Author Topic: Trump president now!  (Read 38914 times)


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Trump president now!
« on: 2017-01-20 17:08:09 »
Today is a day of celebration. I must say I loved Trump's speech, it really appeals to everything I've felt in my heart since a young age - maybe it wasn't as great or as powerful as the RNC speech where he initially proposed Americianism over globalism but it's good enough - it definitely had a "for the people" feel!

It's a shame that people can't make the connection between a Trump administration and say, good video games and movies. The fact that good culture produces good movies/games is something no-one really thinks about. There's too much garbage in terms of media. All good games/movies stem from nationalist themes IMO. This is really great in terms of content that will be produced.. without that horrid PC democrat stranglehold on all things..

I'm actually optimistic about the future for a change. Good day people!


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #1 on: 2017-01-20 17:42:17 »
Yeah, really happy for the American people that they've chosen to leave the policies of Obama behind and not follow Europe into the dust.  Putting your own people's safety and prosperity first is what all good leaders do. America gets no thanks when it does things right and a lot of hate when it does things wrong.

Trump is pulling the plug.  It's so refreshing to see a population stand up against the blatant Leftist propaganda in the media too. Meanwhile, the tolerant left continue to burn and wreck and riot.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #2 on: 2017-01-20 18:44:44 »
Yeah, really happy for the American people that they've chosen to leave the policies of Obama behind and not follow Europe into the dust.  Putting your own people's safety and prosperity first is what all good leaders do. America gets no thanks when it does things right and a lot of hate when it does things wrong.

Trump is pulling the plug.  It's so refreshing to see a population stand up against the blatant Leftist propaganda in the media too. Meanwhile, the tolerant left continue to burn and wreck and riot.
As the strongest country in the world, I'd say it's a clear signal for the rest of the world about where the future is heading. Trump's support is far higher than being reported, I would compare those tolerant protestors to um, dying gasps...

I guess other than a portion of countries in the Middle East (funding the leftists) and the Chinese (who perhaps just realized the left put them on easy street to world domination), the RoW is mostly with Trump.

The left can only rule by subversion and deceit (i.e. distortion of the truth), and they've been busted on that.. I'm sure those people protesting will quickly become the dregs of society. The question is if we should put the screw on them like they tried to put the screw on us the last 30 years, just to make sure it doesn't ever happen again..

And of course the title of this thread is a play on Anthony Cumia's hilarious "Obama president now!" rant. :) Now we can say.. "Trump president nao!"


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #3 on: 2017-01-20 19:09:57 »
I wish I could have the same optimism you two have, I love everything Trump says, but he's got too many connections to the same people he criticizes. My guess is he'll be another Bush, basically another Democrat/Communist-Lite. That being said, we knew Hillary Clinton was evil, at least Trump is an unknown factor, I'd love if I was wrong about him and he actually meant what he says.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #4 on: 2017-01-20 19:49:26 »
My 2 cents?  It's going to be more of the same.  It always is.  And likely always will be until World War 3.  You know who will benefit from Trump's policies?  The upper class.  You know who won't?  The middle and lower class, as always.  The rich will get richer. The poorer will get poorer, and freedoms will continue to erode right in step with the ocean's reefs.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #5 on: 2017-01-20 21:29:47 »
I wish I could have the same optimism you two have, I love everything Trump says, but he's got too many connections to the same people he criticizes. My guess is he'll be another Bush, basically another Democrat/Communist-Lite. That being said, we knew Hillary Clinton was evil, at least Trump is an unknown factor, I'd love if I was wrong about him and he actually meant what he says.
I'd be surprised since everything suggests the opposite. It's a soft coup against the exisiting world order. Soft coup usually involves not killing/overthrowing existing people.

