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Messages - Maki

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*Fixed null reference at listbox selectedItem=null
*Fixed unwanted conversion from ARGB8888 (32bpp) to ARGB1555 (16bpp) resulting in loss of colour

what really confuses me is why you receive such generic-looking error on debug builds
A few questions:
Which operating system are you on?
You mention VS, which version you use?

C# is perfect for debugging due to JIT technology. I'll show you some instructions for VS2017:
First choose valid build configuration for your operating system:

Naturally I'm on Windows so I'm choosing WindowsDebug

Now, there is one remaining option: x86 and x64 (green arrow). There's no much difference other than that x64 does NOT use the crappy direct DirectSound wrapper (I mean wrapper is cool, but whole DirectSound is NO-NO as of today). For maximum stability I recommend choosing x64.
Now simply hit "Run" (red arrow) and before the game will shit itself the code will show exactly why, where and what's wrong

The same behaviour applies to MonoDevelop. Choosing build to DebugLinux, choosing either x86/x64 (doesn't matter here, DirectSound is disabled anyway on Linux) and hitting 'Debug...' or something like this, don't really remember now

Is that from disassembling it?
Yep, real vanilla game code

To add to this I'm attaching a pseudocode of what  actually get's loaded by the engine:
Code: [Select]
FILE *MenuReadFiles()
  Menu_GetFile(&mngrphd_binBuffer, aMngrphd_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&facesp2_buffer, aFace_sp2);
  dword_1D2BB78 = AllocateMemory(0x800u, aCFf8MenuKata_1, 143);
  Menu_GetFile(&magsortbuffer, aMagsort_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&mweaponbuffer, aMwepon_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&mmagbuffer, aMmag_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&mthomasbuffer, aMthomas_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&areamesdc2buffer, aAreames_dc2);
  Menu_GetFile(&mmagicbinbuffer, aMmagic_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&mitembuffer, aMitem_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&areamesbuffer, aAreames_dc1);
  Menu_GetFile(&mmag2bin, aMmag2_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&cyocobobinbuffer, aCyocobo_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&m000binbuffer, aM000_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&m001binbuffer, aM001_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&m002buffer, aM002_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&m003buffer, aM003_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&m004buffer, aM004_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&m000msgbuffer, aM000_msg);
  Menu_GetFile(&m001msgbuffer, aM001_msg);
  Menu_GetFile(&m002msgbuffer, aM002_msg);
  Menu_GetFile(&m0003msgbuffer, aM003_msg);
  Menu_GetFile(&m004msgbuffer, aM004_msg);
  Menu_GetFile(&mitembinbuffer, aMitem_bin_0);
  Menu_GetFile(&petexpbinbuffer, aPet_exp_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&petexpmsgbuffer, aPet_exp_msg);
  Menu_GetFile(&shopbinbuffer, aShop_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&pricebinbuffer, aPrice_bin);
  Menu_GetFile(&mitembinbuffer_0, aMitem_bin_1);
  Menu_GetFile(&mweaponbinbuffer, aMwepon_bin_0);
  Menu_GetFile(&mweaponmsgbuffer, aMwepon_msg);
  Menu_GetFile(&mmagbinbuffer, aMmag_bin_0);
  Menu_GetFile(&cardanmsp2buffer, aCardanm_sp2);
  return Menu_GetFile(&mtmagbinbuffer, aMtmag_bin);

menu translations are here:

example tkmnmes1.bin text dump:
Code: [Select]
JunctiontJunction MenutItemtItem MenutMagictMagic MenutGFtGuardian Force MenutStatustStatus MenutCardtLook at cardstRearrangetRearrange party ordertSavetSave MenutConfigtConfiguration Menut????tPast party memberstPLAYtGt:tCurrent EXPtNext LEVELt/tHPtLVt-t%tFiretIcetThundertEarthtPoisontWindtWatertHolytDeathtPoisontPetrifytDarknesstSilencetBerserktZombietSleeptSlowtStoptCursetConfusetAbsorbtCan`t selecttMakingtShoptLoadtMoteltMoteltYestNotJunk Shopt(t)tAbilitytUse GF abilitytSwitchtSelect party memberstHaven`t been to a shop!tTutorialtExplanationtS.LVtSeeD ranktAtAcetChanges current HP
OK?t????tInformationtFFâ…Ąâ…ˇ Info CornertTESTtTake Written Test to raise SeeD ranktReviewtReview SeeD Written TesttNothing happenedtTIMEtTIMERtt

Quick reverse engineering shows this structure:
Code: [Select]
ushort unk;
ushort paddingSize?;
byte[paddingSize] NULL; //usually 36
ushort[x] pointersToText //this+36(paddingSize) [256 buffer size in case of tkmnmes1.bin]
string text //null terminated

right now I don't know where's the pointers count. Distance between first pointer to first text is 256 ((unk*paddingSize)/2)?
tkmnmes3.bin shows that there might be more pointers/data inside one file?


and once again- big shoutout to amazing people contributing to project. You're doing extremely good job, I'm impressed!

