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Messages - NicoChirry

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Hey quid, my Zack already uses the animations of soldier first class enemy and is controllable, I just need to link the **ab file to a couple things in the **da like I said, but I don’t know how to hex, kimera  won’t work I already have animation of soldier 1st class working so no need to edit the actual animations just need to link **ab file magic cast script etc to magic cast animation of the **da file I think.

hey quid when im casing magic he does the pose of soldier first class when casting sleepel n stuff but doesnt stick his arm out like the 1st class also give him magic cast pose for items and maybe change animation for 2x and 4x cut as soldier 1st class has 2 animations for these. but ive never hexed before so its really hard to understand.

Hey folks, I have a soldier first class enemy **da file and model with Zack head and sword that uses the **ab file of a controllable enemy ( I have a Reno, rude, Rufus, and dyne etc) taken from grimmys shinra mod, the idle, attack, getting hit animation all work fine it just needs a couple animations changed or altered. Can anyone help? Think nfitc1 done a breakdown of this but can’t DM him.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2023-04-18 11:20:28 »
Big shout out too sega chief, this mods phenomenal, currently playing through 2.0, beat 1.5 a while back and it’s so different. Also thanks for all ur help Sega ;)

Hey nfitc1, I have a soldier 1st class **da file and model (with Zack head and sword) that uses a controllable enemy **ab file (I have a Reno, rude, Rufus, dyne etc) taken from grimmys battle lgp in his shinra mod. The animations such as idle, attack, getting hit etc work fine, just needs a couple animations added, changed, could u help. Think ur the only person who can.

Was able to sap cloud with sephiroth in field with makou reacter program but his limbs are all over the place, anyone know how to fix this? :D

Thank you brother, you helped me immensely, I have a program called makou reacter downloaded that can change/Edit the feild but I tried changing cloud feild model to sephiroths using this in every file, took me a couple of hours and it didn't work, gonna do the steps u said to try if that works because there is an LGP extractor in this program that does what you say but I neva done this last night.
Thanx for caring bro really appreciate your time :D

Thanx for your input M8, your nickname says it all.

Gameplay / Sup guys new member here , hope u can help me.
« on: 2014-06-09 08:56:32 »
Sup guys sorry is this is in the wrong section , this is my first time posting in here.   :o I recently bought the steam version of FF7 for PC and An amazing guy called sega chief created me a sephiroth patch with everything but the field model, so I'm running around in towns and stuff as cloud but in the menu, battle and world map i'm sephiroth, Ive looked  for a full version of a sephiroth patch but they are all too hard to install and the one this guy made for me is super easy to use, I just hace to locate the Data folder through the patch and it does it all for me, can anyone help me out with a field model for sephiroth that is easy to install. Thanx :D

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