Releases / [FF7PC-Switch] Beacause LayeredFS
« on: 2019-04-06 23:07:17 »
Here's Beacause R04C by DLPB repackaged for Switch LayeredFS. [LINK REMOVED BECAUSE I NO LONGER HAVE A DESIRE TO FUCK WITH DLPB]
To use, Unzip, and move the 0100A5B00BDC6000 folder into the layeredFS folder on your SD card depending on your Switch CFW
for Atmosphere, it should be SD:/Atmosphere/Titles
for ReiNX, it should be SD:/ReiNX/Titles
for SXOS, you are ferning stupid and any questions relating to SXOS will only be met with more insults. Go fern yourselves.
So the full filepath should be something like SD:/ReiNX/Titles/0100A5B00BDC6000/
This does modify the exe, so it might not be compatible with other exe mods, and if they are, the exe can't be copy/pasted, so you'll have to do those modifications yourself (using this one as a base, if you want to still use beacause)
refer all questions related to the actual mod to DLPB, and questions related to the Switch can be sent to me; it might be easier to reach me on the Qhimm Discord.
To use, Unzip, and move the 0100A5B00BDC6000 folder into the layeredFS folder on your SD card depending on your Switch CFW
for Atmosphere, it should be SD:/Atmosphere/Titles
for ReiNX, it should be SD:/ReiNX/Titles
for SXOS, you are ferning stupid and any questions relating to SXOS will only be met with more insults. Go fern yourselves.
So the full filepath should be something like SD:/ReiNX/Titles/0100A5B00BDC6000/
This does modify the exe, so it might not be compatible with other exe mods, and if they are, the exe can't be copy/pasted, so you'll have to do those modifications yourself (using this one as a base, if you want to still use beacause)
refer all questions related to the actual mod to DLPB, and questions related to the Switch can be sent to me; it might be easier to reach me on the Qhimm Discord.