{change key-held to key-press
6D8D3A = A1 E0 85 9A 00 25 00 01 00 00 90 90 90
6D94C2 = A1 E0 85 9A 00 83 E0 20 90 90
6DB39C = A1 E0 85 9A 00 83 E0 20 90 90
This changes the battle keys so that you cannot hold Action to continually attack - and stops the help menu flicking on and off repeatedly when holding select, which irritated the life out of me.
I had a look at Quake 3 issue with the bad texture, but this doesn't happen for me with Aali's driver. Either it's caused by the option in Aali's driver not using more texture memory, or a similar issue with Steam version. If Steam, it won't be getting fixed.