run on lionheart difficulty which was awesome fun to figure out some of the stuff :)

Ace D Firefist

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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #803 on: 2024-07-25 18:26:05 »
Thanks so much for the time and effort you spent making this mod. From when I hit the save point, to the time I finished the Cerberus boss fight with 3 stacks of double... was 4 hours. 5 wipes. This mod isn't for everyone, but it is the most fun I've had with a classic era FF since the first time through all those years ago. Well done.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #804 on: 2024-07-27 04:04:10 »
« Last Edit: 2024-07-28 18:10:40 by InfernAngelis89 »


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #805 on: 2024-08-04 11:05:25 »
Hi, are you still updating this mod to the Remaster?

Peerless Girl

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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #806 on: 2024-08-04 21:00:55 »
While I like the concept and balancing of this mod to a point (especially the draw refinements, and most of the spell changes) Dying to every single boss fight (besides Ifrit) multiple times is getting JUST a touch old. I've done a BIT of grinding and leveling (maybe 4-6 hours in the time up to the fight with Gerogero) and it's still been a nightmare. Even stuff like the Ochu, if I chose to fight it would just annihilate Laguna's party in a few hits, so I ran. I've got the best junctions I can manage up to this point, and have battle speed on the slowest (and wait for menus). I am using the 2019 remaster (primarily because getting the other one into a functional state is just...very time consuming, annoying, and difficult). It feels like the issue might be the ATB gauges or turn timing. foes take multiple actions to my party's one or two, so Gerogero just spams us down, and seemingly I can't just phoenix down him anymore, and cures don't do nearly the damage that fire does. I can get an Ifrit cast off, but he tends to die on the second summon attempt. Boss fights are just a really ugly slog, and if it's this bad now I can't imagine how it'll be later. Not sure what else to do or say, just...frustrated at the moment.

Peerless Girl

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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #807 on: 2024-08-04 21:44:41 »
Sadly, I'm also getting that damn Unknown exception error while trying this mod in 2013 original game. Even tried to rollback to older versions of the game, but the error keeps going on in the very first battle. I've finished the game in lion heart 2 times in 2019 version and wanted to try the updated one for 2013 ='(

Anyone solved the problem already?

I had had no issues, but am starting to get unknown exception crashes after the Gerogero fight (and quite a bit of texture corruption).


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #808 on: 2024-08-05 19:52:42 »
This mod is pure beaulty! I saw alot of videos, gameplay and tested for myself <3

I only have some curiosity for example, how do you created new "bosses" like Yunalesca, if the normal game have a max number of enemies (i guess, besides dummy), or super Bomb and Ruby Dragon?
And the new spells are all modded from the game? Or you created some too?
« Last Edit: 2024-08-05 20:05:49 by Divatox »


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #809 on: 2024-10-27 20:07:56 »
Can't get it to work on version 2019 no matter what.
I don't have the spells at the start, and the draw point is Esuna. Redownloaded and redid them several times, it just doesn't work. You give instructions on what to do if those don't work on the 2013, but you don't on the 2019.

It's a shame because this is only mod that removes the obnoxious level scaling of an otherwise good game.


FOUND THE SOLUTION, this is as October 27 2024, might be different now depending when you're reading this, but even so I might give you a clue.

Writing here in case anyone else have this problem.
So essentially the issue is with step 2 and 3.

Here's how it went for me:
When I just went and downloaded the demaster from, it would be just a .dll I couldn't anything with.
So what I did is scroll down to "1.3 FINAL v2", which was a release that has an .exe inside. I ran that one normally like in the instructions told me to, then did all the other steps.
However, AFTER doing that, I needed to go and download the dll too, then just drop it in the game's folder. This was the step I was missing, because nowhere it hinted I needed to do this. I assume this updated demaster, but honestly I have no clue. It just worked for me.
After that, this mod started working. My guess is ragnarok wasn't working because demaster wasn't working.

