IfritEnhanced V3.0.0 is here with improved IfritAI and ifritXlsx, enjoy !
Hi hobbitdur:
At First thank you for share this such amazing tool for us, it's great helpful for me to research the monster AI.
I think there are something wrong, when I modify some monster it will not work normally as follow.
This time issue comes on Belhelmel when he with Geezard, but it will looks normal when he with blood soul.
Some combination will show same like: Elite soldier with G-soldier, Elite soldier with paratrooper...
Update:I think problem comes on tool, when I open Belhelmel file and change nothing, just click save, the issue comes on.

And, I wanna share unknown value:

Value 202 means the condition of Only male alive.
Value 203 means the condition of Only female alive.