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Topics - sithlord48

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / ATTN: FF7 MODDERS Quick Questions.
« on: 2021-10-10 12:44:55 »
Hi Everyone I just have some questions about what you all working on, So i can decide what i want to work on  :wink:

0. What Version of FF7 are you modding ? (PC97 / PSX / Steam / Switch ... )

1. What Kinds  Mods are you working on (Conversion, Models, Kernel,  Text, etc... )

2. What Tools are you currently using to make your mods?

3. Where do these tools fail for you ?

4. What tools do you need ?

FF7 Tools / png2dds script
« on: 2020-05-15 03:06:57 »
Hey all. I wrote this little script for users on linux or mac os who want to convert png2dds files.

1. Install imagemagick from your package manager
2. Save this a
Code: [Select]
for D in `find . -type d`
    for file in "$D"/*.png
        if [ "$file" != "./*.png" ]; then
            convert $file "$(echo $D | cut -c3-)/$(basename "$file" .png).dds"
run with it will convert every png file from this folder recursively into a dds file with the same name in the same path as the png file.

To remove png files after the script is done
Code: [Select]
find . -name *.png -delete

General Discussion / TRANSLATORS WANTED
« on: 2020-04-06 14:03:57 »
Are you down with the i18n? Do you wanna work in l10n? If you wanna get your feet wet or just are bored stuck at home with nothing better todo.
I'm looking for some translators to help me update the translations for Black Chocobo.
The current translations need to be proofed and a few phrases maybe need to be added or updated. Anyone who is willing to help update (or add) a language Please PM me.

Current Languages.
  - English (stock translation)
  - Re translation
  - Spanish
  - French
  - German
  - Japanese

Languages I would like to see supported. (High Downloads per Country)
 - Italian
 - Portuguese
 - Taiwan (Hokkien or Mandarin?)
 - Russian
 - Polish

General Discussion / Great Dev Interview about making FF7
« on: 2017-01-09 19:26:20 »
found this nice story on polygon .

General Discussion / FF7 Speed Painting Set
« on: 2015-05-12 15:02:01 »
i found this speed painting set of FF7 thought it was pretty nifty ..

Troubleshooting / Joystick: Reconizing Buttons Over 10
« on: 2014-07-19 22:41:27 »
i have recently set up sixad for using my dualshock 3 as my main joystick. everything works nicely except that the X O [] /\  and L1, R1 , R2, L2 start At button # 11 . And FF7 does not reconize any joystick buttons over number 10. With out remaping does anyone know if / how we can fix ff7 so that it can registar buttons higher then 10? One other nice thing would be if we could bind two keys to one input (i.e UP to both the Dpad up and Analog Stick up ) .

The last annoyance with FF7 for most users now is input config . What Can we do to fix this. 

(sorry my net is flaky so im not on irc as a result.)

Hi all i have been working on getting all the used field varibles mapped. i have been keeping some notes mostly on field items and what bits are toggled when they are picked up  . the notes contain the varible names from makou reactor field section , Black Chocobo Z vars and/or Real Offsets from save map. some contain additional notes on what else changes and a few are related to progression.

you can view the notes here or download them

if you have any questions about the notes feel free to ask . more will be added as they are discovered.

the new FF7 Pc uses a cloud save feature that keeps you saves synced with the saves on the server. this causes an issue for people who want to edit their save files. while there is a workaround i think we can do better and just edit the control file for this the metadata.xml file.