Hope this helps someone maybe one day.
« Last Edit: 2024-10-27 20:41:21 by escama »


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #810 on: 2024-11-01 13:05:34 »

Thank you very much, i'm very excited to try this mod.
One tip : maybe you should add somewhere in the first page that the game needs to be in english for this mod to works.
Maybe it's obvious but it wasn't for me. Did a few try before changing langage.

For informations, i change the langage going to the "config.txt" files. It was in C:\Users\....\Documents\my games\FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered\Steam\76561198048472185


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #811 on: 2024-11-09 08:55:46 »

I made an account just to post my review and comments having just finished the Lionheart mode.

First, I want to thank you for this excellent mod. One of my most cherished games growing up, I love the atmosphere, story, characters, music, but the old junction, levelling, and battle systems are just not fulfilling to me anymore. This mod has revitalized my love for the game. For me, this mod is the definitive way to play and is overall a much more balanced and rewarding experience than the original. So thank you so much for that.

I have some feedback on certain points below, almost entirely positive. There’s other things I could mention (like extra save points, Odine shop, abolishing triple triad rules for a fee) but suffice to say, if I haven’t mentioned it, it was also a great change and sincerely appreciated. So I'm only going to focus on areas that some people might debate. In saying that, my experience was probably helped immensely by having played on the most recent revision of the mod.

The magic vs attack changes
I’ve read through some discussion / complaints here that magic is too strong, especially with triple. I went into this wanting to use a balanced party of Squall (str/mag), Irvine (str), and Rinoa (mag) and ended up beating Lionheart with exactly that, so I think I have a credible opinion on this. While Rinoa did usually end up being my strongest damage dealer, there were three main drawbacks to magic that I think balance it out. First is that it requires Triple to be set up (which can be lost on KO). Second is that it uses up draws. Third is that triple isn’t available until far later in the game (and even early on, double has to be used sparingly). Further but more minor: Silence is also more punishing than Blind (with 255 acc, attacks still often hit through blind).

For these reasons, I agree that magic needs to be stronger than physical to make it worth using. If it was not, why would you bother with triple or use up spell draws? In the end, a triple ultima/meteor/flare was doing about (6,000 x 3) while Darkside was doing about 12,000. This feels fair. Maybe physical could use a slight buff or magic could use a slight tweak down, but I really thought it was balanced overall. Particularly since Squall / Irvine could be left on low hp to trigger a Limit (which are still much stronger than any tripled magic) which is not as feasible for a magic damage dealer who relies on triple being up and therefore can’t afford to be KO’d.

Draw changes
The change to Draw was so good. Not having to draw GFs was one great change, but drawing 50 spells at a time with Rinoa was such a nice QoL. The only thing I’d say on this is that given how easy it was to draw, I didn’t really see a point tying this to MAG. It was quite annoying seeing Irvine fail to draw… fail to draw… then draw 2 spells. There was just no point drawing with him. In the end, the approach was to draw 100 with Rinoa, transfer them to Irvine, then draw another set of 100 with Rinoa. Which was still tedious. I don’t see why everyone can’t just have the ability to draw for max regardless of MAG. This change would also probably help with the debate about STR vs MAG.

Item changes
I ended up not using any hero / aura stones. Having now beaten the game without them, I'm not sure it was necessary to keep them in the game at all. I guess some people might still like them but for me, at least on Lionheart mode, I believe they go against the spirit of the challenge. Being on low life for Limits now feels like a genuine trade-off. Staying on low life now sometimes was a deliberate strategy in the end game. While there were some other battles throughout the story (Edea Disc 1) where I was on my last leg and just went for a last ditch Limit to win it. It felt so exhilarating when it worked. I believe Aura (and aura stones) ruin this low life dynamic.

I was also a little worried when I saw you had kept attribute ups (Str Up, Devour, etc) in case it was necessary to grind them to beat Lionheart. Turned out this was no issue as I only used the ones given out from sidequests and fared fine. In the end, they were so rare that it did feel special getting them from a sidequest. But they made such a marginal difference that there was thankfully no need to grind for them.
The other item changes, such as weakening card refine, and ensuring a smoother weapon upgrade path (e.g., Lionheart after Ragnarok) were much appreciated.

