Author Topic: Where'd everyone go? Discord.  (Read 19538 times)


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Where'd everyone go? Discord.
« on: 2022-11-11 23:04:22 »
Traffic on the forums has been dwindling the past couple of years. A lot of that is due to much of the modding day-to-day having moved to our discord server. So if you're wondering where everyone is, you can get in on the conversations over at

That isn't to say not to post here. Not at all. The forums aren't going anywhere. You can continue to use them as you always have, if you like. Mod homepage threads are still kept up-to-date, threads are still going and FAQ's are a handy resource, but if you want to talk mods, Discord is where a lot of it's happening. And if you need mod/technical support, you'll get it there way faster and more efficiently - in fact for tech support, it's preferred. Troubleshooting is far easier and faster through discord in conversation form. There's always someone online willing to help basically 24/7. A troubleshooting thread on the forum that would normally take a couple days of replies, formatting visual aids, waiting for responses, etc. would only take 10-15 minutes total on Discord... You're more than welcome to still ask for help here if you prefer or are otherwise unable to use Discord, but just know there's a better/faster solution available.

- The Qhimm Moderation Team

« Last Edit: 2023-01-03 13:39:01 by Bonez »


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Re: Where'd everyone go? Discord.
« Reply #1 on: 2025-02-09 18:16:00 »
For me, I stand vehemently against Discord, and boycott it. I believe that the mass on-boarding of "everyone" onto Discord, will be the greatest mistake humanity might ever make!
Same with trusting stuff like Musk's Twitter or Zuckerberg's Facebook. Why trust this stuff? Why do we ALL gotta obsessively go there, herded like sheep?

And we know it's not under our control, in terms of the computer servers. It'll just lure us all there, and then shut down like AIM or MSN - Even IRC still exists! It's decentralized.
But corporately owned stuff seems to just disappear - Except to herd us to their next money-making flytrap. Again and again; must we be so naive unto perpetuity?

I'm sticking here at the Qhimm forums. Anyone on Discord - they're on some other website. I don't know them!


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Re: Where'd everyone go? Discord.
« Reply #2 on: 2025-02-10 06:35:58 »
The biggest flaw Discord has is the discussions there are pretty much ephemeral. They’re not searchable from outside and are essentially gone immediately after they take place because the meaningful stuff drowns in all the chatter and memes.

That’s why it’s important to keep the forums and wikis alive because that’s where the permanent knowledge lives in for the next people that will come to the scene.


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Re: Where'd everyone go? Discord.
« Reply #3 on: 2025-02-10 19:56:23 »
I am always amazed by how people mix everything and speak about thing they don't understand.
I think the message is pretty clear.
You want to discuss, chat, get troubleshooting, exchange with people, go to chatroom
You want to get technical data that will be true for the next 2000 years: go to wiki
You want to exchange on topic about complex thinking and new findings: go to forum

So the message his: go to the correct tool to do the correct thing.

For goat, and what happen if discord disappear ? We just move to the next tool that will help us communicate. As it's a tool to exchange short message and direct text, nothing of value will be lost.
After years of existence, discord didn't force us to pay anything. Heck I even paid my own money to thank them for this project. Amazing.

For mav, wikis are still getting updated, forum is still there but not flood anymore with "How can I install this mod ?" because now they flood the discord with it. But I see still lots of new post, but only the important one.

I will stop answering this post to not heat it, but wanted to give my humble opinion. No harm intented.