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Messages - MrMadakey

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Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] New Threat Mod (v0.3)
« on: 2024-09-09 06:59:42 »
I'm working on it a bit more now, so I'm hoping by the end of this year.

YOOO I look forward to it! I hope it goes easily and swiftly for you!

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] New Threat Mod (v0.3)
« on: 2024-09-08 12:54:30 »
Hey SegaChief, sorry to necro this thread, I was just wondering if there was any ETA on the other disks? I've been avoiding playing this until it's finished, with that said I know your IRL stuff started to take over so I don't wanna seem like I'm putting any pressure or anything, just wonder if we could get an update.

Thank you in advance and thank you for all your hard work on other previous projects.

FF7Voice / Re: [FF7][Tsunamods] Echo-S Voice Mod
« on: 2024-02-28 14:05:46 »
Superb mod and a big thank you to everybody who took the time out of their day to help make this.

One day I hope I could play it alongside New threat but in the mean time or if it never happens, you guys have still done an absolutely amazing job.

One suggestion could be that when somebody starts the game, you could have a little notification at the top that says "Set your ATB to wait and if you feel like enemies are attacking too much please consider turning down the battle speed." Or something to this degree. Would help a tonne as I'm sure I'm not the only one who has made this mistake.

I'm not really sure if this is possible and I also got the idea from SegaChiefs new threat mod.

*EDIT* If it's not possible however, it might be an idea to have it in the readme section on how to install the mod.
(The same place that mentions the magic in Squalls inventory to check if the mod is working)

One more edit: I would like to mention I've been enjoying your mod a lot, me and my friend have both been enjoying the mod a lot. We only really started to get frustrated with said battle speed around the lunar cry. It was already pretty tough with it full the entire playthrough but then it got to this point and both me and my friend were saying "Are we missing something?" It turns out yes we was lmao

Sure, the mod might be more AoE-heavy than the base game overall, but your initial point was about all enemies being able to open with an AoE, which is simply not the case.

The number of enemies capable of starting with an AoE is a little less than 30% of all enemies, including ones that use AoE only under certain conditions (level threshold, specific battles or number of enemies present). Aside from that, not all of them are meant to be threatening (such as the Geezard's or Raldo's Foul Breath), but can potentially become a threat with ATB speed set to max. With highly damaging AoEs usually being strictly regulated to not be used consecutively and with the new Heal ability + Mega-Potion buff, things shouldn't be too difficult, at least in Standard Mode. I can see some more AoE restrictions in a third difficulty option though.

Currently aiming to release an ATB patch by the end of this week. It's basically ready for the 2013 version, but want to look into Remastered too, as I don't want to separate the two versions again, now that they are almost identical. And it's about an important issue that can potentially ruin the entire experience. Will report back.

I feel like I also came across badly in my original post, it wasn't supposed to come across hostile. I have been enjoying your mod thoroughly, especially much more now I'm aware of how the ATB works and sincerely thank you for that. It feels like things have significantly calmed down with the amount of attacks enemies are able to use since I changed the ATB. However I would like to point out misinformation was never my game, more understanding or feedback. Feel like that didn't come across very well and for that I would like to apologise.


Actually, only very few enemies have a chance to start the battle with an AoE. In fact, AoE usage is more limited than in the base game. Many enemies are set to not use AoE several times in a row, whereas in the base game, they can basically access them whenever they want (Grendel, Cockatrice, Chimera or Bahamut to name a few). Please check thoroughly before spreading misinformation out of anger.

As for your actual issue: Check your ATB speed setting and reduce it if it's on max. I assume it is, as no enemy can do 6 attacks before you get even 2 turns on normal ATB speed settings. I've already explained several times - at one point even to you directly - that high ATB speed settings are not recommended as they give enemies an unfair speed advantage that you can't negate even with supernatural reflexes. The higher the ATB speed is set, the more attacks enemies get compared to you, that's how it is even in the base game - it becomes noticably more difficult then. And I'm not willing to balance the difficulty of this mod around this setting. It's just way too fast.

Guess I'll have to add this information to the opening post and mod documentation until a proper ATB speed adjustment is ready (I know there is a setting for that in the Doomtrain tool, but changing it so that max Speed becomes more managable results in standard speed settings becoming super slow) - too many players fell for it already, without realizing where the issue stems from, rather blaming the mod instead. I'll do my best to finally come up with that long-needed fix (also making the ATB stop when selecting targets), so this issue can finally be put to rest.

Okay, so I will agree that you right about the ATB speed adjustment and I would be happy to retract my statement on that.

However, I do want to mention, there are a lot of mobs in this mod that do a lot of AOE, whether I had the speed at full or not, which again was my mistake, there are a lot of enemies in this mod that are doing AOE, I am not just spreading misinformation, I have another friend who's playing alongside me and is having the same issue.

