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Messages - forkst

Pages: [1] 2
hey Jeet

I found a glitch on your mod, when i tried to exit out of controller setup screen on your ff7 rebirth ps1 mod, the mod went to a text message saying hi

and then it broke to graphic glitches

if you anytime can you see what could be wrong that please


FF7 Tools / Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« on: 2025-01-08 11:47:24 »

I figured the problem, when you click out of the final fantasy 7 game on steam the game still plays but the music stops

is there anyway you can fix that problem on your program please

and is there anyway you could allow us to fix the battle music as well while being on the world map please


FF7 Tools / Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« on: 2024-12-26 22:53:23 »

I really like your new update on your ff7 tool

but your ff7 tool crashed on me today when i used the start the battle option on it

are you gonna add in a have all items, have all materia and always have limit break in battle option as well please

and can you also add in a option for us to teleport when we are buildings or towns please, so i can teleport to the sierra mason please

when i tried in status effects on the enemies using your program it won't work at all and softlocks my game

and can you also in the option to max out our status, and change our hp and MP out of battle as well please

1 more idea request, my request is this when someone uses the start battle option on your program they also select what battle music they want to use with it


FF7 Tools / Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« on: 2024-12-23 10:52:47 »
Great job on this tool

do you think you could make a tool for final fantasy 8 and fantasy 9 1 day please



is there anyway i could fix up the aura stone item myself to put haste on it

and is there anyway i could fix up the broken enemies myself on your mod as well

and keep up the great work on this mod, and happy holidays


here is a screenshot of this plant enemy monster being broken on your ff8 mod

it shows 0 HP when i scan it, and everytime i attack it, it does the non stop break spell


Hey Klitlika

I am really enjoying your v55 of your ff8 mod so far

if you have anytime soon, can you fix up the aura stone to give haste out on the party member insted of slow please

thanks and keep up the great work


I fixed it by launching the ff8 game first so it could create the config.txt file

i just forgot how to install your mods over demaster after so many years of taking a break on it

I tried running your ff8 mod with the demaster stuff

and it kept on saying this to me, a program error has occurred.

error:3889861889:337, Can't open Configuration file: config.txt

Callisto would you mind if the Junction VIII modders put your mod on the new Junction VIII mod manager please

Releases / Re: FFVII: Shinra Archaeology Cut
« on: 2024-10-27 07:31:42 »
just curious, is this mod now playable from start to end now?

General Discussion / Re: Where is Roses and Wine
« on: 2024-05-09 18:54:45 »
Mod seeker, i have the ff8 roses and wine mod, if you want i can send you the file okay

sometimes when squall does his limit break on your ff8 mod on the ff8 2013 pc steam version, it crashes your mod alot

I really like your mod so far, how about adding a boss randomizer on your mod please, would you be able on doing that

keep up the great work

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-23 22:24:41 »
I really love your mod alot

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-16 19:28:32 »
I looked at your screenshot and i can't find those graphic hauls mods you used for your mod on that screenshot you showed me

Releases / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Des-Enlace (ENG -SPA)
« on: 2023-12-16 12:54:59 »
what Graphic haul mods do i need to make this mod work 100% pefectly?

how the fixing coming so far on this mod

did fix up any of the bugs yet on this mod

because i would like to try out the newer versions of this ff8 mod again 1 day

I am always having trouble installing this mod myself, it always crashes on me so what am i doing wrong then

How is the fixing coming along so far on this mod, because i would like to try out the new version soon with all of the fixes on it, and keep up the great work on your mod

Great Job on getting this new release out so quickly, how much more longer until the rest of the stuff is fixed on this mod and keep up the great work on it

Callisto everytime i try patch my FFVIII_EFIGS.dll file with your patching file, it goes to the An unknown exception has occurred screen when i first boot up my final fantasy 8 remastered steam game using your mod

I am at the end of disk 2 sefier boss battle on your ff8 pc steam 2013 version, your mod softlocked my game twice today at that boss battle

can you take a look to see if there are any errors on that boss battle please

I found some missing information on your ff8 Crystal mod, for the final fantasy 8 pc steam 2013 version

the starfall item on your mod does the meto move insted of making the party members invisiable

I am really enjoying your mod alot

keep up the great work on it

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