here would be a good place to discuss how to do it

it looks like this
Quote from: squall8cloud7
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <savefiles block="1">
    <timestamp slot="1">1344992396295</timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="2"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="3"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="4"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="5"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="6"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="7"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="8"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="9"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="10"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="11"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="12"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="13"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="14"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="15"></timestamp>
  <savefiles block="2">
    <timestamp slot="1"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="2"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="3"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="4"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="5"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="6"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="7"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="8"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="9"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="10"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="11"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="12"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="13"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="14"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="15"></timestamp>
  <savefiles block="3">
    <timestamp slot="1"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="2"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="3"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="4"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="5"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="6"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="7"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="8"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="9"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="10"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="11"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="12"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="13"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="14"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="15"></timestamp>
  <savefiles block="4">
    <timestamp slot="1"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="2"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="3"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="4"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="5"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="6"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="7"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="8"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="9"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="10"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="11"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="12"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="13"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="14"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="15"></timestamp>
  <savefiles block="5">
    <timestamp slot="1"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="2"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="3"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="4"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="5"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="6"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="7"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="8"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="9"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="10"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="11"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="12"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="13"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="14"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="15"></timestamp>
  <savefiles block="6">
    <timestamp slot="1"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="2"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="3"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="4"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="5"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="6"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="7"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="8"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="9"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="10"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="11"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="12"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="13"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="14"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="15"></timestamp>
  <savefiles block="7">
    <timestamp slot="1"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="2"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="3"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="4"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="5"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="6"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="7"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="8"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="9"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="10"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="11"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="12"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="13"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="14"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="15"></timestamp>
  <savefiles block="8">
    <timestamp slot="1"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="2"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="3"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="4"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="5"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="6"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="7"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="8"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="9"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="10"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="11"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="12"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="13"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="14"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="15"></timestamp>
  <savefiles block="9">
    <timestamp slot="1"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="2"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="3"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="4"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="5"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="6"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="7"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="8"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="9"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="10"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="11"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="12"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="13"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="14"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="15"></timestamp>
  <savefiles block="10">
    <timestamp slot="1"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="2"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="3"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="4"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="5"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="6"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="7"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="8"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="9"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="10"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="11"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="12"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="13"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="14"></timestamp>
    <timestamp slot="15"></timestamp>

now as you can see there are two parts to this first is adding a timestamp to a slot when editing it.. this is the easy part.
and the hard part would be the signature , how is it created (its not an md5sum of the save) it is 128 bit  and while the empty files are not created they do have a signature in the metadata.xml file , i have seen two files each had a different empty signature.  does anyone know how to create this signature?

FF7 Tools / [FF7] Programing Toolkit - ff7tk
« on: 2012-03-23 14:37:35 »
      Today i am happy to announce that FF7tk is now ready to have its first release.

      FF7tk WTF is that ???

      allow me to explain as some of you may know myself and a few others (vegeta_ss4,eslava) have been working on a toolkit for working with data from ff7. this toolkit will (eventually) cover ALL of the stuff needed to work with ff7 files. (everything from save data  to model info). this toolkit is written in C++ and Requires Qt (but this will make any programs you make cross platform,you can use any lang for your program that is qt supported).its under the GPLv3(so if you change it we want to see your code!) Programmers are encouraged to provide requests for objects, or info about things they already know.

      What is currently included. (
complete list)

Currently there are only a few objects that deal mostly with stuff needed for black chocobo (as it is now build using FF7tk). but all the text data returned will be translated for you already (working on how to getting the translations used per class instead of per application , but the strings are done already)

static_data classes included
  • FF7Save -class for working with save files
  • FF7Item -data class that know all about items (and icons)
  • FF7Materia - data class that know all about materias(and icons)
  • FF7Location - data class that know all about field location data
  • FF7Text - data class for converting text to/from ff7 format to your lang.
  • FF7Char - data class that contains info about characters in ff7(and icons)
  • FF7Achievements - class for working with achievements.dat from 2012 and 2013 releases
  • SaveIcon - class for decoding psx save icons- Written by Myst6re
Utilities Include:
  • LGP - Object for working with LGP archives
  • LZS -  Object for working with LZS archives
Widgets (gui objects) Included:
  • ItemPreview - Show item data (only need its id)
  • ItemSelector - Widget for selected Items for your inventory
  • ItemList - inventory management widget
  • DialogPreivew -show prevew of the ff7 text dialog (or change its colors)
  • SlotPreview - Show Slot Preview using Description data (or show psx save info)
  • SlotSelect - Dialog for Selecting a Save Slot to view
  • MateriaEditor - View/Edit A Selected Materia
  • CharEditor - View/Edit a Character(wip)
  • OptionsWidget - View/Set All Game Options
  • DoubleCheckBox - 1 Label 2 Checkboxes.
  • PHSListWidget - Manage Visible/Locked PHS Entries
  • MenuListWidget - Manage Visible/Locked Menu Entries
  • ChocoEditor - Edit a Chocobos Data
  • ChocoboLabel - Stable Preview Widget. 
  • ChocoboManager  - Manage your Chocobs Easily
  • MetaDataCreator - Convert old saves to FF7 2012 Cloud Saves

Where is this going???
as i said currently most of the items are focused on save game stuff. but eventually we are planing to include EVERYTHING needed to provide a High Level toolkit for easy creation of cross platform tool for working with and modifing ff7

Where can i get it?