Monster / Boss changes
First, I want to say for the most part all the enemy changes were so well executed. I actually had to think about each boss battle, sometimes fail it a few times, then problem solve and go back in. The whole process gave me nostalgia about the early days of playing PSX and not having a million internet guides out there. Even when there were a couple times I was truly stumped and had to search this thread to find some tips, it felt more like asking my school friends and getting some vague maybe-helpful-maybe-not advice rather than just looking up a guide which tells you exactly what to do. So thank you again for instilling that feeling again.

Protect, Shell, and Haste were super important but there was enough bosses with dispel (or just getting KO'd) that it felt like a reasonable challenge to juggle them. Having just one or two Auto-buff abilities went a long way to removing any tedium of enemy dispels, as did Renew (though I barely used Renew).

I do want to comment about some bosses:
  • The fight that sticks out the most is the top of the prison (two GIM robots + two red G soldiers). This is the one fight in the entire game that felt unfair. The enemies are so fast and spam such devastating attacks that it seemed there was no counterplay. I didn’t feel there was any problem-solving to do here, I simply had no choice but to grind out levels for an hour or two to have any chance (which is what I did - thankfully the remaster has 3x speed). Then I went in, spammed GFs, and won. No real thought put to it, just brute force. It seems this fight is a tad controversial so I just want to add my 2c that I agree it could use toning down (unless it was intended as a roadblock to force you to level up??).
  • All other story bosses on Disc 1-2 were a great challenge and seemed well-balanced. It was a little odd that X-ATM was so easy after Elnoyle might be one thing to mention. I remember Brothers, Gerogero, BGH, and Norg all taking a few tries but were so satisfying to take down (actually had to use Float on both my party and the Brothers for the first time like the game intended, how cool). Diablos was so difficult I left him till way late (I think I may have had Tonberry + Odin before Diablos) but that’s fine cause he’s optional.
  • On Disc 3, Abadon annoyed me and made me look up this thread to understand the crouching/standing thing. I had junctioned Death to Stat-D as much as I could and was still getting murdered by it. In the end, it felt like winning this one was more luck than problem-solving. Apart from that, all the other Disc 3 story fights were tops. Bahamut and Ultima Weapon were great fights too - challenging but fair.
  • On Disc 4, Adel took a few tries mainly for me to realize how fragile Rinoa was and really focus on healing her. Another good fight. All the bosses in Ultimecia’s castle were great fun though I wasn’t a fan of the decision to take away the choice in order of commands to unlock. I figured this was because someone could brick their save file if they unlocked the commands in a dumb order (because the fights were so much harder). If this is the case, I think just making Sphinxaur always unlock Magic would be enough to avoid bricking, then allow the rest to be a free choice of unlock. Minor thing either way.
  • As for Ultimecia, I felt such a tension in the build up towards fighting her. I figured 4 fights in a row would make it the hardest fight in the game. That tension worked so well with the creepiness of the castle. In the end, I beat her on the first try but it was a great fight with a couple close calls, very enjoyable and a fitting conclusion to a superb mod/game.

As for the new optional bosses:
Spoiler: show

  • The bomb was a cool idea to make use of some seldom used game mechanics so that was nice (though in fairness, I’d actually been using Counter and Return Damage for much of Disc 1-2 as they were so good now).
  • The 3x adamantoise were tricky to get ahead of but coming back with Bahamut/Eden and all the junction abilities helped here.
  • The ruby dragon was probably the hardest of the three, not much to add - just a tough but fair fight.
  • The sorceress in the storage room was a neat homage to Yunalesca, though I didn’t like this fight overall. I can’t remember exactly what happened but I remember thinking the speed and order of her turns felt unfair at least a few times. Like most of the fight was just cruising then all of a sudden she’d rip out a combo of moves that couldn’t be defended against… can't remember exactly what the moves were but I remember just shaking my head like WTF was I meant to do against that (not exactly helpful feedback I’m aware).
  • The laboratory fights were fine for the extra rewards but not too memorable otherwise.

