I managed to somewhat break the camera structure. I updated
http://wiki.ffrtt.ru/index.php/FF8/FileFormat_X#Camera_dataCase study:
a0stg101.x - balamb plains:
0x5D8 - camera start [via code]
02 00 is skipped
08 00 is pointer to camera settings
20 00 is pointer to camera animation
Let's jump to camera animation as it's the most important part here.
We will end up at 0x32. This is sub-section. We will work with pointers relatively to this position.
You'll get a ushort for number of camera animations - in this example it's 7. [a0stg101.x have 7 sets, therefore 7*8 animations, but a0stg000 or a0stg001 don't remember but they have only one!, so 1*8 animations!]
Now, when the game starts and encounter is loaded it magically resolves which animation to use to show the enemy well. You can of course break at getting camera anim index code and change the register so the camera will present the enemy like it's T-rex showing only one mosquitoe (I don't remember that fly name on Balamb's plain).
So, we are at pointers indicator, the engine now:
EAX + ECX*2 + 02, where:
-EAX - absolute memory pointer to 07 00 or 08 00 as said above;
-ECX - the camera index that it got from from static memory (pointer to pointer to some packed binary values)
02 - size of numberOfAnimations
Let's jump to last animation now:
considering 07 00 in our file is now offset 0x00:
(7-1)*2+2 = 0xE //because 00 means first index, so 7th index is in fact 6*2
Now get ushort pointer at 0xE= 0x1F10;
We will get to 0x1F10. Engine now reads 8 pointers, like in this case first pointer is 08 00 and next is 48 00. Now it calculates it by pointer*2. So first pointer actually starts at 0x16, second at 0x48*2=0x90.
grab the useful breakpoint:
0x5035AB (Newest steam english).
Engine camera animation parsing at: sub_503C8F
checking for FFFF: 00503C7B:
cmp ax, 0xFFFF, where ax is *(019399E2) (cameraSet 1+ anim 5)
Operands are bit operated...