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Messages - Vehek

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AKAO blocks contain all the sequence information. I believe that the PSX version uses that data, while the PC version only uses the frame ID. Since you're working on the PSX version, you'll need to completely replace the AKAO block in the field DAT with the AKAO block you want to use. Or so I think.

Triangles are stored in the "Triggers" section. That would be the fifth section in the .DAT file. There are two ways the triangles can be stored.
finel files section 8

Running ff7dec doesn't sound like doing it manually to me. I always considered manual extraction to be using a regular gzip extractor on the separated gz files from the bin archive.

FIELD.bin is not like the other BIN archives. See here:
The first 4 byte of field.bin is the uncompressed size, the gzip header is at offset 8.
Compare that with the standard format. ff7dec probably fails because it wasn't designed to handle this situation.

FF7 Tools / Re: FF7MovieDir
« on: 2012-07-09 00:55:15 »
That was fast. I'm not playing FF7, so I don't need this, but I'm pretty sure your new link was working when I tried it earlier.

Here's JWP's version, with my additions:

struct face {
   u32 opcode; 0x07060125 = triangle, 0907012d = Quad
   BYTE unk[4];
   SHORT unknown; //When bit 0x04 is set, sets semitransparency
   BYTE unk[2];
   u16 verticies[4]; //vertex id's
   u16 verticies1[4]; //Edge data???
   u32 Vertex_Colours[4];
    TextureMap TextureData[4]; //haven't tested yet
    u16 Padding;
    u16 textureIndex;
    u32 padding[2];
   //64 bytes

Here's the structure I keep in my notes
Code: [Select]
DWORD gpu_opcode
BYTE unk[4]
SHORT unkTransp //if this AND's with 0x04, sets semitransparency
BYTE unk2[2]
SHORT vertices[4]
SHORT vertices2[4]
DWORD Vertex_colors[4]
SHORT unused1?
SHORT textureNum
SHORT unused2?
SHORT unused3
SHORT unused4
SHORT unused5

Skin Objects

I don't think mine is any different than what Qhimm wrote many years ago, but here it is anyway.
Code: [Select]
?short vertexNum?
?short numOfVertices?
?short bone-index?
?short unknown?

I've found that the model known as "n028" (Red Giant, in fejail1) has a value of 3 for its second bye of its texture animation data, but has 4 textures. Does this disprove my idea of it being the texture count? Out of 232 field models with texture animations, this is the only one that doesn't match up.

Anything else I should post about the format?

The information in the wiki entry is misaligned due to its creator not knowing about/not making use of the section offsets in the model header, and therefore not being able to skip around the unknown sections. Faces are supposed to begin with the Polygon Type. This affects the skin objects as well, which actually start with the start vertex.

Edit: Mixed up what the skin-objects start with. Fixed.

This is what I've learned about the FF8 MCH format, to add on to the information already collected.
Model header
Offset   Length   Description
0x1C   0x02   Triangle count
0x1E   0x02   Quad count

Undescribed data between vertices and faces
This appears to be texture-animations e.g. eye blinks. Its entry in the first part of the model header appears to be the length of the section, rather than the count.
Guess at structure. My names are rather rough.
Code: [Select]
byte unknown
byte total_textures?
byte unknown
byte uSize
byte vSize
byte replacement_section_count
UV_pair original_area_coords
byte unknown[2]
UV_pair replacement_coords[replacement_section_count]

Face data
Offset   Length   Description
0x08   0x02   When bit 0x04 set, face has semi-transparency
0x36   0x02   Texture index

Undescribed data between faces and skin-objects
Seems to split up the skin-objects, triangles, and quads.
(A guess)
Code: [Select]
uint16 start_skinobject_index
uint16 skinobject_count
byte unknown[12]
uint16 start_triangle_index
uint16 triangle_count
uint16 start_quad_index
uint16 quad_count
byte unknown2[8]

Some models (d049, d053, d075, and p019) have two of this data type.

The first 6 bytes of each animation frame are the coordinates shift (3 signed 16-bit numbers). I am only sure of the last one being the Z-shift.

Player models actually do have animation data after all, just in a different form than the one I documented in the field files. They use a simple six bytes per bone.

Edit: updated texture animation info

It's a TIM-format image. Easy to view and select the correct palettes with a TIM viewer.

FF8 Tools / Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
« on: 2012-04-28 04:00:28 »
(Removed because advice given wasn't necessary)
Please delete.

The file "maplist" (inside flevel.lgp) also needs to be edited. It contains the map names.

I'm skipping over most of the detail, but, anyway...
Quote from: Valendian
Scan data files for tables that include sector numbers for files of a given format.(I'm not supporting virtual file systems)
But, uh, aren't those what most or all of the Square PSX games worked on here use?

General Discussion / Re: Access Debug Menu in FF8 PC
« on: 2011-07-13 00:06:57 »
The main room of the debug room in FF8 simply doesn't exist in the PC version. The other sections, however, do exist.

Are you trying to make a replica of the Saga Frontier engine? That's the impression I'm getting from what I've read elsewhere, if I'm connecting things correctly. It also sounds like you want to build it from scratch, without building off any already existing engines. Just saying, it seems like the movement part of the field engine would be similar among Square's PSX games.

