Yes, I have a lot of respect for Mike and Casen, and I greatly enjoyed their analysis. Every point they discussed was one that I am already intimately familiar with (as well as many they didn't mention), and I have attempted to address them in some way with my mod.
For example, I have given special attention to the messaging (or lack of messaging) in the intro cinematic, and have developed a more coherent theme throughout the story, one that focuses on the conflict between Squall and Seifer, and between Edea and Rinoa. I have also provided numerous call-backs to the dialogue in the intro, in order to provide greater context and significance of those words as they related to Squall and Rinoa's relationship.
Regarding the characterization, I agree, in the original the characters are very well realized (with the possible exception of Irvine, who was poorly introduced). The unique personalities of the main cast was possibly the most enjoyable thing about creating this mod, and I have done my best to retain and elevate that aspect.
The main problem with this story was never its characters in general, but how disconnected they were from the plot and setting (a point that Resonant Arc drove home). And that is perhaps the greatest thing I have improved. The motivation of the characters from scene to scene is now far more natural, and the decisions they make have far more justification, set-up, and payoff.
Beyond that, I have also raise the apparent maturity level of every single character in the game. While the original felt a bit like a story about teenagers, aimed at adolescents, my version feels more like a story about exceptional and surprisingly mature late teenagers, aimed at 20+ year-olds. The best way to harmonize the setting with the characters was to assume that the main cast were gifted children, and nowhere near 'typical teenagers', with the possible exception of Rinoa. This results in the tone of the entire story feeling closer to college level rather than adolescent level.
But, be warned that I have made several strident changes to a select few characters. Seifer, Rinoa, and Cid have been altered the most from their vanilla characters. I have very good reasons for this, however. And so far, it seems that everyone who has played this mod highly approves of those changes.