Remastered Replacement FMVs for FFVIIAfter almost 8 years I have finally gotten around to fully updating my videos using the highest quality AC(480p), ACC(1080p) and CC(1080p) sources available. I've remade every video from the ground up at the proper aspect ratio of 1280X896 and encoded everything with a high bitrate setting(generally 8000 kbps and higher) to eliminate any artifacting caused by encoding. When any original game footage was needed I used the Remastered FMV's by cmh175. Here is a breakdown of what videos are included and any notable changes.
opening - A higher quality version of the PS3 tech demo was used and the audio was corrected to remove some small clicks near the end.
canon - ACC
canonh3f - ACC
earithdd - higher quality version of hybridmoon's video was used and new ACC footage used when able.
funeral - same as above
ending3 - ACC footage
jenova_e - AC, ACC, CC footage.
meteofix - AC
nivlsfs - ACC
ontrain - 1080p remake trailer footage.
A few notes. The ontrain video has 2 versions included. One that is short like the original and a longer version inspired the one at the end of Tsunamix's Ehco-S demo. Also I had to use the AC 480p footage for both meteofix and jenova's reveal because those scenes had been cut and or extremely shortened in the ACC version making them unusable. I've also included the much higher quality Eidos logo opening from Team Avalanche because it doesn't seem to be very commonly known of at the moment and a sqlogo replacement that is a cool clip video of the compilation.
Download link!KFRgWTxI!sIx-VW8lpnSpAdMAqWRpZ9YnVb_h8xoN-GLrVxIoHLIEnhanced Replacement FMVs from Toshiba DVDSo anyone that doesn't know once upon a time a few of the FFVII FMVs where rendered at a higher quality and released on a DVD to be encluded with a Toshiba computer. Full story over at TLS So after waiting for a number of years for someone else to make a set using this footage I decided to do it myself since I was redoing my previous videos. A few videos have been made by DLPB using this footage. Most notably the opening, so I won't be including any of those videos. I will show a few comparison shots of the same frames from the Remastered FMV's by cmh175 and the Toshiba DVD versions by me. I will go ahead and say that after color correcting the videos, cropping, enlarging and filtering the videos you get about 5-10% more visual information. There is an improvement in sharpness of lines and small details but at the loss of some smoothness. However for a modder like me that is a fair trade. I want the most out of all aspects of my game even if there are a few concessions. I also used the Remastered FMV's by cmh175 to fill in any gapes not included in the Toshiba DVD footage. I ended up making 19 replacements out of the available footage. Here are the comparison shots.
Remastered FMV's by cmh175
Toshiba DVD footage
Remastered FMV's by cmh175
Toshiba DVD footage
Download Link!2ZQShChR!H0FQIpBqJTjPTDU1wzbkGiBGeOaVUw94c4Ur0d6TDdANo Chibi Replacement FMVs CorrectedIn addition to Remastering my original videos and working on the Toshiba DVD videos I tackled correcting the No Chibi FMVs by DrLilo. The original videos had varying sizes and fps which caused some issues(like a softlock for me at parashot). Another issue is that they were made back when the psx resized videos by dlpb were the best available, but now the 2012 resizes have surpassed those. So, I started with a base of the Remastered FMV's by cmh175 and remade each video to a proper size, fps and runtime. These videos also use any Toshiba DVD footage that was available. These videos will play 100% properly without any flevel patches unlike the original versions.
Download Link!uMhFVBQa!7TD9jl7tWvKSuhPw6tulnSb3FgB_4mwQdWAuGUv7KEs Original PostI decided to edit together some new videos using some of the available footage from AC and CC. So far I've finished Midgar canon firing, Rufus shot by Diamond, Nanaki's ending, Aerith's funeral, Meteor from space, Sephiroth Discovers Jenova(CC with voice), and another new opening(CC & tech demo with voice). These all work 100% on my machine and should be usable right away for anyone that plays fmvs from hdd.
Original Quality Vids (320x224): not available. You can resize the higher quality ones if you need them for some reason
A great many thanks go out to Otokoshi for the most excellent Opening logo(without tech demo script). seriously your opening is awesome and I think it far better than mine. also the reason I didn't include the sephiroth in flames, Otokoshi's is definitive. If you don't already have them go here.
Higher Quality Videos for use with Aali's custom graphics driver 0.5 and up. Most are 960x720
Midgar canon firing, Nanaki's ending
Rufus shot by Diamond, , Meteor from space, Sephiroth Discovers Jenova(CC with voice), and Sephiroth in flames.(if you downloaded the hq videos before May 24, 2009 you need these)
Aerith's death and burial reedited from Hybridmoon's original.
Opening Credits reedited from Clover27's original.
New Ending2 from Darkangel 8694 : This version has audio corrected so it doesn't sound so blownout. If you have another version you'll want this one.
New Prelude: Replaces old prelude credits with scolling pics on a cool background.
Diamond Weapon Model:
New Cloud Jumps on Train video: