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Messages - hay

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Archive / keypad problem
« on: 2005-10-25 17:25:17 »
try tu type numpad 5 and then numpad enter.

nah, you're just using some weird words like "super duper"... ;)

IMO that's damn great idea about these checksums... This is as far as I understand :D

It created three 8-byte files. So everything is fine.
It said that my opening has wrong size but it's cause that is customized intro ;].

General Discussion / The Best Materia Order
« on: 2005-10-23 21:59:49 »
personally I'm a fanatic of [4x cut], [added cut]=[master command], [hades/contain]=[added effect] and of course some high level restore or master magic and enemy skill with at least white wind, big guard and death force.

Troubleshooting / "Please insert disc 1" FF7 crash
« on: 2005-10-23 20:15:56 »
You must've done minimal/standard. Try full instal, it's only 200megs more ;]
Ok button is default numpad enter ;].

Archive / FF VII Save Editor
« on: 2005-10-23 20:14:38 »
ff7w is great I'm using it often, without save anywhere but everything besides this and cheats works fine ;] those two are untested by me.

General Discussion / FFVIII FMV from PS1 CD
« on: 2005-10-23 17:30:19 »
PSXMC is good tool to extract some stuff from psx cd.

Archive / New Sound Idea
« on: 2005-10-23 17:26:58 »
I'm playing this way few days and I'm damn positive about that :D
It's great to hear tracks with new dynamics and other cool stuff ;)

Great timing I'm near first chocobo race :D

General Discussion / Final Fantasy 3 (JP) for DS
« on: 2005-10-22 09:35:22 »
That's damn awesome... Lets get ready for ff7! ;)

have you tried solutions for "normal" radeons? ;] nvidia patch will work fine.

cause this is in polish, great and ancient language that only chosen ones are destined to use it... ;)

Sure, why not, sign me in.

That's weird cause I'm still playing on it. Don't use Jenova... It likes to break savefiles.

Troubleshooting / FF7 3d crashes hlp me pls
« on: 2005-10-21 16:48:50 »
that isn't fault of your card. I've played ff7 many times on gf2 mx400 with antialiasing and other cool stuff and it haven't crash even once.
Maybe it's fault of new drivers? Or try ff7w patch it helped me in a lot of crashes in some miraculus way.

I've got save there but on modified difficulty so my party is exhausted ;] still want it?

Archive / Quick Question-Best place to...
« on: 2005-10-21 10:39:35 »
personally I've tested my mod in random locations. I've copied all my savegames and tried most of them one after another.

Troubleshooting / FF7 Window Xp crash at weapons movie
« on: 2005-10-21 10:37:28 »
that's why I hate eidos/ea. They just suck ass creating such weak conversion of ff7...

whoa... what was I saying about porting ffx models? :D
That's damn impressive. It's great that I started to buying PS2 from FFX :D

General Discussion / Final Fantasy VII Fighting Game
« on: 2005-10-21 10:29:24 »
hell yeah, that's ultimate truth :D
Other characters wasn't bad but still I played much often ff7 chars. It's fun to play as cloud or sephy, run, jump, kick ass, take out sword and then make some crazy moves ;]
Too bad I wasn't able to perform Omnislash :(

Direct Show comes with install cd of ff7.
Press right mouse buttn on ff7.exe -> properties and then compatibility mode. try to set on win98.
If you've installed directx recently that's ok.
Make sure you're using ff8 1.02 nvidia patch and have nvidia checked on config.

Noo I didn't mean diablo stuff but sumerian mythology from this name comes ;].

Troubleshooting / Does Omnislash crash the game?
« on: 2005-10-20 19:52:17 »
yeah, never had this problem and I'm using omnislash realy often ;]

lordbaal: have you installed directx? direct show?
Tried win98 compatibility mod?
In addition I suggest you to read carefuly first post in this topic.

Isn't baal translated to lord? so your nickname would be lordlord? ;)

General Discussion / FFXI sound effects?
« on: 2005-10-20 13:17:32 »
I think not, this forum is full of similiar situations ;].
This is kinda game tweaking cause I wanted to use high quality sounds to improve ff7 ;]

Or magic counter with hades it works great :D

General Discussion / PSX model editor
« on: 2005-10-20 11:01:27 »
I don't think there would be such tool for psx version. If you have ff7pc it would be a lot easier to rip them off this distribution and I think they're similiar quality.

check some here.

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