You can Get it Here
Documentation is here

The toolkit includes a small demo program so you can view the widgets. you only need qt to build the included demo program.

Good Idea How can i help?
help us code , provide info on formats, give us your exsisting code so we can port to Qt, etc. these are all ways you (the person already making an ff7 specific app) can help.i would love to see all of qhimm embrace this and have us not duplicate work on these tools ever again.[/list][/list]

Completely Unrelated / the war on generalized computers.
« on: 2012-01-02 14:20:36 »
i found this video on another forum i frequent and though that some members here might be intrested in watching it also

FF7 Tools / [FF7] Ubuntu/Debian repository for Tools
« on: 2011-06-03 17:41:22 »
I've Created a Little ppa repository for people using ubuntu or debian (or any ubuntu/debian derivitive, like mint or aptosid). has packages for lucid, maverick , natty and oneiric

 im hoping that other people will provide their source so that their tools can be added to the repository.

on an *buntu system you can easily add the repository using the command
Code: [Select]
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sithlord48/ff7
if you don't use ubuntu you will want to add the deb lines. (see the link above for them) it does not matter what your say your version is any should work.

currently there are these items in the repo:

im hoping more developers will let me package up their tools and add them to the repo.

  There is now a Daily ppa that will build every time the code changes in our version control software.
This will make it way easier for people to test the programs in the repo before stable versions are released.

The ff7-daily ppa can be added by using the command
Code: [Select]
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sithlord48/ff7-dailyweb page :

It will Contain Daily Builds Of:(perhpas sometimes they will be broken,So Testers Be Aware)


Completely Unrelated / SKYNET!
« on: 2011-04-21 13:33:47 »
Skynet was now implemented on April 19, 2011 and will begin its attack against humanity on April 21.

today is the day that skynet will kill us all... just thought i would put that out there.

« on: 2010-12-12 19:22:25 »
I just want to inform everyone that when you upload files to the repo be sure that they are all in the proper case (almost always lowercase). If they are not in the proper case they will not work on unix based machines (mac os also). i will be correcting the naming in the uploaded files. again be sure you use a lower case filename and extention. This does not apply to the textures in the modpath ONLY files that are ment to be place into .lgp files

FF7 Tools / [PSX/PC] Save Editor - Black Chocobo (v1.16)
« on: 2010-04-02 16:08:36 »
Black Chocobo

Black Chocobo is a Final Fantasy 7 save game editor written in Qt. Available for Windows, Linux + Mac Os. A Full Featured Save Editor

Current Features
  • Open All Kinds Of FF7 Saves ,PC, Psx ,Emulator Formats PS3, PSP, Switch
  • Will automatically detect 2012 steam saves and update your metadata.xml
  • Automatic Signing of ps3 and psp / psvita files
  • New Game + from your old saves
  • Import/Export Character stat files
  • Convert FF7 Save Game Formats And Regions.
  • Extract Non FF7 Saves From memcard images
  • Slot Management Copy/Paste and Import slots to Saves
  • Edit Chars, Chocobo, Items/Materia
  • Edit: In-Game Options
  • Edit:Quest Progression
  • Set Chars In The PHS pool (bring aeris back or have a cloudless party)
  • Edit your save location
  • Currently in 6 languages. English , Spanish , French, German, Polish and Japanese.
  • Edit Achievements for 2012/Steam versions

The "Continuous" Release is recommended for all users


Project Links
User Manual (Historical Only, Needs Updating)
Change Log (Historical Only)
Support this project

Comments , suggestions, help , always welcome :)

Troubleshooting / Running FFVII in WINE (Linux)
« on: 2010-03-28 15:02:01 »
hey every one i got ff7 working  via wine on kubuntu (8.10-10.10) and it should also apply to other gnu/linux distros. getting ff7 to work with wine requires some 3rd party patches that will be provided, via an external links, and you will NEED a retail copy of the disks to play on your computer!
Why make this ??
FF7 is an awesome Game and IMHO one of (if not the) best rpg's of all time and i am very happy to be able to help everyone get it working with wine so we can all play it again(and maybe for the first time), and since this requires some extra work, i have created a guide so that all of us who bought this game for the pc (and some of us even after already having it for the psx.). can finally use the game with linux,(maybe even mac os via darwine).