And if you mean how he was chummy with Obama at the inauguration - well, yeah I bet all the US presidents probably have a pact like, don't mess legally with each other... I can understand that as it seriously affects the stability of the country. At least he didn't hold back in terms of saying how Obama's reign of terror sucked in his speech. Obama even said good job after his speech ROFL. He don't give a crap either haha, democrats are a joke.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #6 on: 2017-01-20 22:04:04 »

Pre-emptive (and hopefully unnecessary) warning: Keep it civil. This thread is off to a perfectly fine start, but as with all political threads, I'll be keeping an eye on this one and it's subject to immediate closing if I see it getting out of hand. ~Covarr


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #7 on: 2017-01-20 22:19:05 »

Pre-emptive (and hopefully unnecessary) warning: Keep it civil. This thread is off to a perfectly fine start, but as with all political threads, I'll be keeping an eye on this one and it's subject to immediate closing if I see it getting out of hand. ~Covarr
I did notice the other threads so I tried to be careful :P

As for the protest stuff, this pic about sums it up.. Sad!


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #8 on: 2017-01-21 07:28:02 »
My 2 cents?  It's going to be more of the same.  It always is.  And likely always will be until World War 3.  You know who will benefit from Trump's policies?  The upper class.  You know who won't?  The middle and lower class, as always.  The rich will get richer. The poorer will get poorer, and freedoms will continue to erode right in step with the ocean's reefs.

Pretty much this, I'll just add World War 3 will be inflicted upon us as a final way for the globalists to cement their power to promise to end all wars by turning us into "global citizens" IE slaves, cogs in the machine. The west died long ago with World War 1, freedoms were eroded and we got the league of nations and a promise of no more wars, then world war 2 came and the globalists won yet and profited once again, bailing out their banker friends who were in serious trouble, creating that infamous illegal state and sanctuary for them, and giving us the horrible league of nations, followed in WW2 by the United Nations and the birth of modern liberalism. World War 3 will be the final toll of the bell for the West, because we failed to heed the past and listen to the wisdom of our ancestors, like Tolkien's Numenorians, literally men of the west, we will fade away under the malice and power of evil in this world. Also like Tolkien's Numenorians our fall is largely of our own making, instigated by treasonous outsiders to be sure, but the blame lies on the traitors within our midst the "Black Numenorians". I think Tolkien was ahead of his time and saw the writing on the wall, he fought in World War 1 and lived to see World War 2, he was probably familiar with Oswald Spengler's Death of the West and he was certainly familiar with Hesiod's Ages of Men, and Norse and Hindu cycle of ages.

Cicero 2,000 years ago "“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

Nothing has changed, World War 3 will usher in the end of freedom and the beginning of open rule by the globalist cabal. My opinion? Let the world and more specifically the west burn, it deserves its fate for ignoring the wisdom of its ancestors and for failing to see that it was being played by its ancient enemies. Like how Sauron the deciever played the Numenorians through lies and propaganda, and through promises of wealth and power these enemies would not have won if not for the traitors in our midst and their greed for power. 

Like a forest that must periodically burn to grow stronger and healthy so too does this world and its peoples. Let them lie in the bed that they are making.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-21 07:35:30 by olearyf2525 »


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #9 on: 2017-01-21 07:34:14 »
I disagree.  If you go online and read all the Leftist posts, they are very unhappy because his speech and his deeds already show he is going to do much of what he said he would. Also WW3 is jumping the gun just a tad.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #10 on: 2017-01-21 10:11:08 »


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #11 on: 2017-01-21 16:14:02 »
Pretty much this, I'll just add World War 3 will be inflicted upon us as a final way for the globalists to cement their power to promise to end all wars by turning us into "global citizens" IE slaves, cogs in the machine. The west died long ago with World War 1, freedoms were eroded and we got the league of nations and a promise of no more wars, then world war 2 came and the globalists won yet and profited once again, bailing out their banker friends who were in serious trouble, creating that infamous illegal state and sanctuary for them, and giving us the horrible league of nations, followed in WW2 by the United Nations and the birth of modern liberalism. World War 3 will be the final toll of the bell for the West, because we failed to heed the past and listen to the wisdom of our ancestors, like Tolkien's Numenorians, literally men of the west, we will fade away under the malice and power of evil in this world. Also like Tolkien's Numenorians our fall is largely of our own making, instigated by treasonous outsiders to be sure, but the blame lies on the traitors within our midst the "Black Numenorians". I think Tolkien was ahead of his time and saw the writing on the wall, he fought in World War 1 and lived to see World War 2, he was probably familiar with Oswald Spengler's Death of the West and he was certainly familiar with Hesiod's Ages of Men, and Norse and Hindu cycle of ages.