I don't really have any advice, since I don't program GUIs.

Releases / Re: Project SeeD (FF8 GUI overhaul)
« on: 2011-06-17 01:40:10 »
the problem with remodeling things in ff8 is that they use weighted models, and thus the rigging process would need a fancy shmancy tool to get done... otherwise the characters wouldnt animate.
I'm not very savvy with 3D modeling, but there doesn't seem to be specific weights for each vertex group. The unknowns in vertex data and vertex tend to be 0 all the time. As far as I can tell, all that matters is which bone the vertices are assigned to. If rigging the models is so important, what would improper rigging do?

Completely Unrelated / Re: NEW Final fantasy Forcs Pawers
« on: 2011-06-13 22:29:20 »
I thought that he was asking for the opposite: turning force powers in JK3 into spells from Final Fantasy. Given the current focus here on Square's game, it's really out of place here.

I think that section 4 is texture-animation data (for example, eye-blinks).

The section begins with a list of 16-bit offsets into the section for the different animations. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a count of how many different texture animations the model has. Many models have 0000 as their first offset. I assume that this is for models that don't always have a texture-animation running.

This is what I have so far for an individual texture-animation. It's all guesswork and I haven't checked it ingame yet.
Code: [Select]
struct texAnim
uint8 textureNum;
uint8 originalUCoord; //All UV coords here are for the upper left corner
uint8 originalVCoord;
uint8 regionUSize;
uint8 regionVSize;
uint8 copiedRegionCount; //1 less than the actual number
uint8 unknown1;
uint8 unknown2;
//Insert remaining UV coords here
I always have to double the "U" part of the UV coords and region-size to get a reasonable U coord/size. Maybe it has something to do with how the TIM format works?

Archive / Re: What should Tech Related be renamed to?
« on: 2011-03-28 17:52:14 »
I have to agree with Bosola on how "Game Mechanics" could refer only to the rules of the game.

"Game Mechanics" seems to be an actual term. I don't understand it too well, but it doesn't really cover internal workings. It seems to be more about gameplay.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Who has played Crimson Echoes?
« on: 2011-02-06 04:11:54 »
Have you seen the scene right before 9:37 yet? If not, then you haven't advanced the plot enough and need to go do that.

Graphical / Re: FF8 Patch for FF7 & Seifer/GFs Patches
« on: 2011-01-05 19:42:21 »
How are you planning to do this Squall/Seifer mod? Do you actually know anything about modifying the models? Have you checked how plausible it is?

I think that the differences in bone-structures will either cause Seifer's coat to look awkward or require its removal.


Graphical / Re: FF8 Patch for FF7 & Seifer/GFs Patches
« on: 2010-12-28 21:03:33 »
I finally came to that conclusion : If someone (a programmer, of course...) could take RINOA's source code and make another program to view/extract/convert mch files, I would be really glad.
Koral never released the source code for RINOA, so that's not possible. Any program for that will have to be coded from scratch.

Also, I think you searched through the wrong forum. Most research on model formats goes on in the Tech-Related Discussion forum. Where did you think the information used to make such programs came from?

Graphical / Re: FF8 Patch for FF7
« on: 2010-12-25 05:06:46 »
For example, to look at the ff8 model at one screen and point by point recreate them on another would result in something that looks like an exact copy yet it is not if you actually created it yourself. Thats what I was asking.
Well, apz was accused of stealing for his model because part of the texture was clearly taken from Dissidia or something like that. I suppose if by looking at the data and texture that one can tell it wasn't created by a converter, then it's OK.

General Discussion / Re: Tifa's weapon shop comment
« on: 2010-12-22 03:54:40 »
Anyone have the Japanese text of that line? She might be saying "the guy upstairs FROM the weapon's store" or some other odd grammatical construction.

Quote from: Gemini text dumps
As I think I say in many places, I don't really know Japanese. Anyway, that "2階" means "second floor" (in the sense of counting the ground floor as floor 1). A lot of online examples use "2階" as "upstairs", but that's a bad assumption to make without context.

Completely Unrelated / Re: haha
« on: 2010-03-30 03:00:11 »
Perhaps I've become hypocritical, but literal translations are often viewed as dull, at least when it's the extreme form of literal.
I suppose that what many of us what is a more modern localization, not something which discards the traditional Final Fantasy series terms.

Besides, they were optional bosses, and weren't in the original release.
Actually, from what I understand, even Diamond WEAPON wasn't a boss in the original. The game just goes straight from touching it to the scenes before the Sister Ray is fired.



I don't actually know how what I did works, but I'm now very close to proper bone rotations. Still need to fix the other issues though.

Some issues
  • Gaps in UV
  • Textures don't show up in render (Need to associate it correctly or something.)

Hmmm, I've come a long way since I started, when it had no skeleton at all and was just a clump of parts stuck together. (Those are stages which I didn't show here.)

Edit: Didn't notice that the parts of the body (noticeably the hands) were flipped. I think I've fixed it in the script now.

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