Getting FF7 To Work In Wine on Kubuntu 9.04

Before We Get Started You Will Need to have a few things installed and some ff7 tools gathered
Things you will need, and where to get them
1.A copy of Final Fantasy 7 For The PC.

I am not sure if you can find it on a store shelf any more, but I would look on ebay if you don't have a copy. You will need these disks not only to install but also to play the game.
2.Wine installed. On your machine
   You don't need to worry about configuring wine much yet (other then mapping your cdrom as D:\ ). But just install it from the wine repo
info on how to install wine can be found here . Find your distro and follow the instructions to install wine on your machine (kubuntu users use ubuntu instructions)
I current have wine 1.1.27 installed at time of writing

3.Winetools , a helper script.(included with newer wine versions)
   You will need wine tools to install some of the dependencies of FF7 and for dependencies for some of the patches you NEED to apply (also for optional stuff) You can get winetools from here extract the archive and place winetools in your /home folder.

4.A Few Extra Items..
FF7 will need these in order to run on linux, a HUGE thanks to everyone in these and other ff7 projects.
 FF7 1.02 Update (Link removed; domain was sniped and replaced with spam. ~Covarr)
    aali's open gl Driver


Step 1: Pre Install Setup.
INSTALL YOUR VIDEO CARD DRIVERS! , this process depends greatly on your video card, some of you may have no drivers to install basicly if you can run glxgears you can play ff7
Open konsole and cd ~/
Code: [Select]
sh winetricksthis will open a gui you will need to install by selecting and clicking ok the following (one at a time is good in case of errors try again)
   ffdshow (use defaults and allow for all programs when asked for video and audio)
   mfc42 (unsure of this as a requirement try with out it first install if needed, please comment)
   I might have missed a few vcrun2005 comes to mind.

Step 2: Install FF7
pop in you install cd and install as normal uncheck run ff7 config after install when prompted.

Step 3: Post Install Modding for Wine Compatibility
 this step is VERY  easy install aali's driver by coping the contents of the archive he provieds to your ff7 install dir, then running his moded ff7config.exe
you may also want to check out the ff7_opengl.cfg  file to set your res and a few other options. You do not have to make any changes to the cfg if you don't want to.

Step 5: life sucks with out background music. Here we have two choices!

***New version of aali's driver support background music in ogg format . see here for music****
1.NATIVE MIDI. (timidy is useful if you want this consult your distros docs for info on setting it up)
1a.Open up ff7config.exe and set your midi device to timidy port0 (there are quite a few if 0 don't work try others)
1b.then set the midi mode to yamaha XG midi (cause it sounds better) the test button.
be warned this can be buggy!
2a, go grab covarrs installer and be sure to use ogg as your output since it seams to work better with wine. (the newer installer does this by default.)

Step 6: Getting the wine sound to work (if it didn't the first time)
Open  the wine config tool
a. click the audio tab
check off alsa and test sound. If it works hit apply and ok if not try other sound output until you get one that works.

Step 7:  Run the game!

   Put disk one in you cd drive
for midi bkround music users : run ff7.exe
for  ff7music users run ficedula/ff7music.exe
and click run ff7 , if all goes well it should start up …
you may have to fiddle with settings to get ff7music to work  (covarrs installer , has helped this alot!)
Using this set up I can get ff7 to play so far perfectly! ,very few times the bkmusic will stop for a few seconds here and there but will start backup. Also very few times the screen will go black (had a sleep timer on my display , oops.)


NOTE: if you have kubuntu 10.10, and you have tried to fix the sound effects but still can't get them to work(but ff7 music does) then you will have to install a pulseaudio enabled version of wine please use google to search for winepulse and you should find the proper PPA easily. Or you can remove pulseaudio (my perfered way to fix)

for more info on tool and mod compatibility (or to provide some) please see this thread
ff7 related  tools and mods with wine

- I've split this out into its own topic, and stickied. It seemed to deserve the attention. - Bosola

Bosola you have broken links in other threads please correct the link in the thread you split this from *KM's first post. (then remove this and above note plz :D)

