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Is that from disassembling it?Yep, real vanilla game code
FILE *MenuReadFiles()
Menu_GetFile(&mngrphd_binBuffer, aMngrphd_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&facesp2_buffer, aFace_sp2);
dword_1D2BB78 = AllocateMemory(0x800u, aCFf8MenuKata_1, 143);
Menu_GetFile(&magsortbuffer, aMagsort_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&mweaponbuffer, aMwepon_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&mmagbuffer, aMmag_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&mthomasbuffer, aMthomas_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&areamesdc2buffer, aAreames_dc2);
Menu_GetFile(&mmagicbinbuffer, aMmagic_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&mitembuffer, aMitem_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&areamesbuffer, aAreames_dc1);
Menu_GetFile(&mmag2bin, aMmag2_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&cyocobobinbuffer, aCyocobo_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&m000binbuffer, aM000_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&m001binbuffer, aM001_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&m002buffer, aM002_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&m003buffer, aM003_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&m004buffer, aM004_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&m000msgbuffer, aM000_msg);
Menu_GetFile(&m001msgbuffer, aM001_msg);
Menu_GetFile(&m002msgbuffer, aM002_msg);
Menu_GetFile(&m0003msgbuffer, aM003_msg);
Menu_GetFile(&m004msgbuffer, aM004_msg);
Menu_GetFile(&mitembinbuffer, aMitem_bin_0);
Menu_GetFile(&petexpbinbuffer, aPet_exp_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&petexpmsgbuffer, aPet_exp_msg);
Menu_GetFile(&shopbinbuffer, aShop_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&pricebinbuffer, aPrice_bin);
Menu_GetFile(&mitembinbuffer_0, aMitem_bin_1);
Menu_GetFile(&mweaponbinbuffer, aMwepon_bin_0);
Menu_GetFile(&mweaponmsgbuffer, aMwepon_msg);
Menu_GetFile(&mmagbinbuffer, aMmag_bin_0);
Menu_GetFile(&cardanmsp2buffer, aCardanm_sp2);
return Menu_GetFile(&mtmagbinbuffer, aMtmag_bin);
JunctiontJunction MenutItemtItem MenutMagictMagic MenutGFtGuardian Force MenutStatustStatus MenutCardtLook at cardstRearrangetRearrange party ordertSavetSave MenutConfigtConfiguration Menut????tPast party memberstPLAYtGt:tCurrent EXPtNext LEVELt/tHPtLVt-t%tFiretIcetThundertEarthtPoisontWindtWatertHolytDeathtPoisontPetrifytDarknesstSilencetBerserktZombietSleeptSlowtStoptCursetConfusetAbsorbtCan`t selecttMakingtShoptLoadtMoteltMoteltYestNotJunk Shopt(t)tAbilitytUse GF abilitytSwitchtSelect party memberstHaven`t been to a shop!tTutorialtExplanationtS.LVtSeeD ranktAtAcetChanges current HP
OK?t????tInformationtFFâ…Ąâ…ˇ Info CornertTESTtTake Written Test to raise SeeD ranktReviewtReview SeeD Written TesttNothing happenedtTIMEtTIMERtt
ushort unk;
ushort paddingSize?;
byte[paddingSize] NULL; //usually 36
ushort[x] pointersToText //this+36(paddingSize) [256 buffer size in case of tkmnmes1.bin]
string text //null terminated
Ok now I get exception error when I try enter any of the battle encounters
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: 'Access to the path 'D:\out.dat' is denied.'
MakiExtended.DumpBuffer(buffer, "D:/out.dat");
I've committed everything locally. I think I need permission on Github to submit to you. It should probably go in it's own branch to prevent messing anything you are working on.
I got some audio playing in linux but it's all distorted for some reason.
I am loading the entire ogg into a byte array to add to a sound effect.
Unsure if Maki would like me to commit my code to github.sure I do- feel free to commit any code you think is needed. This is in-dev prototype, so everything goes in. The code would be rewritten to support config like in original FF8, so don't worry about controls and/or gamepad support
I installed Roses and Wine W07 full with installer and it renamed dmusic to dmusic_backup so I guess just need to add a if statement to check both folders?Yep, exactly.
EDIT: Ok uninstalling the music mod fixes all the issuesPhew!
Ok I've run the debugger theres 29 warnings but first thing that pops up is
Exception Unhandled: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: 'Could not find a part of the path 'C:\media\griever\Data\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\Music\dmusic'.'
I do have the music mod installed could that be the issue?
So I downloaded everything changed the line in memory file and saved it, pressed 'build ff8', says it succeeded but when I click the exe nothing happens.
Is the memory line correct am I missing something?
public const string FF8DIR = @"D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\lang-en\"; //Work
(think I need some other stuff for video/audio).
You should probably contact Square Enix and see how much money they're willing to give you for it. Awesome job!
u16 verticies1[4]; //Edge data???
Thanks but it seems some runtime library is needed? Because i got thisI have no single idea why this happens. I attached all needed libraries.