Hello, Bosola! First of all, thank you so much for this mod! I really appreciate it.
However, I noticed some inconsistencies in the spell names, and I was wondering if they could be resolved in a future patch.
- The spells Life and Life2 are now named Life and Revive, strangely. In the late 1990s to the early 2000s, they were Life and Full Life. These days, they're Raise and Arise.
- While Gravira and Graviga are correct, the first spell in this family is called Gravity. In the mod it's simply Gravi.
- Sleepel has not been changed to Sleep, as it's known in almost all official English translations Final Fantasy games.
- Confu remains as such, but should be called Confuse, as it is in the translations of late 1990s to present Final Fantasies.
- As DeSpell has been changed to Dispel, I was thinking DeBarrier could be changed too? Just for an idea, Dispel is called "Erase" in Final Fantasy III; maybe that would work?
- Remove is known as Banish in the post-XII Final Fantasy translations.
- Since the ally-usable spell Meteo has been known as Meteor since Final Fantasy VI, perhaps Cometeo could be expanded to Cometeor.
- FullCure should either have a space in it, or called Renew as in Final Fantasies XII and XIII.
- I was also wondering if the enemy skill Big Guard could perhaps be changed to Mighty Guard.
Everything else is fine as they are. Where applicable, I listed the late '90s spell names along with what they're currently called due to the time FFVII was released.
I understand that this mod is almost a year old, and I'm probably stepping on toes by posting here, but I believe that these are valid concerns. Also, I know there isn't a lot of space to work with, but I thought you have at least a bit of leeway since the Ice family was changed to Blizzard.
In short, my suggestions are...
Life / Revive > Life / Full Life, or Raise / Arise if going the "modern FF spells" route
Gravi > Gravity
Sleepel > Sleep
Confu > Confuse
DeBarrier > Erase
Remove > Banish
Cometeo > Cometeor
FullCure > Full Cure, or Renew if going the "modern FF spells" route
Big Guard > Mighty Guard (If possible)
If this is no longer being worked on, I apologize for this post. Thank you for your time, and have a nice day!