« on: 2015-03-27 15:01:37 »
Omzy, love your mod and contributions. After numerous installs and PMs w/ Mcindus and Maverick I finally narrowed down what was causing my game to crash randomly during screen transitions and menus by systematically installing and running mods in the game one-by-one. It unfortunately was Project Eden. I verified my mod installs and pathing w/ Mcindus and Maverick and they were stumped as well. I attempted to relocate collisions.csv and hash2map.csv, but they didn't seem to affect anything regardless if the files were/were not present in the /tonberry root. The game would still behave the same; everything runs fine and looks great, but it will randomly go to a black screen where I must alt-tab and I will receive an error in Windows that says "An Unknown Error has occurred". I am currently running flawlessly w/ every mod listed in the Graphical Release Forum for FF8 on Steam except for Project Eden.
Long of the short, I isolated the problem, but I would love to know how to begin fixing it as your backgrounds bring FF8 up to PS2-era graphics (and I must have them). Do I need to install PuPu and catch the dumps? Also, how do I enable Tonberry v2.02 to begin logging hash checks?
Thanks for all your hard work.