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Messages - NicoChirry

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Releases / Re: FF7 Sephiroth mod and Zack mod with extras
« on: 2025-01-26 19:23:40 »
No bro I can’t use jeets limit breaks

Releases / Re: FF7 PC Sephiroth replaced vincent mod
« on: 2024-12-30 20:41:50 »
I can show u how to do this easy u got discord?

WIP / Re: Ff8 steam (2013) Seifer mod
« on: 2024-12-19 14:53:35 »
Jeets got a lot of stuff he’s doing already brother, also it’s not hard just tedious.

Hey folks I’m trying to edit clouds bcx but I’m struggling to swap even his head without glitches or crashes, anyone still here that can help?

WIP / Re: Ff8 steam (2013) Seifer mod
« on: 2024-12-17 02:48:18 »
Could use some help honestly bro would be done very quick if I had even 1 more person LOL

FF7 Tools / Re: [PSX] BCX Breakdown Tool
« on: 2024-12-11 18:19:49 »
Did u ever finish the bsx breakdown tool LB?

WIP / Re: Ff8 steam (2013) Seifer mod
« on: 2024-12-06 17:05:40 »
Thank u brother, all work for the field models of Edea and raijin was done by jeet I only found out the offset for them using the pc files and also the hex editing of the battle models was done by him also m, he done an incredible job  ;D

I have a fully working sephiroth now bro, added a death animation from another seph model and edited in both item use, throw, 2x cut etc, I think it is fully working with nothing missing :-D

Hello quid  ;D how are u brother?
Could this be handled in the exe. Also u could try dyne enem, I know he has more animations located in his **da file than other characters, hope someone can help u.
Most peaople are on discord server hope u can join bro u would get help a lot quicker, also I have some stuff to show u  ;)

WIP / Re: Ff8 steam (2013) Seifer mod
« on: 2024-12-03 19:53:20 »
Still not done with this, edited upto second in terms of gameplay, there is another mod for psx that me and a freind jeetkunjoe worked on a lot, he managed to swap field models of characters with Edea, raijin, fujin, also we got the battle character playable, I will release these characters with my Seifer mod for pc but if u want to play the psx version look up ff8 psx galbadia mod :)

Is there any progress made to this, dunno if maki has seen this but hopefully this can be worked on.

Got this working, had to change fire cross ability under ability commands in doomtrain by ticking the second bottom box and second last bottom box unknown flags same as renzokuken, then changed squalls limit I’d under character tab to 17 (fire cross) this allows me to select fire cross and he does the limit without having sub menu (where u click no mercy)

WIP / Re: Ff8 steam (2013) Seifer mod
« on: 2023-06-02 00:43:49 »
Got this all working have a playable Seifer in squalls place just need to edit file to add Seifers model to other fields and it will be finished.

WIP / Ff8 steam (2013) Seifer mod
« on: 2023-05-31 20:24:23 »
Sup everybody, I’m currently working on a mod to change squall to seifer, I have changed all models of squall and weapons to Seifers, and his portrait, though he still uses squalls sound effects and renzokuken limit. Anyone know how I might change his limit and or sound effects to Seifers.
I’ve tried using doomtrain editor to change his limit to Seifers but can’t change renzokuken through it.

Hi there hope someone can help, im trying to change squalls limit renzokuken to Seifers no mercy but only way I can do so is by changing limit ID under character tab to Seifers (17) but when I try using it in game I can select fire cross but doesn’t let me select no mercy (nothing shows up) hope I’ve explained it correctly.

General Discussion / Re: Ff8 steam Seifer battle model
« on: 2023-05-28 23:46:50 »
Figured this out -I renamed Seifers battle model file and weapon to squalls 2 models and all weapons and it worked lol he even does renzokuken as his limit ( though there’s only his weapon when performing it) only thing is he still has squalls sound effect and portrait. Thank u myst6re 🙏

There’s is a breakdown on wiki page for file but i can’t for the life of me figure out what offsets I need to copy.

General Discussion / Ff8 steam Seifer battle model
« on: 2023-05-25 21:23:52 »
Sup everybody, looking for a more permanent battle model character change, I know u can change battle characters through hyne editor but if I change squall to Seifer, whenever he leaves party and rejoins (when changed to another character) he goes in the inactive party members.
Also during the dream sequence the game will crash if squalls body is changed to another character. I would like to create a mod with a squall Seifer swap don’t know if this is possible. Any help is much appreciated :)

Releases / Re: FF7 Sephiroth mod and Zack mod with extras
« on: 2023-05-25 13:03:34 »
Ok so a little list of people to credit for there work.
Got the Zack field model from Pierre jsn  on nexus mods.
Zack portrait was from Amaranth-sparrow on deviant art.
The dyne portrait was done by me with help from pfs kun on deviant art.
I edited all field models of all characters.
Dyne, Reno, Rude, and Rufus battle models are from Jeets psx sephiroth and shinra mod, ported over by grimmy to pc version.
I created the Zack model but Quid? hex edited all the battle animations so big shout out to him.
Last but certainly not least a MASSIVE shout out to sega chief who showed me how to do ALL of this, wouldn’t have done it without him, Thanks Sega!!

Releases / Re: FF7 Sephiroth mod and Zack mod with extras
« on: 2023-05-25 12:41:08 »
Here is a link to qhimm discord server where bonez has created a category for my mods.

Releases / FF7 Sephiroth mod and Zack mod with extras
« on: 2023-05-24 21:05:13 »
Hi all just sharing a couple of mods ive put together with alot of help from Sega Chief and  Quid?.
first iro sephiroth mod is a cloud replacement with battle model and feild model changed to sephiroth with all sephiroths animations.
Second is a Zack mod with cloud changed to zack with soldier first class animations (all hex edited by Quid?) with a few extra character changes added in (dyne, reno, rude, and rufus) with battle models and all feilds changed.

Ok so seems u have to extract a file from a field with the character u want to use then hex edit the character and animations from one file to all the others u want that character model to be. I’m unsure what hex to take and add though.Also don’t know how animations would work for a character replacement.

Did u ever find out how to do this? I would also like to know how to do this for a character replacement mod?

Support / Re: FF8 Character Portraits Fuji Raijin
« on: 2023-05-19 21:35:46 »
U still needing these portraits done?

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