In summary, thank you again for such a fantastic experience.  I have had a blast playing through this mod for 40 hours or so. You’ve made one of my most cherished games of all time even better.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #812 on: 2024-11-13 07:34:50 »
Hey I was wondering could you include proper documentation in the mod files?

What you call "documentation" barely qualifies as it, it's just tips and some changes you've made.
Proper documentation would be an extensive list if every single change you've made, and where everything is. I'd rather to know where to get things and how quests are completed instead of go pixel hunting for some arbitrary item placement. I'm on disk 3 and I still have no idea how to get the flower liquor, and I bet when I complete the quest, I'll be disappointed with the reward, because of my next point...

I'm liking the mod so far but I wish you would have kept the non-lionheart version a bit more close to the original without so many nerfs to rewards, item drops and mugs. It feels pretty awful to complete a quest only to get an absolute trash reward, or go out of my way to try to get an item only to find out it's been removed. Those who want to farm and go out of their way to try to get stuff, to actually have stuff. I feel like you definitely overdid it with nerfing rewards. It's fine for people who are obsessed and want to have a challenge, that's why you have 2 versions of this mod, but on the normal one at least have the player sometimes get nice stuff if they go for it. I get it you don't want super strong rewards early on, but I'm on disk 3 and you're keeping **** orihaulcums alway from me, not even adamantines. I disagree with this extreme stingyness. Makes it feel like the game is constantly kicking you on the balls and saying no, you won't have this until I say you do.

Finally, I think you also overdid with overworld enemies. Mostly their speed. They get 3-4 attacks before I even get one, and you purposely made getting speed-J more difficult. The bosses difficulty is fine, but overworld enemies have no place being so annoying. Yeah you can beat them, but you're not gonna fight 1, you're gonna fight 50. It stops being fun and becomes tedium. Bosses are great, definitely the best part. Dying a few times until you manage a boss is fine. Dying to a random enemy on the field is not.
« Last Edit: 2024-11-13 07:51:19 by escama »


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #813 on: 2024-11-25 20:46:34 »
i'm trying to install the Ragnarok mod. However I have a problem. Everytime when i want to copy an Fs.file my Windows gives me an error and refuses to replace the fs.files. It also refuses to extract the files.
I'm playing with the remastered (2019) version.
Does anybody know this problem?
« Last Edit: 2024-11-25 22:40:07 by Blackbird »


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #814 on: 2024-11-27 05:45:34 »
see if that works for installation.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #815 on: 2024-11-28 22:52:27 »
Can't get it to work on version 2019 no matter what.
I don't have the spells at the start, and the draw point is Esuna. Redownloaded and redid them several times, it just doesn't work. You give instructions on what to do if those don't work on the 2013, but you don't on the 2019.

It's a shame because this is only mod that removes the obnoxious level scaling of an otherwise good game.


FOUND THE SOLUTION, this is as October 27 2024, might be different now depending when you're reading this, but even so I might give you a clue.

Writing here in case anyone else have this problem.
So essentially the issue is with step 2 and 3.

Here's how it went for me:
When I just went and downloaded the demaster from, it would be just a .dll I couldn't anything with.
So what I did is scroll down to "1.3 FINAL v2", which was a release that has an .exe inside. I ran that one normally like in the instructions told me to, then did all the other steps.
However, AFTER doing that, I needed to go and download the dll too, then just drop it in the game's folder. This was the step I was missing, because nowhere it hinted I needed to do this. I assume this updated demaster, but honestly I have no clue. It just worked for me.
After that, this mod started working. My guess is ragnarok wasn't working because demaster wasn't working.

Hope this helps someone maybe one day.