Cicero 2,000 years ago "“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

Nothing has changed, World War 3 will usher in the end of freedom and the beginning of open rule by the globalist cabal. My opinion? Let the world and more specifically the west burn, it deserves its fate for ignoring the wisdom of its ancestors and for failing to see that it was being played by its ancient enemies. Like how Sauron the deciever played the Numenorians through lies and propaganda, and through promises of wealth and power these enemies would not have won if not for the traitors in our midst and their greed for power. 

Like a forest that must periodically burn to grow stronger and healthy so too does this world and its peoples. Let them lie in the bed that they are making.
Hmm, well I'd agree that there's a possiblity someone will do something stupid to somehow "prove" Trump is not a good president. We all know how places like CNN work - cat is run over by car - add trump to the headline - cat is run over by car, trump - and now it becomes part of their groupthink circles that Trump killed a cat and anyone who says otherwise is a nazi. I think that's how that Pence hating gay people thing started. So far Trump says he is using twitter to defend himself against this, but I hope he has other solutions up his sleeve for that crap.

I think you overestimate their ability as well, these people are loosely organised into all sorts of weird organisations that hate each other but can agree on voting for the most scumbag candidate - about the limit of their ability is "maybe" holding a sign in public. They're not that brave/organised when people are onto their crap, mostly because their agenda doesn't even make sense (like that protestor guy on TV who says he wanted to live under Stalin and go to Russia, even though he is protesting against Trump/Russia). Most decent people will eventually see there is no benefit to acting like a protesting lunatic while other countries around them become more prosperous. We already see this kind of thing with reduced tourism to Europe from Asia and such.. eventually it will hit home and things will change, I think. It must start with them admitting they were wrong - something which will be difficult for them - reminds me of a tweet by a certain Fallout NV designer "refuse the urge to be introspective, Trump is wrong" or some garbage like that. Had me splitting my sides ;)
Yep, infowars has been great this election cycle. I watched it all day on election night, good memories! I love 'em!


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #12 on: 2017-01-21 17:09:24 »
Real life gave House of Cards a real run for its money plot-wise this past year.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #13 on: 2017-01-21 20:23:11 »
We need more "celebrities" like Piers Morgan (never thought I'd say that) :D


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #14 on: 2017-01-22 04:21:13 »
Nah, Piers Morgan is an egotistical opportunist.  He just follows which way the wind blows and is gutless on topics that matter.  You won't see him protesting Saudi women's rights, or the paedophile Muslim gangs of the UK, or Sharia.  He just wants to be someone and make money.  He's slime.  Not as slimy as a lot on the left - but he's someone the Right need to chuck away.  He does us no favours.  Also, he is against the 2nd amendment.

Got owned by Shapiro:

Piers actually rigged this up by bringing a kid in a wheelchair (from a  shooting), ready to play the emotional card and make Shapiro look evil - but Shapiro saw right through it and blew him away.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-22 04:24:34 by DLPB »


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #15 on: 2017-01-22 13:18:51 »
Nah, Piers Morgan is an egotistical opportunist.  He just follows which way the wind blows and is gutless on topics that matter.  You won't see him protesting Saudi women's rights, or the paedophile Muslim gangs of the UK, or Sharia.  He just wants to be someone and make money.  He's slime.  Not as slimy as a lot on the left - but he's someone the Right need to chuck away.  He does us no favours.  Also, he is against the 2nd amendment.