There is even a series on youtube of a person playing the same mod, having the same issue...

With that said, thank you for the update!

So, I wanna ask something.. Are you aware of how Damage Per Second works?

I've seen that there is limitations on how much you can manipulate a mob to do however, me getting one shot in a menu before I can even decide what to do because every single mob has aoe at the start of a fight is not exactly what I would call... "Balanced."

Now you've mentioned that there is limitations to this.. Why is there limitations? Just reduce the amount of damage that the mobs do across the board.. It's literally that simple, you've got mobs doing 6 attacks to my entire party before I've even got 2 attacks off and they're doing nearly a 3rd of my life in one hit. If they're doing this many attacks, tone it down a bit maybe?

Releases / Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Xylomod Overhaul
« on: 2023-05-25 08:58:45 »
Keep it up regardless. I'm definitely keeping my eye on this mod. It looks fun! A little unbalanced but definitely fun, also a lot of the speedrun strats rely on being very yolo and kind of risky. I probably wouldn't try and balance around said speedrunners.. Them getting hit by 1 status can turn the tide of an entire fight and that seems to be what you're going for here anyway.

Keep it up!

Releases / Re: [FF8PC-Steam] Xylomod Overhaul
« on: 2023-05-21 09:20:01 »
Some cool ideas but there's a balance issue very early on.

With the amount of statuses that enemies cast and limited ways to deal with said statuses it becomes a farming game of draw points or money for items.

I definitely see what you're going for, however a lot of the early game feels a bit out of shape and a lot of the end game ends up being a bit of a cake walk.

With that said I wanna focus on some of the positives.

The card mod.. Very very cool new cards, I was never a big fan of triple triad and only really did it because it's a very abusable system, however, with the new cards you added I found myself actively wanting to play triple triad just to collect said cards.

Generally all round it's a nice mod but I highly suggest looking into the early game a little more right now. Sadly the only suggestion I have is maybe having their earlier spells on a later cycle. Say needs to attack the whole team at least once before casting spell depending on the enemy if that's possible, or something like this.

To give an example, in the Dollet mission, I don't think it's very fun to have a soldier open up with a fire attack and instantly blind my one main attack character. Or should biggs and wedge immediately open up with a muting ability to basically render most characters useless since mute in ff8 is one of the most op statuses there is.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2022-12-12 21:32:04 »
Sorry I got my first response wrong, I meant paralyzed not petrified.. My complete mistake.

Also I love the idea of being able to just toggle it. Give the people the best of both worlds. People like to play the way they like to play and I certainly don't wanna take this away from anybody with my personal beliefs, but if I can somehow turn it off for me personally I think that would completely change the dynamic of the way the whole second half of the game would play!

Thanks for listening to my feedback though.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2022-12-08 20:05:40 »
a no experience hard mode  typeb without using sp upgrades makes end game stuff not as trivial  :)    maybe try that as an option if decide to play through again.
agree witem is OP makes somethings go much quicker thou, and allows more or less free experimentation of items.  alongside huge timesaving rather than grinding for a couple of items...  (on no exp runs)

I'm by no means saying the entire mod is easy because of this though I would like to mention, I just think it's placed a little too early. I think it should maybe be after say midgar Revisit or just before or maybe in one of the materia caves for example. It does feel a little strong at this point and not having it in a previous playthrough made for believe it or not more experimentation rather than rinse and repeating the same: w-item Gospel Sparks > Pummel with Barret and mime till dead..

While W-item may promote item experimentation for some, the only thing it promoted for me was to abuse what worked.. I'm not speaking for everybody here but there are a hell of a lot more players who will do the only thing that works rather than what could "potentially" work.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2022-12-07 23:19:55 »
Bosses having too much defense is a bit of a problem since it incentivizes using Defense-Ignoring methods so much. Spamming Comet just completely trivializes the silver chocobo because it can't miss for Pandora's Box which, in turn, with Mighty Guard, allows us to completely trivialize Emerald and Ruby. Then just to take it further there's a magic built Barret taking over Cloud's ability to just Mime = Counter Catastrophe every boss to death while you go and make a sandwich.

This right here is pretty much what I'm trying to touch on, while a lot of the early game is pretty difficult while at the same time being rewarding, the post game feels kind of a wash with how easy it can be with some of the character setups you can get going. It kind of didn't incentivise myself to try anything different because Barret was making everything look incredibly easy, mechanics were pretty much ignored because Barret didn't care.

I would like to mention while my previous statement about w-item basically trivialising everything and then complaining that the post game was not very hard.. I didn't actually need w-item, I've played the mod before and didn't even know where w-item was and I did just fine back then too. I've seen streamers completely miss w-item and do just fine themselves. There were even times where my party were so strong that I never even got chance to use gospel sparks or any other op item that was in my repertoire..