FF7 Tools / [FF7] lgp tools multi installer (1.0)
« on: 2010-02-27 22:48:19 »
hey everyone, i have just finished making a few installers for compiled versions of aali based lgp tools.
right now version of the tools are:

       windows:(nullsoft installer)
             windows installer should work on most windows versions from xp (currently 32 bit binary).
       linux:(auto detecting install script)
           32bit (i386 and i686 optimized versions)
           ppc (not perfect yet be will be worked on soon)
      compile for mac os X (ppc and intel) and create installer for mac os.
      64-bit windows version and installer for it

A bit thanks to aali for the lgp codebase as a good starting point (all hail the mighty aali)

everyone is welcome to install and test.. please provide feed back !!!!

you can get it from : [well no where as the link is dead]

I have created this thread to have a place to discuss the use of FF7 and different customizing tools with wine,
this can not only apply to linux,freebsd and solaris but mac os using darwine, and newer versions of windows (i.e vista) using wine for compatibility mode. Topic would be to include: Programs related to FF7 and it's moding and customizing On wine , what works, what needs to be installed to make it.

if you don't have wine and would like to use it you can get it from
Wine On Linux ,Freebsd or Solaris
Wine On Mac Os X
Wine On Windows

note: results are from mixed wine version some as old as wine 1.1 . if you notice a program needing updating please report it to me .

Final Fantasy 7 And Wine
FF7 From a Clean Install Does Not Run On wine please see this post for set up info:

My Quick Set up guide (link fixed)
Mods(with installers)
saints hi-res mode: OK!
NPC Res. Project: made files ok but needed Special attn(see:Tools->Lgptools)
Team Avalanche GUI (beta 9): OK!
Final Fantasy VII Phoenix Rejuvenation Project: OK!
Covarr's FF7 Music Installer: OK! (use this for ff7 music)
FF7 Tools

Lgptools:MOSTLY! (better off compiling aali's on linux)
             does everything but make an lgp file, Use aali's lgp/unlgp instead
             Error:To many files

aali's lgp /unlgp:OK!
              works very good if you compile it (i created an installer for this with both a win32 and linux versions. see here)

               Can not get it to run after getting runtime needed (vb6run w/ winetricks)
               Runtime Error '-2147417848 (80010108)': Automation Error
               wine spits out errors fixme errors.
         Causes a crash reporting errors in gdiplus and gdi32 (with gdiplus from winetricks)

           Runs Major Gui Issues (.net 3.5 needed)
Biturn: OK!
         Not sure if its needs anything special but it just ran when i got to testing it

         Not Sure if it needs anything special but it just ran when i got to testing it.

         can't run a .bat file... perhaps i am just unaware of how to do so w/ wine (try to run it from the wine CMD program might work )

Save Editors

Jenovia: OK!
        works fine w/ wine might needs vc run time 6 installed first.

FF7charedit: OK!
        Worked when i got to testing it

FF7saveedit "german save editor": OK, w/gfx glitches!
         Worked when i got to testig it, had to minimize and restore window to fix some display issues.

Black Chocobo:OK!
         Works just fine nothing special needed in wine (native versions for linux/mac also)


7th Heaven  - MOSTLY BROKEN
        This program is by Iros and is fairly new (v 1.021 tested), its a simple mod manager that can download and manage mods in ff7 in a similar way that aali's driver does. using 7thHeaven to mod the game does not edit the orringal files but instead uses an injection method to intercept calls from FF7 to the lgp files and provide new resources. This is a really cool idea and may become the defacto install method for future mods in FF7 PC. it saddens me that its mostly broken atm (hopefully this will improve as the program becomes more stable and wine improves )

        Requires: VC++ 2010 Runtimes and MSVCR100D.DLL and MSVCP100D.DLL to run.
        what works:
       the gui comes up
       Settings are detected correctly (other then assuming the modpath of bootleg)
       subscriptions can be updated but takes unNaturally long time to proform the update (around 5 min) download box does not autoclose (could be normal behavor for the earily version tested)

        what does not:
         Unable to Download mods , attempting gets instant Download failed in notification section. Gui Is a bit mangled box titles are shifted up to high and other little things like that. The download box does not show any progress while updating subscriptions.

        Did not test local mods or launching because i was unable to download them via the program and it will not launch ff7 without mods enabled (i suspect it will launch just fine if you did get mods installed)


Well this is all i have Tested for now, i will update when i get more info


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