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Messages - Sebanisu

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Someone or something rolled back the wiki to february 2019. So everything I edited or changed is gone.

You can see the code on

Maybe if I get motivated to redo everything I'll put it on a wiki on github where I have control over it.

Odd. I must have something wrong. Thanks for checking.

-- update --

I thought lvl^2 was squaring lvl. I'm not sure what it's doing but lvl^2 = 10; I had to use (int)Math.Pow(lvl,2) or lvl*lvl

A quick google I guess the ^ is an xor operator in c# lol

That post will help a lot. Ty. Alot of those formulas in one place I gotta make them into functions.

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General Discussion / Re: FF7 Remake Teaser
« on: 2019-05-10 00:17:29 »
I kinda prefer the Japanese if i could play with subs :) though simple phrases are easy to understand like when Aerith is giving Cloud a flower :)

well changing percent_mod to a double and 99.62335216572505 got the right answer but unsure if that's correct. :P

Code: [Select]

            public int HP(byte lvl, byte magic_J_val=0,byte magic_count=0, byte stat_bonus=0, double percent_mod= 99.62335216572505)
                return (int)((magic_J_val * magic_count + stat_bonus + lvl * _HP[0] - (10 * lvl ^ 2) / _HP[1] + _HP[2]) * percent_mod) / 100;

probably not right as it only worked for squall and unsure if it'd continue to work because all my saves are him at lvl 8 pretty much heh.

I put in the formula for max hp from doomtrain and i'm getting a different number than the one in game.

Squall has 529 max hp. At level 8 with no junctions.

Code: [Select]
            public int HP(byte lvl, byte magic_J_val=0,byte magic_count=0, byte stat_bonus=0, byte percent_mod=100)
                return (int)((magic_J_val * magic_count + stat_bonus + lvl * _HP[0] - (10 * lvl ^ 2) / _HP[1] + _HP[2]) * percent_mod) / 100;
the formula gives me 531

I used the formula that pops up if you click the button.

I have the 3 hp vars in an array. Well there are four but I think the fourth is always zero.

Anyone have an idea?

Maybe the hash could be in the filename for some textures. You could convert the hash number to HEX so it'd use less characters. This could work well for 1 to 1 texture replacements. Where there is only 1 pallet.
start00_13,18407996689093672857 would become textures\A76B75096BB8.png or you could have a prefix still textures\start00[A76B75096BB8].png
Then for some mods you wouldn't need a hashmap just scan the directory files for the correct hash in the filename.

Is there a GitHub for TBE?

There is a room on the discord. You could also comment on an issue on github. I made one related to getting  the CD version working after you posted.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Looks like if i'm reading this correctly the FreeImage.dll is in a c++ redistributable pack.

Monogame probably used it for windows and uses something else on linux. It's because maki is loading a png for putting a shadow under characters. If you installed a texture pack for high res menu graphics it would probably had the same error.

Might need to add this to the readme if it works for you.

Though it does seem linux is broken :P I fixed the linux bug on my fork, but in the middle of building a ingame menus so no need to commit right now :)

You were getting the exception when going to the Debug menu inside the running OpenVIII is what i meant. I kinda wanted to know what was missing maybe a screenshot.

When you goto Sync there's Fetch and Pull. Fetch checks for updates and Pull gets the newest code. I think, I have been using the GitHub gui. And sometimes don't pay attention to what the words on the buttons are.  :P

I think this is what you asked for:
Yep. I'll work on it tomorrow night.

Did a small fix before work. I forced the values in that area to send null to it and got the same exception and added a null check to length. So it returns 0 instead of throwing an error.

I was wondering, some of those lines of text have a : with something after it. the ones that were sending null will have nothing after the :. Which ones is it?

Anyhow have a good day.

That's odd. Can you see what is on the stack when it gives the exception? the idea is something is sending null to the dirtyencoder and it's throwing an error. So I need to make the encoder handle null better and I need to know what is sending null to it. The stack shows all the commands being executed in a first in, last out order. So it'll show what lines started this chain of events. I have a few ideas of what it could be. Just desire more info.

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I made the changes we talked about today. Pull the new code and see if you can get farther now.

You can comment out the dump lines. They are for debugging. They are located in memory.cs in the init() method. I checked if d: existed but didn't check if it was writeable. It's probably your CD drive. Heh. Those lines basically export all the strings so I can make sure things are processing correctly. Comment by putting // in front of those lines. I'll tweak stuff when I am home.

-- Duplicate post-- was having mobile data issues.

Yep it was me, line 37 in windows location cs file. I forgot to remove ,"data" from that line.

Remember I altered the main directory to the ff8 folder since it's failing to find something in data\data check your windows location cs to make sure the location you added didn't end with data. If you hadn't added anything maybe, I forgot to remove data from the registry reading part.

What is you running the VM in? This will run on Linux if you want to copy the files out of your VM and use monodevelop to compile it.

