Heh, in the old days of FF7 modding, we didn't have Bootleg or Remix or any other complete packages. You had to use a different tool for everything, and some of it was really good, but a lot of it was only as good as could be managed with the limited research and understanding of the game's inner workings at the time. Just to play the game from start to finish, you needed to get the 1.02 update from Eidos, and Qhimm's own Chocobo patch. If you wanted to replace the music, you had to use FF7Music, which only worked with MP3s at the time (no nice looping). Playing the game at higher than 640x480 meant using The SaiNt's HD patch, which was buggy and only supported exact multiples of 640x480.
So, mugenginga, you shouldn't feel like "a complete and total idiot". The average user these days doesn't need to know more than "run bootleg, play game", so it's completely understandable if you're not in the habit of all the manual installations and incompatibilities that people like titeguy3, PitBrat, and EQ2Alyza have worked so hard to shield users from. Much like a modern computer user foraying into the command line, it simply isn't easy at first.