Some fixes need to be made to the SYW Unified Minigame Textures mod for the Spanish translation and I've found some bugs that don't look the same in the original game without mods, so it's not because of the original game, it's because the SYW mod needs some fixes, I've also tried it without mods and without HD textures playing it directly from the original FF7 bought from Steam and without mods the texts in minigames look fine without glitches but it's not HD.
Final Fantasy 7 Steam - No mods (Spanish Motorcycle minigame):

Final Fantasy 7 Steam - 7th Heaven with HD textures (Spanish Motorcycle minigame):

With mods and HD textures, the MAX PTOS titles on the top left and PUNTOS on the top right are displayed with a font size that is too large and overlaps with the number of points, also MAX PTOS should be orange and smaller since in the English version, HI-SCORE is in orange and smaller, PUNTOS is correct in white but the 2 titles should be in a smaller font size just like without mods and MAX PTOS in orange just like HI-SCORE in the English version, also RECORD would look much better than MAX PTOS but whatever, in smaller and in orange font.
Motorcycle Minigame in English and French versions look perfect and this is how they should look in Spanish version as well, and they are also running with the .iro SYW Minigame Unified mod with 7th Heaven:

Fuerte Condor Spanish Minigame - SYW Mods and HD Textures:
The Spanish text for the "Catapulta" character in Fuerte Condor has a very long name and also a misspelling in "TIROLARGOGOYMOV." when it should be "TIRO LARGO Y MOV.".

No Mods:

The Spanish text for the "Lanzador" character in Fuerte Condor has a misspelling in the word "MUEVE ROCCA" when it should be written "MUEVE ROCA" with only one C in Spanish:

No Mods:

Full names should also be finished if they still fit in the character stats box, such as the word "Dragon" instead of Drag. or the word "Barbaro" instead of Barb. if these can still fit in the text box of the Defensor and Tirador characters:

Chocobo Minigame - No Mods (but 7th Heaven english ff7.exe):

(FF7 Steam original looks fine with no glitches in the "CARRERAS DE CHOCOBOS" title, I think that is because the english ff7.exe that 7th Heaven wants it alters names and some things but it doesn't happen in other languages).
Chocobo Minigame - With SYW Spanish Minigame Mod (with SYW Unified 1.11):

(Looks fine and perfect, but glitches occur in the title if you want to run the .iro SYW Unified Minigame mod with 7th Heaven)
Chocobo Minigame - With SYW Spanish Minigame Mod iro (with 7th Heaven):

I think some errors may be due to the philosophy that 7th Heaven uses of wanting to always use the English ff7_en.exe and in SYW Unified 1.11 it is allowed to use the original ff7_en.exe, ff7_es.exe, ff7_fr.exe, ff7_it.exe, ff7_de.exe executables of each language making many spelling errors and glitches not occur, because the English ff7.exe based on the 7th Heaven alters the menus, fonts and grammar in other languages.
Thanks to SYW Unified for supporting the original .exe files of all languages and for being able to base SYW mods on each .exe file, this is the best thing that has been done, but it is not compatible with the ff7_en.exe that 7th Heaven wants, and if 7th Heaven is used with the .iro versions with translations this problem exists and these translations would have to be corrected and reprogrammed starting from the English ff7_en.exe so that these mods can also work in 7th Heaven with other mods.
There are people who like to play FF7 with SYW mods with other field characters, other weapons or mods, like being able to have Cloud's Dynamic Weapons on his back and change the one on his back depending on the weapon being used, some other retranslation mod or most importantly being able to run SYW mods in 7th Heaven to have the new HD menu interfaces with thinner borders, or being able to configure each weapon and Cloud's Dynamic Weapons from the Field Models by Qhimm mod (the only mod that fixes Cloud's weapons correctly to the old Dynamic Weapons Mod), you can configure each weapon according to PRP, Mike or Millenia Weapons, there are up to 3 different Buster Swords in Cloud the original PRP (the one SYW Unified uses with the red handle), the Millenia (a little thicker) and the Mike (the very shiny one from Crisis Core with the golden handle), the others in Millenia, and in the Final Weapon I configure Mike instead of Millenia and the weapons look spectacular but I choose Millenia in the others.
In SYW Unified Cloud he only carries the first Buster Sword on his back even if he is equipped with another weapon that in the Field Models by Qhimm mod can be configured that is not in SYW Unified, as well as being able to have the HD menus with thin borders, so first the .iro mods should be fixed so that they can also be used with 7th Heaven without language errors, and later the configurable weapon mods, characters (the high Ninostyle ones could be included), some new avatars and at least the thin HD menu interface can be added to the SYW Unified assistant.
Hopefully, together with the entire community, we can improve FF7 more and more so that finally you can play FF7 comfortably and without errors or glitches.
Best regards,