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2022-12-04 16:56:03 »
Just finished 2.0 (All bosses/Limit breaks/Weapons except the secret boss) and wanted to give some feedback

I originally couldn't find the 1/35 soldiers but i found them all so modifying my message here for feedback instead.

First of all, W-Item is a bit easy to obtain. I understand why it's where it's at but at the same time, I don't think it's actually even needed. It kind of trivialised almost everything. When you're able to duplicate Megalixirs as well as Stardust or Gospel sparks, it makes the entire game a little trivial including the post game bosses such as the weapons.

In terms of character balance, Tifa is a lot more balanced now which is fantastic, however it feels like Barret might've taken the new position of over powered.

Once I was able to reach the Drill Arm and basically ignore all defense, it pretty much ignored all mechanics that are supposed to be in the game, not much reason to dispel anything or worry about anything, that combined with unlimited Megalixirs and Gospel Sparks.. Well you can see where I am going with this.

Also to touch on the ignore defense mechanic, Jenova's Deaths incremental defense/damage, now, as we know Jenova is susceptible to Petrify, however when the AI is petrified it usually makes it so the incremental mechanic doesn't increase, this is where Barret being a little over powered comes in, with the ignore defense mechanic, it completely ignores the incremental damage even while the AI is petrified.

I'm not exactly sure how you would go about this but maybe a good idea would be to change ignore defense to increase damage depending on how much str Barret has? Which could then increase incrementally through the fight whenever he gets attacked in the front row? I literally have no idea on how you would be able to balance it (If you would like to balance it that is) but I would like to mention that Barret does feel like he ignores any mechanics in the game entirely.

I do think there is only one particular boss that I should mention feels a little much.. Air buster in Mt Nibelheim, while I found a way to get past him a lot easier, it felt a little over kill with the amount of time it takes to do attacks.

Love what you did with Wu-Tai, feel like it flows much better and it's nice that there's some post game in disc 3.

I miss the X-ATM memes. He was fun.

So I just started playing this mod, now I'm just wondering if I'm missing something about the ATB system?

So naturally on mods like this I usually set my ATB to wait. However it seems like that hasn't done much for my current playthrough. Not saying it's too hard just wondering if I've made my life harder by doing this.

I understand that enemies rarely skip their turns, so I'm assuming it has something to do with that.
Just wanted to be sure rather than assuming.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2022-01-27 12:10:16 »
Hydro Materia is found in the Junon Docks on Disc 2/3, on the screen where you performed the send-off for Rufus; the cargo ship will now be gone and the Materia should be sitting on the empty port somewhere.

Gospel Sparks I think are finite in supply (they grant invincibility being the reason for that); one is listed as being in the North Crater's Left-Up path.

Your brain is gigantic and I want to kiss it. Very clever sir.. Very very clever. Found both items as mentioned and I would like to apologise for being blind and not noticing in the documentation unlike first mentioned. I genuinely didn't see it! Thank you again!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2022-01-26 10:07:42 »
Hey me again..

So it doesn't matter who replies to this just wondering if I've missed a few items along the way.

So I'm in disc 3 on version 2.0 type b and starting to clean things up bosses wise. However I've obviously been watching some videos from others and noticed a few things such as Gospel Sparks (An item that gives peerless) and Hydro Splinter Materia. Now when checking the documentation provided with the New Threat Download it doesn't actually say where to get Gospel Sparks from and it also says that Hydro could be found in Junon Docks.. Now there wasn't any materia in Junon docks to my recollection and considering I'm at the point I am now I'm a little confused where it is.. Have I missed it ?

Also the thing I'm mainly curious about is where I would find a Gospel Sparks..

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2021-07-21 16:56:34 »
I'm afraid not; but it's given me an idea. It'll be obtainable in the next patch on Disc 3.

I look forward to it!!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« on: 2021-07-21 07:06:04 »
The Ribbon can only be acquired from one place, the boss battle at the end of Disc 1 if
Spoiler: show
Aeris Dies

Sorry to bring up an old subject but can this still be obtained by morphing tonberry's in 2.0 ?

I just did the thing and now wondering if I should go back or not  :-\

(Yes I restarted for the third time this month I really do enjoy this mod...)

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2021-07-15 18:22:28 »
You could try Brave New World (BNW) for FF6 (, The Ragnarok mod for FF8 (, or Alternate Fantasy for FF9 (

This is perfect thank you and once again, EXTREMELY well played with New threat. Seriously will be returning to FF7 with this mod every time I play! Genuinely that good

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2021-07-14 17:31:57 »
So I have a question for you Sega Chief also some compliments (Hopefully they come across that way)

So ever since I've played new threat which is actually around a year ago I never actually finished the mod back then but then I went back to it recently. A lot of changes since I first played and a lot of very fun balance. Some frustrating moments but due to my own fault.