Ok now I get exception error when I try enter any of the battle encounters

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: 'Access to the path 'D:\out.dat' is denied.'

in debug_battleDat.cs delete line starting at 607:
Code: [Select]
            MakiExtended.DumpBuffer(buffer, "D:/out.dat");

though if you want to only play and watch the monsters I recommend grabbing this commit:
as it's the one from GIF


Good news. We got the monsters more-or-less working:

Great job! I have merged the commits. Everything looks great. I'll make sure to add you as an collaborator soon

I've committed everything locally. I think I need permission on Github to submit to you. It should probably go in it's own branch to prevent messing anything you are working on.

You can fork the repository and create a pull request:

I got some audio playing in linux but it's all distorted for some reason.

It's expected behaviour- I am not converting ADPCM to PCM stream due to NAudio compatibility issues with Linux- instead I'm forcing to play compressed sound.
I'll be moving to FFMpeg soon- that will solve this problem

I am loading the entire ogg into a byte array to add to a sound effect.

Vorbis OGG is also a compression format, just like adpcm. They both need conversion to basic stream, which FFMpeg will be capable of this.

« on: 2019-03-12 19:02:05 »
Your post lacks so many details. What version you have? 2000 or Steam? What town you are trying to enter? Do you have a modded/downloaded save? Does it happen to specific town? Does the worldmap and Balamb works fine?

Unsure if Maki would like me to commit my code to github.

sure I do- feel free to commit any code you think is needed. This is in-dev prototype, so everything goes in. The code would be rewritten to support config like in original FF8, so don't worry about controls and/or gamepad support
I installed Roses and Wine W07 full with installer and it renamed dmusic to dmusic_backup so I guess just need to add a if statement to check both folders?
Yep, exactly.

EDIT: Ok uninstalling the music mod fixes all the issues

Ok I've run the debugger theres 29 warnings but first thing that pops up is

Exception Unhandled: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: 'Could not find a part of the path 'C:\media\griever\Data\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\Music\dmusic'.'

I do have the music mod installed could that be the issue?

which system are you working one? Please make sure to pull the newest configuration, you'll be able to switch between Debug and DebugLinux, because you are using a Linux configuration for path. It should point to your FF8 installation folder. Make sure you typed correct path into Memory.cs at line ~65. I don't quite remember. It's in-dev build, so there's no easy config here, sorry!

So I downloaded everything changed the line in memory file and saved it, pressed 'build ff8', says it succeeded but when I click the exe nothing happens.

Is the memory line correct am I missing something?

public const string FF8DIR = @"D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\lang-en\"; //Work

This is weird, never heard of this issue. Normally you should see either some exception or program crash. Try to run debugging and see if there's something there, something that may help me locate the issue.

I have refactored the code and posted full guide for both Windows and Linux development. On Linux it's not possible to hear any music due to DirectX 6 DirectMusic component not natively supported by Linux.

(think I need some other stuff for video/audio).

all needed dll's are in root catalogue: AForge.Video.FFMPEG.dll; AForge.Video.dll; DirectMidiNet.dll and NAudio.dll

You should probably contact Square Enix and see how much money they're willing to give you for it.  Awesome job!

SE hates VIII for some reason

Anyway, I'm really afraid of animations- I haven't done any single type of skeletal animation directly from code other than vertex morphing. I have no single idea how I'm supposed to work with bones/skin and animation frames


OpenVIII is made in MonoGame and aims to recreate 1:1 experience of FFVIII

I don't know

Show it!
PS> I forgot to show FMV support, but it's there (just without audio  :x )

open-source, you say?

OpenVIII not only is going to play VIII as vanilla, but also would leave an open doors for modders. It's going to be extremely easy to import own OBJ, FBX models into the game, uses 4K textures and whatever you want. I'll make sure to create a mod tool so you would just import your model from 3D modelling tool and that's all.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: FF8 Field Models
« on: 2019-02-17 15:10:20 »
sorry for digging up ten years old thread, but I was working with the MCH files on from world map. This is what I get:

like some geometry might be missing as you wrote but looks like there were no answer so far to this. Also what's the deal with the second vertices array? this:

Code: [Select]
  u16 verticies1[4]; //Edge data???

Is it normal? I'm also retriangulating quads with ABCD> ABD ACD (as in battle stages)
My guess is it's because of the animation and geometry is not in t-pose, what's your opinion?

New updates!

I wrote a python script to dump the pointers to cameras:

Use it like shown here:

It requires python 2.7
also I updated the wiki page and uploaded the video:

Misc. Tools / Re: [FFXV PC] Cindy, Text Editor
« on: 2019-01-02 19:51:59 »
Great job, as always!

Thanks but it seems some runtime library is needed? Because i got this

I have no single idea why this happens. I attached all needed libraries.
Does anyone know how to solve this? I'm Qt first timer...
Anyway, I uploaded the fields for you:

Here it is:

It's modified Deling by Myst6re. That Qt is weird, it's like C++, but not c++ O_o
Anyway, open field.fs and then click here:

it will ask you for a folder and then it will start exporting images (software may not response, but it's working):

to clarify everything- XMB2 format is binary-XML file that is in final PC release, right?

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