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Messages - nfitc1

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I made a topic about this a long time ago.
Give this a read and see if it helps. The PC and PSX editions work differently so the solution won’t be the same for both. There might be a solution for one and not the other. There might not be one for either. My initial post addresses the PC version and a later post has the values for the PSX.
There might be an alternative for the PC that would require rewriting part of the PC executable.

General Discussion / Re: The final area
« on: 2024-10-03 00:15:11 »
Magic, summons, healings, etc. they are past the point of no return so you can always go back up somewhere and level more. Low level, initial equipment games are possible with the right prep. If you’re having trouble with the iron giants you won’t make it past the next few bosses.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: [FF7] camdat files
« on: 2024-10-03 00:10:12 »
You necro’d one of my topics from before my oldest daughter was born. I say you can claim the title of the camera expert if you want to. To be honest, most of the “work” I did around the camera was guess work. I didn’t find code that did the stepping, I just knew it existed. It’s possible that a center to an ellipsis is defined somewhere and the camera follows that.

I willl want to see this in action.

Short answer is no. Long answer is yes, but it would require a lot of code manipulation to the menu. Technically every materia that doesn't have a labeled type is a 'Hidden' type. So you'd probably only want magic and summon materia to display it. You'd have to add the text to a list then only display it if the materia is magic or summon types.

Powerpacks. Check the first post.

My take:
Definitely PSP for 1 and 2. If graphics aren’t an issue then DS for 3 and GBA for 5 & 6. Steam for 7-9, but there are also Steam ports for 5 and 6 that have the same content as the GBA (I think), but some of the tilesets look like puke.

You’ll notice I didn’t mention 4. There are several versions all with differences. The PSP is the closest to the Japanese original while still being playable and it has after years built in. The DS version has a few version exclusive content including VAs and a few new mega bosses.

You’re looking for makou reactor. It’s an awesome tool for editing things in the field.

I can’t imagine it would be too hard to create such a mod, but as I’ve not created one I wouldn’t know how complicated it would be. I do know that the field scripts (and possibly the world map scripts) have codes that can override the normal battle music. When a battle starts the battle module checks for this flag and stops the current music and starts the battle music. A mod could be created to toggle that flag off or on based on a menu setting and the code that sets/insets that flag could be nop’ed.

Completely Unrelated / Re: I now own a Net Yaroze!
« on: 2023-05-03 01:09:50 »
Much history, dude! How’d you score that? You going to make some PSX home brews now? ;)

That's good news. Knowing that the most recent power packs version works. I still HATE that the current version is dependent on it. I'm still (extremely slowly) working on version 1.5 that will work just fine without it.

No. That’s a menu function. WM only affects battle actions.

Do you have an error message or does it just not start? There would be an error in your event viewer if you’re using Windows.

General Discussion / Re: I promise I'm a good speller
« on: 2023-02-03 01:44:12 »
I believe it was changing “of course” to “off course”. I vaguely remember seeing that pop up a few times. Maybe it was a random correction.

General Discussion / Re: Do you think it's pointless?
« on: 2023-01-14 23:25:10 »
Someone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but they would both use the same windows registry entries. I actually have two sets of exe files (disc based) that are modified to look at different registry keys. One for modding and one for vanilla. I’d say install the disc version and make a copy of the exe and modify it to look at a different location. Then you can have the steam version separate from the disc version.

General Discussion / Re: FF7 Steal Rate
« on: 2022-12-19 20:00:48 »
PrC is a bit...haphazard when it comes to enemy stat editing. I put that together as an afterthought. It was originally only supposed to be an enemy action editor, but it slowly expanded to more and doesn't do any of it perfectly even though it's the defacto scene.bin editor now.

The "garbled stuff" in the first scenes are debug/test enemies and formations. Why so many? I dunno. The text doesn't seem to mean anything. It's not in ASCII and it doesn't seem to translate to anything in the Japanese text either.

5. There's really only Diamond Weapon that uses this script so that's all I have to go on. I don't know of a case where there are other enemies in the battle that have preActionScripts, but here's what I can glean from my limited testing:

- After the enemy turnTimer indicates that a enemy has a turn, the enemy 'turn' is added to a prioritised turn queue
- When it is the enemy turn get priority it:
- Executes the 'main' script, which may or may not result in a 0x92 command (with < 0x20 arg)
- The script continues processing until it reaches the end code
- Before executing any action, all TARGETS of the queued action run each of their preActionSetup scripts prior to the action performing damage calculation/status change. Multiple scripts are never run asynchronously and damage calculations wait until all preActionSetup scripts are resolved.
- Damage calculations/status changes are performed (though not applied immediately) and animation scripts of all queued actions are executed.
- postActionScripts are run sequentially on all active actors (not just targets).
- The previous three steps are repeated until the action queue is empty.