You have helped me :)

I have solved the issue with the fs files. It seemed that Windows 10 cannot extract large files. I had to download WinRar and use Winrar.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #816 on: 2024-12-02 14:26:21 »
Callisto would you mind if the Junction VIII modders put your mod on the new Junction VIII mod manager please


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #817 on: 2024-12-28 00:58:11 »
Dying to know if there's any way we can get some kind of enemy change files? Just got the Ragnarok and feeling kinda -done- with the overworld encounters. Same with the bosses. Eventually you kinda just want to look at a file with weaknesses/vulnerabilities, ya know?


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #818 on: 2025-01-04 17:50:31 »
Hi there. Thank you for making this mod, it's fantastic.

I have a question about lion heart mode. I previously almost finished a run on standard mode and decided to start again. It seems everything is working fine but when I got to the ifrit cave the time I could choose was no lower than 10 minutes. I still got the elem-atk.

This got me wondering if I haven't messed anything up as ifrit, elvoret and spider robot did not seem a lot tougher, although that might be because I did quite some triple triad and I'm more used to the mod now.

I just put the lion heart lang-en folder to overwrite, I did not first restore it to the original files. Could this cause issues?

The documentation says some bosses are noticeably different, which would the first one be? I'll check to see if it's working correctly and then I can play without doubts.

Thanks again.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #819 on: 2025-01-05 06:40:24 »
Having 10 minutes as the minimum timer is normal on Lionheart, so you should be fine.

If you haven't defeated Diablos yet, you can do an additional check to determine what mode you have installed: If you are on Lionheart, Diablos will never use Gravija, Demi or Doom if all party members' HP are low. In standard mode, he will still do so.

The first battle to feel noticably different from standard mode will probably be against the Iguions with additional enemies accompanying them. The Esthar Cyborgs at the end of the Cenra Excavation Site can also be noticably more difficult to defeat, as they pretty much retain the power level of the very first version of the mod, where they were widely considered a nightmare.

Thank you for your kind words, hope the second playthrough won't disappoint.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #820 on: 2025-01-05 10:51:08 »
Having 10 minutes as the minimum timer is normal on Lionheart, so you should be fine.

If you haven't defeated Diablos yet, you can do an additional check to determine what mode you have installed: If you are on Lionheart, Diablos will never use Gravija, Demi or Doom if all party members' HP are low. In standard mode, he will still do so.

The first battle to feel noticably different from standard mode will probably be against the Iguions with additional enemies accompanying them. The Esthar Cyborgs at the end of the Cenra Excavation Site can also be noticably more difficult to defeat, as they pretty much retain the power level of the very first version of the mod, where they were widely considered a nightmare.

Thank you for your kind words, hope the second playthrough won't disappoint.

Good to know. It should be fine then, and I'll keep an eye out for the iguion fight and esthar soldiers.

The first run didn't disappoint by the way, it's just my quirky playstyle of immediately wanting to start over when I get more knowledgeable and then more ideas about how to be EVEN better.

Thank you, and thank you even more for adding the card rule NPC's. Triple triad, I love.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #821 on: 2025-01-10 00:01:42 »
Everything seems to be working fine. It's definitely lionhart and it's great.

Have you got a list of changes you made to monster drops? I'm using a guide from gamefaqs as a guideline and some drops not mentioned in your documentation don't line up.

For example, leveling up the anaconduar stilk grants dragon skins, and I got a power generator from blitz. But the belhemel drops hi potion plus.

Or have you maybe changed the level where they are considered "high level" to 100? For most enemies the guide states above 30 is considered high.
I wouldn't mind trying a lot but I'm staying base level and leveling them up to 100 is tough to beat.

So if possible I'd like to know what changes you made. Thank you!


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #822 on: 2025-01-16 13:12:56 »
Hello again!

Forget about the list, I made it to disc 4.
I just have to mention the insane fun I'm having figuring out strategies and configuring junctions for a base level lionhart game. Everything seems to be well thought out, from junction effects to item placement. The extra side quests are mostly very rewarding. Apart from some already mentioned rough edges, I think it's quite well designed.
Thank you very much!

Possible spoilers:

It was so funny winning against that fire cavern bomb boss, I'm not sure I even did the correct way. I tried reflect on it, zombifying it, confuse works but the sun bath immediately cures it. Are we supposed to use counters and return damage? I haven't tried gfs.

