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Messages - DLPB_

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 404
nah   it's way longer even without

   _snprintf(dds_name, sizeof(png_name), "%s/%s/", basedir, Mod_ID, name, palette_index);
   _snprintf(png_name, sizeof(png_name), "%s/%s/%s_%02i.png", basedir, Mod_ID, name, palette_index);

Looks suspicious? 

(dds_name, sizeof(png_name)

-- Additionally, png loading times are around 4x as long as they were under aali's opengl code.  So something is making it take a long time to load compared.

Nah - the turned off version is basically default game without fixes.  There's no time for me to start fixing specific original issues.

Your shader settings are wrong, so your FMVs are playing without full 0-255 range (so black is not black).  This was fixed a while back in Reunion by changing the shader file - but your shaders are different.  Definitely something to look into.  You'll need a properly calibrated monitor to see this and also need to set graphic card to use full range in main graphic control panel.

Reunion yuv.frag

#version 110

uniform sampler2D y_tex;
uniform sampler2D u_tex;
uniform sampler2D v_tex;

uniform bool full_range;

const mat3 rgb_transform = mat3(
   1.0,    1.0,   1.0,
   0.0,   -0.344, 1.77,
   1.403, -0.714, 0.0

void main()
   float y = texture2D(y_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x;
   float u = texture2D(u_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.5;
   float v = texture2D(v_tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st).x - 0.5;
   if(!full_range) y = (y - (1.0 / 255.0) * 16.0) * (255.0 / (255.0 - 16.0));
   vec3 yuv_color = vec3(y, u, v);
   vec4 rgba_color = vec4(rgb_transform * yuv_color, 1.0);
   gl_FragColor = rgba_color;

check in game config screen in game or delete the input file and remap.  think it's called input.cfg ?? can't remember and im away

Yes.  Pass it to me in PM.

It won't be optional as select is used as a main function button.

ffnx is now merged to The Reunion and I'm just cleaning up before releasing R06g.

You must be adding a custom flevel file that does it, yes.  Reunion.log will tell you which flevel is loading.

you'll be using weapon mode 2

It's not. He'll need other tools too.

I am currently merging latest ffnx to R06g and good progress being made.  Obviously, stripping out a lot of stuff that's not needed - but I think the fixes will be worth it.  What of the shaders though?  The one I am currently using is great.  Any good ones we can use?

I do have plans to make more of it external but there's no way to do it with the field files at present...  so dialogue needs altering as well you see

Not only that but because soft means nothing and Gold Needle was even how it was translated in earlier titles.  You'll need to learn to use the tools provided to edit the game.  Right now, way too busy to assist with that.  There's no feasible way anyone in my position could give options for every single person's tastes.

If you're gonna cheat - may as well just use Black Chocobo or Ochu to add 99 Elixir.  The in-game way of doing it without cheating is to morph the Master Tombery.  or steal or whatever.

Forget it.  Bug still exists.  I think only hope failing the bug being located in this code is to just merge ffxn to this and update to work properly with Reunion.


need testers.  Use this file and play at least 1 hour of battles and send me app.log  - if crash, let me know as well and send as soon as crash.  No crash = 1 hour of data.  It attempts to fix the crash with a custom TRY CATCH.  A sloppy work around.

Possibly but not a priority at this time.

I'll see if anything can be done about it - if not, I'll disable skipping for problem FMV.

Skipping FMVs is warned about in help file.

Yeah but you'll now likely have issues where your flevel is now broken because supported opcodes will be knackered ;)  Hence why I said not to do it.

I wouldnt touch it at this time.

ah shit yeah you'll need a special build of Makou too.  forget it.   await R06g

Resolved.  Somehow a major variable allocation has been removed and so Cosmo Canyon is now completely broken.  For now, until Cosmo Canyon is passed, turn off New Translation.

Sigh...  I tested this area a lot so I have no idea how this has happened - unless Makou has some bug.  I dunno.  Any case, it's resolved with R06g.  I need to get this updated anyway with ffxn - so I'll be working to that soon.

Alternatively:  open flevel.lgp in BASE folder with Makou reactor and add

Bit 2 ON in Var[3][161]


Activate the triangle #88
Activate the triangle #84
Join party field (speed=18)

in  cos_btm  > group 15 > S1 - talk

Around line 122.

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