Got owned by Shapiro:

Piers actually rigged this up by bringing a kid in a wheelchair (from a  shooting), ready to play the emotional card and make Shapiro look evil - but Shapiro saw right through it and blew him away.
I think he got owned more by Alex Jones than Shapiro :D But yeah, I know what you're saying. I do find 2nd amendment people far easier to deal with than other types though.. He was also retweeting Paul Joseph Watson a moment ago.. quite surprising.

Shapiro is too anti-Trump for my liking .. but he does make some good points from time to time. A bit of a man-child though (that whole "turd tornado" thing) :D


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #16 on: 2017-01-22 13:40:31 »
Well, Shapiro's big problem is he puts way too much stock into his religion, judaism.  He sees Trump as a "fake Republican" but fails to see that's why so many like him - because he is neither dem nor republican. He's just a guy who is far more honest than most politicians and wants the best for his country.  But in Shapiro's eyes, if you aren't praying every day, you're not welcome to the club. He called the election totally wrong too.  He's still a great guy,, but I do think religion blinds him on a few issues.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #17 on: 2017-01-22 23:23:13 »
Heh, according to some little birdies, Trump may help with releasing disruptive technologies that the US government has been hoarding... Something Trump sort of mentioned in the speech which I thought was just some packing fluff about the future. I don't know how that will happen but it makes me feel other patriots are stepping into the game now Trump is president. Next 4 years are going to be interesting!


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #18 on: 2017-01-24 19:06:37 »
« Last Edit: 2017-01-24 19:09:22 by DLPB »


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #19 on: 2017-01-25 20:57:42 »

Says it all - assuming this is a good source. If true, it's terrible.
I never realized Trump would do everything in his first week. Holy shit :P I guess that's what happens when someone who isn't a puppet to others gets into power. He's in it to win, definitely..


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #20 on: 2017-01-25 21:07:26 »
I think Obama and the Dems need to be investigated. They are clearly treasonous.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #21 on: 2017-01-26 05:10:00 »
And yet, Trump is going to waste most of our tax dollars on a completely ineffectual wall between US and Mexico.

He also wants to increase torture, specifically waterboarding, because he's asking people who agree with him if it's effective even though more than half of "intel" gathered from torture is false.

I think we were left with a terrible decision on election day: a scheming politician or an ignorant egotist. Either way, we lost.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #22 on: 2017-01-26 05:33:36 »
And apparently his investigation into all of those "illegal" voters will only be happening in states he lost.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #23 on: 2017-01-26 05:59:35 »
And apparently his investigation into all of those "illegal" voters will only be happening in states he lost.

It's almost as if he was trying to silence political dissidence.  You know, the sort of thing a fucking Fascist would do.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #24 on: 2017-01-26 12:42:36 »
And yet, Trump is going to waste most of our tax dollars on a completely ineffectual wall between US and Mexico.

He also wants to increase torture, specifically waterboarding, because he's asking people who agree with him if it's effective even though more than half of "intel" gathered from torture is false.

I think we were left with a terrible decision on election day: a scheming politician or an ignorant egotist. Either way, we lost.

Why not effective?  I think it's got to be more effective than having nothing there, like the Dems want. Also, why no indignation to the fact Obama and co send off billions of your tax dollars abroad, something Trump is putting an end to - starting with that disgusting 200 million pay off to a terrorist state called Palestine. If Trump didn't build a wall, I am pretty sure that would be worse. That was his biggest election promise.

I don't support torture BUT I also find it hard to feel sorry for people like the gitmo lot. Personally, I wouldn't capture them.  They aren't protected under the Geneva convention, because they don't obey its rules or wear a uniform.  I'd shoot them dead on any battlefield.

Trump also said the Iraq war was the worst decision in US history. And pulling out the way the US did almost as a bad. He's right on that ;)

It isn't like Trump was voted in to be liberal. He was voted in to stop things like this:
« Last Edit: 2017-01-26 15:55:58 by DLPB »