Now with all that said I had a genuinely amazing time playing this mod, however it's done something to me.. Now I'm always looking for the next "New Threat"

To explain what I mean by this I've now got into the habit of looking up mods on the old final fantasy games trying to find something that compares to new threat. To no avail sadly.

So here's my question to you Sega Chief if you're willing to answer. Are there any mods that you recommend that come close to this sort of overhaul? I understand if you don't want to answer but with that said you've done such a fantastic job here it's very hard to find anything that even comes close to comparing. Any FF game that is up to you just wondering if you know of something that will scratch the itch I have.

Again seriously fantastic mod I can not recommend this more to people it really changes FF7 in an amazing way!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2021-06-26 11:36:34 »
I had a look at 1.5's files; not really sure what's going on there. White Wind doesn't have the No Retarget flag so why White Wind was able to land on a KO'd character is a bit odd, unless it's a quirk of how reflect works with a target-all skill.

But it sounds like the AI isn't working quite right. The flow of that part of the script is:
Every third turn:
If he has Reflect, use Shadow Flare
If no Reflect but has MBarrier, use Laser
If no Reflect or MBarrier, then use White Wind.

If Reflect is on, the enemy should be using Shadow Flare and not using White Wind at all (this should also only be going out every third turn; was White Wind used twice in succession?)

I'll revisit this fight when I'm doing the North Crater maintenance and redo it a bit.

Sorry I just saw the reply, my apologies. It was twice in succession yes, He first did a Flare after the reflect which I thought was rather smart on your part (I can't cheese it that way) and yuffie died, final attack procced and a phoenix went off, I proceeded to kill Tifa with yuffie (A lot of the attacks were physical so I was trying to use yuffie's innate to carry me because the other 2 would just die in one hit) and then proceeded to beat on Cloud. He healed multiple times in succession but it never hit my dead character for very much, for example when he did a 9,999 white wind it only healed my dead character for around 1k, I didn't pick up on it until somebody pointed it out that my character had 2 - 3k life dead on the ground.

Trying to give as detailed description as possible.

A theory of one person said it might've been something to do with Cloud trying to white wind himself and instead hitting the other cloud in the fight ? This was just a theory though.

Also I would like to mention, the 7k white wind he did was when he didn't have reflect. This was 2 separate tries sorry if I wasn't clear on that.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2021-06-23 21:02:27 »
I'm so far beyond spoiling for people out of frustration from bugs

So back to the battle square again.. So in the platinum match as we know Cloud uses white wind quite continuously. However as we all know white wind is only supposed to heal for the amount of health a character has.. Now this has happened to me twice so far but he healed himself for 7k. I proceeded to hit him for around 10 - 12k and he didn't die, instead he continued to white wind himself again for 9,999 all over again... Now to make matters worse I decided I would try and cast reflect on both the enemy team so if he did keep using white wind then maybe it would reflect back to me..

FAT CHANCE, it healed the guy who was dead on the floor... Cloud.. That's right... Cloud was lying on the floor dead with 2k life...

Now I'm very VERY frustrated so if I come across as salty.. I kind of am

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2021-06-22 16:13:16 »
Yeah the directions they were sent in should help for testing and replication.

It seems to be a drop from Christopher, but mind that if you steal an item from that enemy then it'll make their drop unavailable.

YEP I just got it thank you, I see what I was doing wrong... Kept on stealing thinking it was a steal and because of that it wouldn't drop the item. Wow I wish I knew that sooner LOL Thank you!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2021-06-22 08:43:20 »
Sorry about the lost progress, I'll set up 1.5 and check through the scripts in that section.

Not your fault I should've saved (No seriously what kind of an idiot doesn't save after Battle Square) but thank you for checking it out!

To give you the most accurate description, I sent Cid, Vincent, Tifa, Cloud and Aeris Left on the first option.
My party was as follows: Cloud, Tifa and Aeris.
In the second screen I sent Cid and Vincent down, Me and Tifa went up. As mentioned no option for Aeris so I'm not sure where she went but she wasn't in the party on the second options.

Hope this helps!

On a side note, who exactly can I steal the Oritsuru from ? I'm around 23 magic shurikens in on Christopher in the northern cave and he still hasn't given it to me.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.991)
« on: 2021-06-21 13:47:40 »
So first real bug I've encountered in v1.5, I came to the northern cave to try and get to the point of no return to open up some of the side quests and party leader change. I usually use Aerith/Aeris in my party because she's been rather strong throughout.

Anyway when I was given the option of where they all wanted to go I sent Aeris down with me and put her in my party, when I got to the second screen where you get asked for a second time where everybody is going to go, Aeris had no option and she wasn't in my party. I was left with only Cloud and Tifa in my party and couldn't progress because Aeris just wasn't in my party. Also I lost a lot of progress from the battle square because of having to go back to a previous save which made me really sad. (This part isn't relevant to the bug but it made me sad never the less)

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