I was very happy after defeating ultima weapon without drawing Eden, but the reward was kinda lackluster in comparison. The dark matter is nice, but you also get it from the trabia ruby dragon (another great addition) which is a lot easier. An accelerator would be fitting in my humblest of opinions. Still great fight though.
The extra fights in the esthar labs solves the laser cannon problem, should've thought of that earlier.

Even though it's a lot less effective, strength has still been a help, like against the  "sorceresses" and Adel. The first game I played with your mod I was saddened to see that meltdown worked on basically nothing, which is understandable, but combined with magic's empowerment is really hurting strength. In my opinion maybe it's possible to still have enemies and some bosses have a percentage weakness for no immediate proc, have it last a shorter time or turn it into vit-half instead. Just thinking out loud, I don't know if any of these are possible or easy to implement.

All in all. I bought this game a bit over a week ago and have already clocked in around 150 hours. Safe to say that I already liked final fantasy 8 a lot, and with your modifications it has sprung new life and skyrocketed my enjoyment.

Thank, you.


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #823 on: 2025-02-12 23:11:56 »
Amazing work on this mod! I'm planning to play it with my community, and I've been going back and forth from the Remaster to the 2013 version, trying to see how I want it to look. I've noticed that when I start the 2013 version, Shiva has Str-J learned, but not in the 2019 version.

Does that mean I've done something wrong with either install or is that just the current status of the mods?


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Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Ragnarok Rebalancing Mod (v1.2.3 & v1.1b)
« Reply #824 on: 2025-02-14 06:27:20 »
Dying to know if there's any way we can get some kind of enemy change files? Just got the Ragnarok and feeling kinda -done- with the overworld encounters. Same with the bosses. Eventually you kinda just want to look at a file with weaknesses/vulnerabilities, ya know?
At the moment, there isn't a comprehensive list of every single enemy change. As for checking the elemental weaknesses, there is the Scan magic, and if you want to inflict status effects, use your highest Strength attackers when trying to achieve them through St-Atk, and your casters when using Magic. If they miss three or more times, then they are probably immune. Unsure if there will ever be a full list, as it would take a lot of time, so I'll leave it at that for now.

It was so funny winning against that fire cavern bomb boss, I'm not sure I even did the correct way. I tried reflect on it, zombifying it, confuse works but the sun bath immediately cures it. Are we supposed to use counters and return damage? I haven't tried gfs.
Yes, relying on Counters and Return Damage is one of the possible ways to defeat it. Bomb can also be affected by Stop (though it's highly resistant due to it maxed out Spirit stat in this battle), summoning Bahamut or Eden afterwards can kill it quickly. Armor Shot with high enough Strength and Crisis Level can also kill it in one turn, the same goes for the Kamikaze command if it crits and the user's HP are high enough.

In my opinion maybe it's possible to still have enemies and some bosses have a percentage weakness for no immediate proc, have it last a shorter time or turn it into vit-half instead. Just thinking out loud, I don't know if any of these are possible or easy to implement.
Making it Vit/Spr-half instead of 0 is easily possible from a programming perspective, and it's already implemented, just not released yet. With that change, more enemies can be made vulnerable for sure. As for now, the most reliable way to inflict Vit 0 is using Quistis' Ray-Bomb Limit Break. It may work where the Meltdown magic fails, due to its way higher success rate. Odin or Ruby Dragons are good examples for this, as they are highly resistant to this status effect.

Amazing work on this mod! I'm planning to play it with my community, and I've been going back and forth from the Remaster to the 2013 version, trying to see how I want it to look. I've noticed that when I start the 2013 version, Shiva has Str-J learned, but not in the 2019 version.

Does that mean I've done something wrong with either install or is that just the current status of the mods?
It's the current status of the mods so I don't think you've done something wrong. The 2013 version is just a little more up to date with its changes to the ATB system and EXP-None ability, which aren't in the Remastered version yet.