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Messages - Vordane

Pages: [1]
I have been testing out some changes with this editor.  I want to make the Bahamut Zero summon hit more than once, but the multiple hits option doesn't seem to be working.  Has anyone added multiple hits to a summon before?  I would prefer it to quickly show around 4 hits of text, like meteor rain does.  The summoning animation is probably part of the issue.

The final issue was an .xml issue, but Scarlet's hex conversion worked and the FF7.exe was updated like I wanted.  Thanks for creating this editor.  I have worked a little with hex editors but still don't understand how the data locations change after the program is executed.

I have been searching the forums like crazy for more information and somehow I never saw the Scarlet post.  This should be very helpful!  I tried it out last night and although I think it did everything I needed, I am probably not doing something correct with the loading of the hext files.  I am trying to make some small changes to the ff7.exe file, but 7th Heaven isn't executing my changes in the hext file.  I pack the hext file and hext folder in an .iro file.  It shows up in the mod list, but still no changes.  So possibly an .xml issue?  Thanks!

FF7 Tools / Re: [PSX/PC] LImit BReak Editor (Version 0.3)
« on: 2024-08-22 05:36:39 »
What is the best way to make these FF7.exe edits work with 7th Heaven?  I think the only way is to convert the changes to a hext file, but not sure the easiest way to do that.

If I make edits to FF7.exe with the limit break editor (Libre), would this allow me to create a hext file of those changes?

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