Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Scarlet - Battle Data Editor (kernel.bin, scene.bin, EXE)  (Read 5913 times)


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This is the big project I've been working on on-and-off for the past couple years, finally in a (mostly) usable state!

Scarlet is a combination kernel/scene editor that allows you to edit both of these files at once and keep them perfectly in-sync. It also incorporates my old FF7.exe editor, which will now also be properly synced with kernel.bin. It can also modify limit breaks now!

The crowning jewel in my opinion is the A.I. editor. I wanted to incorporate a GUI-based editor similar to Makou Reactor, so you can view and edit scripts in a much more intuitive manner.

Of course I cannot test every single scenario, so there is a chance of data loss/corruption when using this tool! Please use with caution. I recommend backing up your files before editing them. There are also some things that Scarlet currently can't edit, which will be coming as soon as I figure out how to handle them.

Huge shoutout to all of the modders who have put so much work into reverse engineering the game, and for everyone who helped me code this monstrosity. This project wouldn't be possible without you!

Happy modding!


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I willl want to see this in action.


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Pushed a new release with some new stuff:
  • You can actually edit stat curves now
  • Added the ability to edit some of the EXE text
  • Added a toggle switch that allows you to use features from Postscriptthree Tweaks (thanks PS3)
  • Various bug fixes
You can get it here:
« Last Edit: 2024-06-11 18:09:43 by petfriendamy »


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Thank you for the new update :)

Hopefully to see also a program including  features to moving and replace or even editing the field models for PSX version.


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When I try to raise the power of Vincent's limit breaks or remove an elemental effect, it doesn't seem to work when I test it out.  The hex locations appear to match the decimal values.  So, it looks like it should work.  This also happens with Tifa's limit breaks.  Are Vincent and Tifa limit breaks editable?


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Same as Vodane here. Works also for modifying a spell or an enemy attack, doesn't seem to work.
Also seem to be quite buggy when modifying kernel data (esp. Kernel2, some texts are replaced without warning).

Despite this, your tool is user friendly and easy to manipulate, I think that if you manage to correct the bugs it could be very useful.


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The limit data is provided as-is; unfortunately I don't know a whole lot about how it works. I fixed a bug with attack power not being set properly, so maybe that helps?

I'm not sure what you mean about kernel2 text being replaced without warning. If you could give me more detail on the issue, I could look into it. I'm also more likely to notice bug reports on Discord or Github since I don't check this forum super often.

In the meantime, I went ahead and did another stable release. It fixes a bunch of bugs, and adds a bunch more EXE text (some of which only work with the English EXE at the moment):


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Hello, developer.
Could you modify the program so that the char opcode it loads can be changed separately?

For example, there's something called touphscript's char.txt

If you look inside the compressed file, you'll see “char.txt” and “char fix.txt.”
The “char fix.txt” file is one I’ve modified for my own use.
However, from what I understand, Scarlet - Battle Data Editor seems to use the original “char” file for text.

Would it be possible to set up the program so that it can read from a separate file like “char,” allowing us to replace or modify it as needed?


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Scarlet doesn't use a "char.txt" file, it has its own custom implementation for reading FFText. If there are errors with it, feel free to let me know so I can fix them. If you want to completely change the char lookup table for some reason (custom characters maybe), you might be better off making your own fork of Scarlet for those changes, unless a lot of people really want that.