Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)  (Read 546442 times)


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #925 on: 2025-02-03 00:22:43 »
The most recent built of Makou struggles with the Tobal Demo (interactive sampler) and crashes a lot, but older versions such as 1.85 can open it just fine.


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #926 on: 2025-02-03 12:52:14 »
The most recent built of Makou struggles with the Tobal Demo (interactive sampler) and crashes a lot, but older versions such as 1.85 can open it just fine.

Thanks for the aswer Thestrifeisrife.
I mistake the versions in my post (now edited correctly)
With MR 2.1 i can open Tobal Demo, only field n.116 is inaccesible (the first field).
With MR 1.8.5, how you suggest, also that field can be opened.
Both version don't open the other demo Final Fantasy VII Square Soft on PlayStation Previews (the version with Tifa). can i add a change party line properly in a field?
I've tried in some ways, put this line of code in main of field 116, or in some field model block (cloud or barrett) but everytime i try to save an error occour: "label 1 (or 2,3,etc) missing".
I've tried also to edit the party call already written but same results. (Change party call seems different than final game release and different than a change party code - this version use "save/load/set party from memory" and i am not able to know the values which characters are, except who is in the party)

So, i was wondering there a guide or sort of to read to be able to mod? Maybe only to put a change party line?
Can you help me?

Axel Firestorm

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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #927 on: 2025-02-07 22:36:30 »
Is there a way to create a scrollable text box to have a longer menu list than what can normally fit on the screen? I'm trying to figure out the best way to build the in-game bestiary for my mod. Currently I have it as a standard menu with ten items max per page (that includes the Next/Previous/Finished options). With as many enemies as there are in the game, that would end up at over 40 pages to list all of them (each enemy's intel page is its own separate field done by copying the Nibelheim photo field).


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Re: [PSX/PC] Field Editor - Makou Reactor (2.1.0)
« Reply #928 on: Yesterday at 07:39:32 »
I think you say it's impossible to do, but there's an option you may not have thought of.

It could be done (cheating the game obviously) that you choose options in two rows, one left and one on the right, everything would be tighter, but I think the benefits are greater.

If you skip the page in a previous menu for example you would have two columns of 10 enemies, 20 enemies per page would make the navigation much more flexible than with 7

You can inform about the controls (go/turn page) in a previous menu you can also put more enemies (create a group so that when you press buttons, hotkeys LR/R1/CROSS for example) you can execute it.

If you have any questions about how to create this menu system contact me privately  :wink:
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 19:53:17 by cloudiar »