Oh to make a breakpoint you need to click the area to the left of a line number. If you did it right a red circle will show up. Then the debugger will stop there when it is about to run that line.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

I read that there was low res and high res movies. I wonder if some videos only have the low res versions on the disc.  at least from what i see of the first 3 discs things look pretty similar to the steam version. The cam data might not be needed as we currently aren't using it.

I might put that list into the code to make it easier to tell which movie is what. :)

Now for some stabs in the dark since I'm unsure why it's not working I'm gonna list some ideas.

One thing I was wondering is if you had all the required libraries installed. I assumed you did or else it wouldn't let you build I think. If you goto Tools > NuGet Package Manager >  Manage NuGet Packages for solution. You should have:
Code: [Select]
FFmpeg.AutoGen v4.1.0.4
MonoGame.Framework.DesktopGL v3.7.1.189
MonoGame.Framework.DesktopGL.Core v3.7.0.7
MonoGame.Framework.OpenGL v3.7.1.189
NAudio v1.8.5
NAudio.Vorbis v1.0.0
NVorbis v0.8.6

Maybe you could put a breakpoint in Game1.cs maybe at the start of Initialize(). Just see to if the code fails right at the start or if it stops at a certain point. I'd step over stuff at first to see how far you get than step into a function it crashes on. Assuming it lets ya. has some info how to read those CLR20r3 messages. I am unsure if I can run the command on my FF8.exe or if i'd need your build to see the issue.

Might be worth trying to Build -> Clean Solution.

lol it's late i should get going.

Maybe Maki will have some ideas when they get back.

The warnings are just wip code. Like I recently uncommented a large struct in saves that I haven't implement yet. Because it's hundreds of variables. Black screen should be a movie playing the squaresoft logo then the overture starts playing. Then main menu. You can press enter to skip parts. I'm going to work. Have a good day.

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I've only been working on the "easier" stuff. :P Maki started this project. Him and Albeoris are doing the more complex stuff.

I don't know if i was clear on my last post but you should be able to put the movie files in ff8\movies\disc00, 01, 02, and 03. Though like I said there will be probably be duplicates. If everything's working you should be able to see the videos play on the debug screen. Eventually we can make a list of the movies that need to be pulled from each disc and which ones we don't need.

Well the steam version has disc00_00h.avi where disc00 is disc 1. As long as it's in the same order it should work. As we don't care what the names are we just care about what order they are in the directory. I can make the code search subfolders if you want. then you can put the movies unpacked from disc1 into disc00 folder instead of renaming all the files. :)

I just did that quick change. if you wanna download the change.

There might be an issue where some videos are on more than one disc. Where on the steam version we only have one copy of each video. Might take some fiddling to figure out which ones are duplicates.

I went ahead and did a pull request as the changes shouldn't of broken anything. So you should be able to download the new code. And give it a try.

If you can't get the movies right away it shouldn't matter. The code should skip that part if it doesn't see them.

The save files are the same in both versions. So just added the location to scan. Though it checks the steam save folder first and only checks the other if it can't find it.

I'll try to read more about the pak files. one site said they might be zip or rar files. might try renaming them to see if you can open them that way.

Maki has that might open the pak files. yes under Tools>Movie Extractor .PAK

Looks like to get the movies you need to use < unmass tool referenced in And the videos aren't in avi/mkv form. it's possible FFMPEG can still play it back won't know till we try. I think they said they are BIK files. I'd see about unmassing the pak files for the videos and putting them in your ff8\movies along with and cam files that might be there too. We might eventually add support for the PAK format natively but I'm unsure where to start on that.
per BIK files should be recognized by ffmpeg.

To summarize unmass PAK files. Put BIK and CAM files into ff8\movies. I'll need to make the code scan for them as well.

I'll work on updating the the code. You might have to pull from my fork to test before we update the master. I'll post when I've done the changes. I might have to run an errand today. And I work Friday - Sunday. So hopefully we can get it working today. :P

What? They keep the saves in the ff8 folder? Is that really where they write to? I was going to ask about that anyway because steam saves it in my documents. I also was hoping to get a sample save file to see how it's different from the steam version. Main reason that confuses me is program files would be write protected so you'd need to play in admin mode if you installed it there. :P

Did you not do a full install? looks like the movies are missing. I think it'll be required. I think on FF7 98 cd you had an option to install everything to the hard drive. If not we'll need logic to check the cds for the movies and we currently scan the folder for the movies we don't have a hard coded list. :P I guess you could add your cd as a folder to scan. Though you'd need to rerun scan every time you do a disc swap. I did a recent change to make it so if movies don't exist it should just skip playback.

At least the FI FL FS files are there sound files and music files. So we will need to change the paths for everything. So it can find them correctly. I'm thinking to change the main directory to the FF8 folder. Instead of lang-en. Then in the part where the FI FL FS files are defined I'd check for the lang-en exists.

Did you want me to work on the changes or did you want to do them and do a pull request?

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