Support and suggestion thread for Aali's Custom Graphic Driver 0.7.11b
EDIT: Read the FAQ below before posting to see if your issue has been resolved!I have stickied this thread - BosolaPost your config file and APP log when reporting an error! We cannot help you if you don't! Also make sure you have latest version before reporting an error.
Edit (July 1st, 2013): Added a FAQ section for people to look for answers. Will be updated on request and on need.
Edit (July 2nd, 2013): Updated the FAQ. (Thanks to Kompass63 for pointing some things out!)
Edit (August 11th, 2013): Changed a few things here and there. Updated the FAQ.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Help topics covered:
Popups -
Posting errors -
Help with code tags -
Finding necessary files -
Black bar -
Disabling shaders -
Textures fail to load -
NVIDIA cards problems -
Older patches problems -
General help -
Downloaded game -
Everything is made of light -
Running as administrator
PopupsQ: How to disable/hide those yellow and red popups at the bottom of the screen?
A: Add "disable_popup = yes" at the bottom of ff7_opengl.cfg (alternatively, you can try "disable_popup = on" or "disable_popup = true").
Posting errorsQ: Aali's driver doesn't seem to be working! What do I do?
A: First make sure you have the latest version (Current version is
0.7.11b). Then, make sure the driver is working by clicking FF7Config and then the Graphics tab. Select "Custom Driver" if that's not already the case. If the driver is installed, a popup will appear. Then, use the following form:
Use code tags and post your config file (ff7_opengl.cfg
OR ff8_opengl.cfg) like this:
[ code ] Paste all your config here [ /code ] (Remove the spaces inside the brackets)
Then, post your APP.log that lies inside your FF7 folder (only relevant if you launched the game at least once) like this:
[ code ] Paste all your APP.log here [ /code ] (Remove the spaces inside the brackets)
Don't forget to specify if it said if it was installed or not.
Help with code tagsQ: I don't understand how to make this code thing work!
A: You can click on the '#' button (At the top of your post, not the key on your keyboard) to make code tags appear in your post where your cursor is. You can also select all the text that goes inside the code tags and click the '#' button.
Finding necessary filesQ: Where can I find those files you talk about? (config and APP log files)
A: In the main Final Fantasy VII/VIII game folder (FF8 creates an APP.log file, but it will be blank).
Black barQ: There's a black bar at the bottom of my screen when moving around in field! Help!
A: It is normal. It goes away in battle and menus. It goes back to the old PSX days. Some things are programmed based on coordinates, and removing the black bar would cause issues.
Disabling shadersQ: I experience some problems/crashes and I don't know what causes it!
A: Turn off shaders ("use_shaders = no" in the config file) or use the "Everything is made of light" fix (see below). If that doesn't fix it, try disabling fancy transparency ("fancy_transparency = off" in the config file). If that still doesn't work, post your config and APP log files using the method described above.
Textures fail to loadQ: FF7 was installed and I played it for some time, now I tried to add a new texture and it doesn't load! What do I do?
A: Delete the files from the cache folders:
.\Final Fantasy VII\cache
.\Final Fantasy VII\mods\cache
Don't forget the virtual store:
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII
Credits go to PitBrat and Kompass33
NVIDIA cards problemsQ: The game crashes and I don't know why. I have an NVIDIA card.
A: The driver has trouble with newer NVIDIA drivers. Disable your shaders (see above) or use the "Everything is made of light" fix (see below).
It has been fixed for the next release
Older patches problemsQ: I used The SaiNt's Hi-Res patch with or without Aali's custom driver but it doesn't work well!
Q: I used the FF8 Launcher with or without Aali's custom driver but it doesn't work well!
A: Those patches are outdated. Uninstall them and use Aali's custom driver alone.
General helpQ: HEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!1111oneoneone
A: Did you try reinstalling the game and the driver? Do you have the latest graphic drivers? Did you try fiddling with the options? Try experimenting on your own, it often wields better results.
Downloaded gameQ: I downloaded FF7/FF8 from the Internet and the driver doesn't work!
A: Save yourself some trouble and don't bother posting. Pirated games are not supported.
Everything is made of lightQ: My game is all black/white! It goes away when I disable shaders, but I don't want to! What do I do?
A: In your FF7 directory, copy and replace the files
.\shaders\main.frag and
.\shaders\main.vert into
.\shaders\nolight\ (however, the shaders
need to be enabled for this to work!) or you can download the
shaders-fix (thanks to UGerstl for this).
Credits go to Xion999, Kompass33 and UGerstl.
Running as administratorQ: The game works but some things don't. I am on Vista or newer.
A: You need to run the game as administrator.
Q: How to run the game as administrator?
A: Right-click FF7.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Run this program as administrator.
If you feel like I forgot something, this list needs updating, there's an error or you simply need something to be changed, reply to this thread or send me a PM/email (I am more likely to see those than a reply).