Lot to unpack here.

1. You are correct on all counts. Keep in mind the game will process an entire script in a single frame. Rather, it will not draw the next actor/background animation frame until the current script is complete. For the PC that means halting the entire battle, for the PSX that just means halting the actor models. Only one script is run per frame just by design. When an enemy's timer is full, it will run its main script after the current active battle action is complete. If everyone is idle then the script will execute immediately. Enemies get queued on their order to execute their scripts based on these timers. Counter action scripts will run in battle index order (Actor 4, Actor 5, etc). General counters first, then physical/magic counter script depending on the type of damage that they took.

2. This is actually an excellent question and one I didn't look into much. NOT masking a bit range has limited uses so I never saw a 02 data type on the stack. However, keep in mind that these are word arguments. They are represented as, say,
Code: [Select]
01  4160 in most disassemblers it will look like
Code: [Select]
01 60 41 in a hex editor.

3. There is a distinction between global values and global variables. It's might be more accurate to call the 2XXX addresses to be the actions' metadata. The 20A0 address contains a bitmap of all the active targets the current script owner considers an opponent. This does not include dead/nullified opponents. There is only room for a two-byte value here so an enemy will find the value of 0007 during their turn (assuming all playable characters are alive and not petrified). This is set at the beginning of script execution and can be modified, though that's not the desired function.

4. I'm not great with video editing, but I have done a considerable amount of reversing the scripts and can tell you how all of it works. We can keep the conversation here rather than DMs or Discord. I just don't check those as often.

General Discussion / Re: FF7 Steal Rate
« on: 2022-12-10 15:24:22 »
Due to the way the stealing mechanic works it’s dependent on the steal rate of the items in the enemy data. If you want to increase the stealing rate of an enemy or individual item that’s where to go. Making steal always succeed would require some drastic changes to the way the game calculate item chances. I helped DLPB remake the steal mechanics a while back. Those changes are likely on the board somewhere.

There are a few NPCs in the same field as the battler that cause the RNGLUT to progress. As they move they will change the next value. When the NPCs complete their random action they will pick a new RNG value. Since they both use the same RNGLUT they have a moderate influence on each other.
The field’s RNGLUT doesn’t increment by frame. There’s only one RNG value in the game that I know of that does and it’s in battle and only very rarely used.
There might be some initial condition and set up that will allow for a turbo controller to win, but it would take a lot of math to figure out the ideal condition.

I’ve done lots of reversing with the 3D battler, actually. The fifth fighter is a programming mistake that happens because defeating the fourth battler doesn’t properly end the game. The last action you took during the fourth fight is what dictates the “active” move the game will react to. If you won with a low punch then the script will continue to cause Cloud to react as if a low punch is a scoring strike. Freezing Cloud’s hit counter will show there’s no way to break this cycle. Since the script that plays this game doesn’t update its reactions after the fourth battle it repeatedly reacts the same way. Oddly it doesn’t update its own hit counter either so it’s impossible to win. I documented this behavior on the ffwiki, but left out the technical details to make it readable to a wider audience.

You are correct that it doesn’t read your input and which punch you decide to throw is completely arbitrary, but it’s unlikely a turbo controller could win. 3DB uses the field’s RNGLUT to pull its random values from and for a single punch to be used to win would require watching that value in memory and pushing a button when that value was within a certain range of values. I bet that could be scripted with relative ease, though thats not something I have experience with.

Wonder Catcher is the lowest hanging fruit in GS. I didn’t even remember it was a thing.
The Chocobo race reversing is extremely interesting! I’ve often wondered about it. I wish I could help, but my laptop is half busted.

No. And this thread is for discussing the tool, not modding.

That’s not a WM question. That’d have better luck as its own topic.

Is it possible to increase how often 'Added Effect' goes off and change Chocobuckle to also multiply by level like in the original Japanese release? Or would I need something else like 'Materia Keeper'?
This is a function of the special effect of the action (summon). It would require some asm rewrite to change it.

Same. I came up with a good idea, but suck at graphic design and couldn’t pull it off if I tried.

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